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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Level 18 Linebacker
Want to build an OLB/pass rushing LB

Physical Attributes:

Strength 23.64
Speed 75.25 (raw 62.25)
Agility 52.64 (raw 49.64)
Jumping: 14.25

Mental Attributes:

Stamina 21.64
Vision 18.64
Confidence 19.64

Football Skills:

Blocking 14.25
Tackling 35.64 (raw 33.64)
Throwing 8
Carrying 8
Punting 8
Catching 14.25
Kicking 8


Snarl 1
Aura of Int 1
Diving Tackle 1
Monster hit 1
General Defense 0

Trash Talk 2 (raw 1)
The Glare 3 (raw 1)
Shed Block 3 (raw 2)
Swat Ball 2 (raw 1)
Big Sack 3 (raw 2)

I am trying to get agility to the next cap and right now i am training vision and confidence.
Is Vision more important or confidence?

i Think i did some $hit with the SAs, its my first player

maybe you can give me some help!
Edited by on Jun 24, 2009 15:30:02

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