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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > Rate my Level 58
Strength: 22.99
Speed: 103.74
Agility: 64.29
Jumping: 57.21
Stamina: 50.62
Vision: 67.96
Confidence: 46.83

Tackling: 43.39
Catching: 47.01
Carrying: 19.99

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 8
Sticky Hands: 7
Superior Vision: 8
Smooth Operator: 5
Shutdown Coverage: 8

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 4
Change Direction: 5
Return Specialist: 0
Blitz: 0
Closing Speed: 0

Veteran Abilities
Ball Hawk: 15
Clutch: 10
Motiv. Speaker: 2
Streaky: 15

Thanks in advance! Judgin from other posts in this forum, Im assuming i need to work on strength?
JD Cuda
Yeah, other than the strength, the build looks good to me.
Agility could use a little boost too, because 103 spd / 64 agi seems like a big gap.

Interested in seeing how Clutch and Streaky work out for you.
Clutch is so vague, but it's great that it triggers on the main passing downs.
I don't have the balls to invest in Streaky for fear that the 20% of the time I have bad days, I'll screw the team, haha.
Thanks for the input. This is the first season that ill be trying out Streaky... i figure 4 out of 5 games with that boost will be nice!
I agree with the spd/agil gap. I ran with 106/75 last year, and just switched it to 99/81 and I saw a major difference in the scrimmage games.

If you can switch some eq around and get it to 97/70 - you may want to test it out.

Str. is a minor concern, but, I'd be more focused on getting the agility into the upper 70's however you can.

But, the vision and your SA's are spot on!

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