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Octowned's Pass Blocking LOT Guide

This guide is a rush-cap guide to maximize cap value. It uses a few tactics such as sitting out and cashing in bonus tokens for skill points.

It is the most long-term guide I have written. If you don't want to be slow/blind etc at level 40 go find another guide. And never be an elite OT.

I use a lot of training at 49. You'll find that in the end, we are training things at high value (<33 or at 49-53) all the way through level 55. Whoa! Slick...

Roll advice: All 8s in jumping, throwing, catching, carrying, kicking, punting (speed is irrelevant). As low as possible in Vision and Confidence.

General advice: Always leave the training bar full until the last cap you make. Then train once on normal to fill the bar for a +1 at high value.


1) Train Strength + Blocking until level 6 without a team. They should train to 30+. Cap both to 49.0.
Join a team whenever you want, just be sure you can train up to 30+ by the time level 6 rolls around.
If you don't join a team, make the double-cap at level 8 after training to 30+. Due to capping later, you will not need to cash-in Bonus Tokens later in this guide, however count on adding "2" to every level you see from here on out as a result.

2) Train Strength + Blocking until level 9, now on a team. Cap Strength to 61.2
Level 6: 49.0, Level 9: 50.2. Train it full for 51.2. Hopefully you had leftovers, else use bonus tokens to get the SP needed.

3) Train Blocking + Agility until level 12. Cap Blocking at 61.4
Level 9: 50.2, Level 12: 51.4. Trained full twice for 53.4. Cost 16 SP, 3 levels, so use some BTs or maybe you had leftover.

4) Train Agility + Vision until level 15. Cap Strength at 68.6
Level 9: 61.2, Level 15: 63.6. 3 levels = 15SP, so 68.6

5) Train Agility + Vision until level 18. Cap Blocking at 68.8
Level 12: 61.4, Level 18: 63.8. 3 levels = 15SP, so 68.8
notice every single cap we have made so far is exactly using all of our SP and is one level before the decimal crosses the relevant caps of .07, .51 and .97. Now do you see why I advised to sit out and cash-in? Things have been VERY slick so far...

6) Train Agility + Vision until level 21. Cap Strength at 74.0
Level 15: 68.6, Level 21: 71, 15 SP (only need 12) = 74.0
Oh hey look, the cap is .2, we made it just in time... I TOLD YOU TO SIT OUT lol

** Once Agility reaches 34 you might as well stop. I'm not sure when that will happen. If it has happened, switch training to Vision + Confidence

7) Train Agility + Vision until level 24. Cap Blocking at 73.9
Level 18: 68.8, Level 24: 70.9, ~5SP leftover
Okay finally, we have some leeway here. Going to agility first isn't going to help us much, even though we are capping blocking prematurely, if we went to agility we'd miss the cap on blocking.

** I'm going to ditch the decimals from here on out, as I've made my point already about capping right before decimals cross over. From here on out, it is a bit hard to predict training, SP, etc., levels anyway.

8) Train Vision + Confidence. Cap Agility at 49.xx (~level 26)
Yeah, if you trained to 34, had 5SP leftover, you only need 2 levels for this

9) Train Agility + Speed. Cap Agility at 60.xx (~level 30)
Once again training a capped attribute for high value. We need the speed training time anyway.

10) Train Vision + Confidence. Cap Agility at 68.xx (~level 34)
Vision should be around 34 by now.

11) Train Speed + Stamina. Cap Agility at 73.xx (~level 38)
Confidence probably is still in the 20s, but speed is falling behind stamina so fast we can't let it fade. Also use this opportunity to shop, and use speed to shop and bring speed toward the level of stamina so the training pair goes perfectly toward 34 together.

12) Train Speed + Stamina. Cap Vision at 49.xx (~level 41)

13) Train Speed + Stamina. Cap Speed at 49.xx (~level 44)
This might need to wait a while, if speed hasn't gotten enough training time. It should be OK though

14) Train Vision + Confidence.
Once again, training something that is capped. And now finally we can bring confidence from the 20s into 30s.


Remaining caps: Speed to 60, Vision to 60, Confidence to 49, Confidence to 60, Stamina to 49
Remaining training ideas: Speed + Stamina after capping speed, even if stamina is in the 30s already. Vision + Confidence after both are capped to reduce cost of going to 60.

SAs: 1-1-1-2-4 in the top tree, and then find an AEQ of "protect." 4 base + 4 AEQ (level 40) + 1 custom should be fine.
If you want another AEQ piece, you'll get the best value doing something like +% hold block chance, pass block, foundation, shock block, but make sure they come with a good +2 to a stat as these SAs don't have a lot of value on their own and you only took the base to 1. Heck, you might get better value just cashing the bonus tokens, really the SAs aren't good and the value is NOT THERE to get a second protect piece.

VAs: Pass Blocker, +0.5% Blocking are your first options. Things will probably change so much by the time you've finished these that I wont comment further.

What about first step/quick cut? I don't like these unless you get two pieces (would you pay 8 upgrades = 16 skill points for 4 in an SA (hint: no)), and because we have a piece on protect, SKIP THESE

Personal opinion:

14) Bring SAs to 1-1-1-2-4 (~level 47)
15) Bring Speed to 60 (~level 51)
16) Bring Stamina to 49 (~level 53)
Boy, vis/conf got a lot of training by now...
17) Bring vis/conf to 60 (~level 60)

Build analysis:

Level 60 base attributes:
Strength: 80
Blocking: 79
Agility: 76
Speed: 61
Vision: 61
Confidence: 61
Stamina: 50
SAs: 2-2-2-5-10

Now how about equipment?
Well, you got +7.5% on blocking, which is +6. At level 56, we have a lot of equipment to spread too...

How about something like...

Strength custom, 2 strength pieces, 1 blocking piece, 1 agility piece.
Normally I don't like to spread equipment thin like that, but at the LOT position I think a good balance of str/blk/agi is what wins the battle, not going uber-something.
That is +6 +9 +9 strength, +9 +6(from the VA) blocking, +9 agility, for....

Strength: 104
Blocking: 95
Agility: 85
Speed: 61
Vision: 61
Confidence: 61
Stamina: 50
SAs: 2-2-2-5-10

Clearly that equipment is up to you, if you'd prefer to see something else.

Bars (just for kicks)
Overall: 69
Blocking: 72


Closing thoughts:

This build was designed to get the best value on the big three attributes, and to perfectly abuse the caps. In my opinion, it is imperative that you sit out and use bonus tokens. Due to the lack of a second solid AEQ option, it might be best not to sit out at all, but rather use a LOT of bonus tokens to reach the caps, and just have one protect piece. Run the math yourself, the value isn't there for a second AEQ piece in this build unless you find something crazy.

If you are a traditionalist and prefer not to do this stuff, just ignore the levels in the guide...

Other than that I think it is pretty self-explanatory. If you are wary about the 73s, picture the above build with 4 less str/blk/agi at level 60, and ask yourself what the F are you going to do with 36 more skill points. I think the str/blk/agi are the best way to go about it, and you've got to do it early.
I disagree that there isn't a second solid AEQ option.

Maybe since you are 4th capping so much you don't need foundation. But on my LT that I third capped only on, I found that taking foundation from 2 to 8 made a significant improvement on his pass blocking, in particular, wrt to the way some DEs could get him moving side to side, or "bounce" against him and move him back to the QB.

Overall though this is great advice that has great value to many potential tackles.
How does strength being the #1 focus keep the LOT from getting burnt by the hi agility DE? Is this to be a run blocking LOT?
From the start of the build seeing how most DE need fast/agile for the outside run , the pitch out, all against very agile HB's and the all glorious sack, does focus on strength take away from agility/speed to stay with DE for most of the growth to the higher lvls?
I am curious as I have the above builds some what and didnt do speed or ag enough my older guys and they just got toasted for seasons. Later on as all the players get up into the 40 + area they start to equal.

After posting I saw this...but there are things that he will address now to help.
Edited by BRAWLER on Jun 17, 2009 06:38:38
Find me a 95 blocking 85 agility 60 speed OT getting burned by agility DEs and you'll have a case. 10 less on all accounts is doing fine right now, and strength is still king on the o-line in my opinion.
If you have low strength you won't be able to pass block. I'm learning that the hard way

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