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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Agility or Change Direction
My non-boosting KR has a choice as I map out his build for the rest of his career.

a. high agility
b. high change direction

Which would you go with? Anyone have experience experimenting with one over the other?
my lvl 56 KR/PR guy is 10 change direction and 80 agiity
so I say both =)
Edited by sp33hoops on Jun 14, 2009 11:57:10
Originally posted by sp33hoops
my lvl 56 KR/PR guy is 10 change direction and 80 agiity
so I say both =)

great advice buddy.

go high agility first. SA's work off the base attribute. if u have low agility, high CD is useless so get agility way high first then u can start putting more into CD
Originally posted by rlawrence
My non-boosting KR has a choice as I map out his build for the rest of his career.

a. high agility
b. high change direction

Which would you go with? Anyone have experience experimenting with one over the other?

High agility first, that way you get natural level gains from it. SAs don't naturally go up so you'll get more bang for your buck by getting agility up before you touch CD.

Actually if he's non-boosting, you might not even get to the point where you'd touch SAs. Just go pure attributes.
Okay, 1. He's non boosting. I have certain skills I must have at certain levels with this build. I don't have the option for both high agility and high CD (unless I want to sacrifice speed, vision, and carrying, which I don't want to do) For the same cost, I can choose:

A. 68 agility, no SAs
B. 60 agility, 5 FS, 8 CD

My question specifically deals with these choices. Does anyone have experience with the output of these 2 different builds?
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by rlawrence
Okay, 1. He's non boosting. I have certain skills I must have at certain levels with this build. I don't have the option for both high agility and high CD (unless I want to sacrifice speed, vision, and carrying, which I don't want to do) For the same cost, I can choose:

Well if you're not boosting then you can probably afford to make a 2nd player and find out for yourself

besides that, there isn't going to be one perfect answer. Some things work better at certain levels, and in certain divisions, and most importantly--against certain teams.

The best answer is probably somewhere in between, (or "both", as previously stated), maybe do something like 66A, 2FS, 4CD or something like that.

Originally posted by rlawrence
Okay, 1. He's non boosting. I have certain skills I must have at certain levels with this build. I don't have the option for both high agility and high CD (unless I want to sacrifice speed, vision, and carrying, which I don't want to do) For the same cost, I can choose:

A. 68 agility, no SAs
B. 60 agility, 5 FS, 8 CD

My question specifically deals with these choices. Does anyone have experience with the output of these 2 different builds?

My personal feeling is that when I have CD at 8+, I like to keep agility within 15-20 of my speed. Adjust accordingly.
agility first and find yourself a change direction AEQ
Originally posted by rlawrence
My non-boosting KR has a choice as I map out his build for the rest of his career.

a. high agility
b. high change direction

Which would you go with? Anyone have experience experimenting with one over the other?

agility to the 4 cap and then if you must build up change dir.
Is there a big difference between 9 CD and 10?

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