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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Lvl 11 Lb looking for advise
It's my first player and I'm looking for building advise so please rate me and give advise
Train strength and tackling until you are close to having enough SP to cap strength. Like say you are one level away, a couple games maybe. Train strength up to 90% or so, cap it, then train strength/tackling one more time. Then train tackling on normal, once or twice, to get it to 90%. Then train agility and vision while putting SP into tackling. Then cap agility. Then train jumping/vision and cap vision. Then go back and second cap whichever you choose, although speed would probably be the best choice.
my advice
speed to 60
agility to 60
than vision to 60
after that you can still add strength and tackling

You need to get to the point of attack before thinking about missed tackles
Not everyone will run straight at you

But that's just my opinon

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