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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > lvl 19 OT Help- Smith
I have a OT Lazy Andre Smith (Name change pending approval) I thought the build was good. Until I came across some O-Linemen with less strength and blocking with better results and stats then my guy. What do you guys think about the build and what should I train on. Should I continue to put all my SP towards strength and blocking, or go to confidence, vision, agility. I was thinking about training his vision and confidence. Right now I am training intense on blocking and stength.
Keep doing like you are. Your build will be better in the long run. Get blcoking to 68 w/o eq then agility to 68 w/o eq.
Okay thank you very much. Will work on tht ASAP.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
Keep doing like you are. Your build will be better in the long run. Get blcoking to 68 w/o eq then agility to 68 w/o eq.

Btw, blocking is a 62 wihtout EQ, so it won't take long to do it. I have tons of bonus tokens and I hav ea lvl up coming soon plus 3 boosts for season 11. Agiilty should be a little harder though. Should I start training intense on agility and blocking? Or continue with stength and blocking?>
You should train Agility + Stamina.
I would train agility to 90% to 99% trained before spending SP. This way you can train it one last time after it is capped. Waiting until it is 68 and then training it to 89 is always a good move. I would then work on speed and vision. The key is to have strength, blocking and agility to 68 w/o eq first. The new DE vs OT updates might make speed or vision more important but we will not know till we see the sims.
Alright, thanks for the advice. He'll be capped at 68 pretty soon. Then I will go to agility and speed and vision.
Strength and Blocking are paramount, but without agility and speed, you get beaten around the end. And without vision, you can't see where you need to block. And without stamina, you burn out in the 4th.

Don't get panicy. No one's player rocked the first year or two. It takes time to build a guy. And remember, you can't pancake a guy that is bigger and stronger than you. Others with lower stats than you might just be going up against DE's that are considerably weaker than the ones you are you are trying to pancake.
A few things I notice about your training that less experienced builders might not think about..

Vision is slightly ahead of confidence. Train those up together, and once vision is un-trainable (34+), either use some shopping on confidence to bring that up to the same level, or pair it with stamina.

In either case, stamina is very far ahead of speed. For this reason, you'll want to cap agility, then train speed + agility. Keep going until speed gets a few points AHEAD of stamina. Why? Because once you go back to speed + stamina, stamina will get gains and start to catch back up to speed.

This way, you can train speed/stamina as a pair up to 34 together, also. You'll also get good value on agility at 49, and save SP when it comes time to take that to 60.

As far as what caps to do, you already know that. Just always be thinking about training.
Thank you very much Octowned, that was very helpful

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