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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Lvl 24 looking for some feedback
Will be playing RO this year. Where would you focus over the next few levels?

Physical Attributes
Strength: 32.43
Speed: 82.63 (60.63)
Agility: 70.43
Jumping: 23.63
Stamina: 29.43
Vision: 50.43
Confidence: 24.43

Football Skills
Blocking: 15.63
Catching: 15.63
Tackling: 32.43
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 9

Pass Rusher Abilities (almost all from CE and AEQ - only 3 sp spent)
Trash Talk: 2
The Glare: 2
Shed Blocks: 5
Swat Ball: 1
Big Sack: 1
Edited by Slowwww on Jun 9, 2009 08:22:21
Jah King
Nice build so far...I would get speed to the Third Cap before spending on anything else.

After that you would probably get Vision to the next Cap before moving on to tackling or strength.

It does look like you know what you are doing and it's a solid build so far
Thanks for the feedback Jah. I'm definitely working on speed at the moment, and am hoping that lb pass rushing is more effective this year (playing RO this year).

Goal is to make my guy good at coverage and great at pass rushing.
Edited by Slowwww on Jun 11, 2009 13:47:50

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