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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > rate my lvl 10
First player... should i continue or remake him or anythign else thx
Its alright no one care bout how you play in the d-leagues or the pussy leagues. Its just bout getting better and if u do that you'll be in good shape. You dont really have to worry bout tackling so much at such a low level. Don't jack that up lay off it for a while. Right now you wanna focus on speed agility and vision. For ur next tree boosts use them on agility and vision. You wanna get agility almost the same as ur speed for right now. As u get to higher levels u can lay off agility. You want to get up vision to be a couple points behind speed and agility. And when u do that u'll want to throw a point in vision for every couple u put in speed and agility till you get it to a point where he'll break good on the ball right as its released and at that point all u'll have to do is throw a few cheap ones at it here and there. Dont worry bout the other stats for a while u just wanna focus on that main 3 till u get higher level. So far ur not doin bad just get better.
Thanks for the help I was just wandering if my build was good because I can't get any teams and i had HB that... all the play I did was realy good and some realy good like.. 50 yards run every 3-4 carries but people told me his built suck so I erased him and focused on my CB so I just wanted to be sure It was good enough that I could get a new team
Thanks for these tips Ill now focuse on agility,speed and vision


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