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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > Please make recommendations for my CB
Take a look and let me know what you think........
not good man, not good
Strength:30.25 Blocking:8
Speed:40.93 Tackling:34.25
Agility:33.93 Throwing:8
Jumping:35.93 Catching:35.93
Stamina:33.93 Carrying:30.25
Vision:35.93 Kicking:9
Confidence:34.25 Punting:8
(That was for me so i won't have to go back and forth between tabs)

Not looking good but it can be fixed. First off you shouldn't be putting equipment into anything except speed and agility. Before you do anything you want to get up ur speed and agility a lot...A WHOLE LOT. Just STOP everything else...u really wanna cap those two skills right now. Right now your other skills such as catching, jumping, and confidence can last u for quite a few levels. Just leave those alone for a while. When u get Speed and agility to the second cap you can start working on vision and as u work on that u can throw a couple cheap points into jumping and catching. Your tackling and strenght is too high for ur level. Dont even look at those till u cap jumping and strength which will be around the time u reach mid 40s. For carrying unless ur a return specialist (which if u are u just wasted both of our time) u fucked up there. Take all ur equipment off and forget that that is a attribute. I doubt that a WR will be causing fumbles on u. Confidence you have yours where mine is and im lvl 53 so lay off that for a while. Overall your build at the moment is looking pretty bad but trust me...u can fix it with time. As u level up u will get better if u follow what i told u. Right now you need to get on a team and keep getting playin time. By the time u get high 30s that build will start looking sexy.

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