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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Does anybody know whats going to happen with the Offical Restructure ?
What i get from Borts post is all BBB and A teams are going into a cloud league.(Like the D league)
What i don't like is say next season you win your league, there's no saying were your going.Asia,SA,ETC...
I purchased a team in season 1 because it was a USA League.Know after 10 seasons and a ton of flex points later i may not be in a USA League.
Am i the only one that thinks this stinks?
Its like saying to an NFL team after 10 seasons, sorry your moving to the SouthEast Asia League.
agreed, i've little interest even though there is not much difference in the leagues of getting out of the USA.
yep, though if things stay how they are in usa aa 1, could be getting a bunch of teams promoted from our league to AA

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