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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Texan's League Championship Game Prediction
Texan DTD
Congratulations to both teams for already winning one trophy and good luck with #2.

Furious George v Burelson Assassins
These two teams are a combined 38-0, so we couldn't ask for a better finals matchup. It is unfortunate that the only common opponents these two had were gutted teams, so useless in analysis. Both teams dominated by extreme scores, moreso Furious in a stronger division. I am reduced to using scrims to analyze, which is less than accurate. A couple of noteworthy aspects there is that Furious beat LV 154-3 and Burleson was actually a bit challenged "only" winning 34-6. If you consider Southside and Maine roughly equal teams (and I do), this also points to Furious as they won 110-0 against Maine, while Burleson "only" beat Southside 49-16. Now that we are past the pseudo-useful part, the tale of the tape. First, no one beats Furious in special teams--they just don't. I think the line play will be close, but Burleson will wear down as the game progresses. Burleson does have the VA advantage. All in a all it sounds like I am pretty one-sided for Furious, but I think that is exactly what happens here. Furious 62, Burleson 24.
Well that is better than I thought you would predict, lol, so let the game planning begin.

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