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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Texan's Conference Championship Picks
Texan DTD
Congratulations to the 4 teams making it this far.

Furious George v Atlanta Wolves
Atlanta had a great stand to hold off Montana to get here and has looked really solid all season. Furious has outscored their two opponents so far 220-0. Ouch. Can anyone make a dent in that deathroller of a a team? Furious be Atlanta early in the regular season 121-17 and was able to run, pass and score on special teams. More recently, Furious beat Montana by a similar score. In order to even keep the game close, Atlanta will need some tricks up their sleeves. Furious 95, Atlanta 10.

Burleson Assassins v Southside Spartans
Southside escaped last round against The Bronx with a riveting one point victory, while Burleson just plowed through their round. Earlier in the season Burleson beat Southside 73-20 and they have not been seriously challenged at any point this season. Last time out Burleson had an obscene 500 passing yards and a good number of rushing yards. Southside was unable to run, but did get a nice chunk of yards through the air. Can Southside make the adjustments they need? Burleson 56, Southside 20.
Need to spike George's banana's. Put a bunch of rojo's in them .
No love left Texan. Thanks for doing this.
Texan DTD
Originally posted by Moo45
No love left Texan. Thanks for doing this.

Well, people do get less motivated after they lose...and I also picked 2 blowouts, hehe. If you hadn't barely edged out Maine we'd have more people on here still.
Texan DTD
Very impressed with that Atlanta first quarter! Should be an entertaining finals with Burleson and Furious.
I jut hope Furious doesn't put up 100 on us! Nice job on these write ups Texan.
Good game Furious. I'm not totally disappointed with our adjustments - I think some worked as planned, others need some tweaking. And the margin of our lose improved. At this rate we'll win by the 23rd time we play

Great squad y'all have over there, GL with the gold
Originally posted by Texan
Very impressed with that Atlanta first quarter! Should be an entertaining finals with Burleson and Furious.

Haha, thanks Tex. I can honestly say we hung with them for 15 minutes, for whatever that's worth.
Originally posted by Sequtugh
Good game Furious. I'm not totally disappointed with our adjustments - I think some worked as planned, others need some tweaking. And the margin of our lose improved. At this rate we'll win by the 23rd time we play

Great squad y'all have over there, GL with the gold

Thanks Seq. Twas a tight Q1. Wuld have been different without the issue of planning around the STs. Nice team. Love/hate your DTs

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