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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > YAY!!! We are gonna get screwed again!!!
Unless bort plans to elevate damn near our whole league, we will get screwed again.

I don't know what the hell he is paying attention to, but almost everyone in our league has levels in the 50's save us, NO, and a couple of others rebuilding. Not getting that extra revenue, getting screwed out of ticket cash in season 3-4, and having to pay for really expensive equipment, is going to put many of us at a competitive disadvantage once we get promoted. Why the hell can we not all play by the same rules? I really wish our team could be at the receiving end of the generosity and not at the receiving end of bort's penis, just once...

How is that screwing you? I don't get it, you always think your getting the "shaft" in this game, not sure how...or why you think that. You know I enjoy your posts..>SOMETIMES, but you seem to complain alot, this is a great idea, the higher you play, the better your team is and the bigger reward you get. He has ALWAYS said he doesn't want teams rebuilding all the time, nor teams gutting, or slowbuilding, he has said that from the beginning.
we are all getting screwed. what happens if you do not move up this season? eventually you will not be able to afford the equipment for your players and when you do move up, will be at a decided disadvantage. I certainly understand having advantages to moving up, but to create such a difference in team wealth as will be created is absurd. Do you not deserve some TV revenue?

My point is, we will all get screwed until we move up to AA. It would be different if everyone started on an even playing field and this was already known. That simply isn't the case. He introduces new rules every damn season all under the guise that it is a beta. Well I have spent a shit load of cash on this "beta" and I seem to remember betas are usually FREE!!! This is not a beta and by introducing new rules, you are screwing a section of your consumer base. At the very least, stagger the money and include every league with the understanding that lower leagues will eventually be phased out of the TV revenue...

Borts reasoning is a great one, he ASSUMES that people with higher lvl players will move up, if you dont, then fix it, do things to move up. This beta is not free, so honestly quit playing if you dont want to pay? Right, makes sense, he never forces any of us to put money into this game, we do it on our own freewill. It's easy to complain about the things he changes and does, but you have to look at the big picture outside of your own team. Do I always agree with everything he does? NOT at all, but I do that with alot of people.
Ya this has to be one of your least convincing arguements about why bort hates you.

Getting more money for higher teams means that lower level tiers will have less higher level players since they can't afford them. Over time it helps create more of a level range where BBB is maybe lvl 30 and less A gets to 30-40 AA gets over 40 and so on till Pro teams and AAA teams have more along the lines of the 60+ players.

Also it does not screw you by having a severe money disadvantage. It takes you what a couple of seasons from starting a slowbuild to eventually get good and take over the league. You then move up severly outleveled and expect every season to win and move up? NOOOOOOOOO You start at the bottom work your way up win and then move from BBB to A. Then when you get to A your basically seen as a bottom A team once the tiers get sorted correctly. You spend some time in A get good as all the teams better than you move up to AA. Then its finally your turn to shine you win move up to AA and so on. Your complaints are really getting ridiculous.

Also along the way each season teams get sold, gutted, and etc some random good teams decide to give up or quit. They then move up teams from the lower league and send down those new CPU or gutted teams to BBB.
Quick someone shoot me..NOW!!!

i have to agree with one peat...DAM shoot me I can not believe him and I agree on something

Now a level 48 is a level 48... a level 56 is a level 56.

..if that team is good...or what ever is all beside the point

There are a lot of teams in A that have level 48+ they may be a middle of the pack team..because of some reason or other..
be poor builds..they dont have the time to spend to scout game plan..that it takes to really be a top team in their league
A team could be full of friends that just enjoy the idea of playing..and are happy with being in the A league..but again dont have the hours and hours it takes to do everything(I ran the offense and defense on the I have a good idea what it takes to put in a good game plan)
Now yes to upgrade a player is only 4 points added.
But if you have a team that is full of level 48 and higher in A(there are quite a few) league...just to cover level 48 upgrades
I will use this copy and past I used on another team I gm for to show what happens

Originally posted by ron2288

The GLB economy is askew. Once a team fall behind in getting its players upgraded it is really hard to catch up.
The price of equipment upgrades will rise faster then a team can make money. Even if a team is a home play off team.
You take level 48 for example. That is 600K per piece. That is 2.4 mil for just one player. With just an 45 man roster(I am using a 45 man roster since that is what the NLF is. I know Some teams in GLB have more players and what not)
But anyway with a 45 man roster that equals out to . Now a team with a full stadium will make (using what you have this team prices set at) will make $48,178,400 off ticket sells with no discount given for one season. Then a team with max out concession prices will make on ava 2 mil a home game so with 8 home game a team will make additional 16 mil
So with ticket and concessions a team will make $64,178,400 for the regular season..if they have 3 home play off games they will make additional(on ava) 5 mil per game(concession and ticket sells) so for both home and play off games (if they get 3 home games) the make a total of $74,178,400 (these number are generalized..but close to approximate)

Now remember I said upgrades cost $108,000,000 for level 48 and a 45 man roster...also you have to add the team's payroll..which at that stage will be about 8-10 mil for the season..give or take so say 8 mil
a team will pay out $116,000,000 just at level 48 but only make $74,178,400
So a total of $41,821,600 to the negative

Again this is one area Bort and the devs did not look long term ..They only saw the short term and not plan this out to well..but instead rushed to get this site launched . It takes a team of agents that is willing to wait and to be patience to get their upgrades. Or Bort really needs to find away for team or players to make a crap load of money faster

This was one of the reason I turn over the Hammerheads. Heck we never had a fire sell or anything like that until last season.
And I was a cheap penny pinching tight wad with the team's money and they could not get ahead...alot of teams are experience this. If anyone say they are going to beat the system..they can in the short run...but not the long run..

Now again it may be just 4 points to add when a player gets 100% upgraded every eighth level..but that is not a point

If a user only has 2-3 player that he pays to boost..what fun is it for him if his team(he may be on team that is owned by a friend...he on from day one..etc..etc) log on see he can be upgraded..but..oh wait the team can not afford it because the developer of this game was short sighted and did not think long term(which bort has done on many...many...many issues)
To me this is just another BS upgraded..add on..and the same old excuse which I have seen Bort use many times..and it is getting dam old to cover up his short sightedness
I experienced this with the hammerheads...we was not fully equipment upgraded team..we had a lot of guys that needed at least hal;f of thier level 48 upgraded at the end of last season.....and we was broke..the only thing that saved the Hammerheads money wise ...we turn over to slow build...I have never had a fire seal..or whatever with the Hammerheads..until last season..which was a hard thing to do...we played by the rules...and what we get..nothing

With a sim(i have expressed my dislike for this season's sim..and the last few season's) that s under consent change...and rules in general under consent change...and this or is harder and harder to drop any more money in this game..I have about 5000 flex left..and 3 high level player to retire...if the BS keeps up that is my flex bank and after that is gone..if there is not some type of slow down to the changes..and more consistency to the site itself ..More then likely i am done

Now I dont agree with one peat to the aspect he is on about this matter..but along some lines i do agree with him....and this saddens me //so now I off to shot my self..and hope I am reincarnated into a different person so I wont have to remember this day
Edited by ron2288 on May 24, 2009 17:16:12
"A and BBB or below teams will not receive media revenue, because they are part of the new restructure system (which I will have more info on shortly)" - Bort
Originally posted by Moo45
"A and BBB or below teams will not receive media revenue, because they are part of the new restructure system (which I will have more info on shortly)" - Bort


But Ron, any of those A teams with lvl 50 players are there for a reason, it's cause they aren't really dedicated to win, or want to win, there just playing for fun, so this extra money won't affect them in anyway. Bort made his point, he wants to get away from the teams that gut and sell just to build up stadium, thats not how he has designed the game. BBB and A teams shouldn't have serious guys with lvl 50+ players, unless your us and we just suck
Originally posted by LiquidSnake
But Ron, any of those A teams with lvl 50 players are there for a reason, it's cause they aren't really dedicated to win, or want to win, there just playing for fun, so this extra money won't affect them in anyway. Bort made his point, he wants to get away from the teams that gut and sell just to build up stadium, thats not how he has designed the game. BBB and A teams shouldn't have serious guys with lvl 50+ players, unless your us and we just suck funny
you guys far from suck

Hmm good point..I will have to rethink with this in mind..(that itself is amazing) But I will rethink this and and post my new thoughts

as for this

"A and BBB or below teams will not receive media revenue, because they are part of the new restructure system (which I will have more info on shortly)" - Bort

that is a bunch of words Bort typed out...there have been lots of things he said he was going to do..but never came through

I have seen this from day one since I joined this site...for and EX

he also said penalties ..more was going to be added...??? nothing,,but he reworked the 2 big plentay SA's for CB abd they are bonuses and have nothing to do with penalties..that says to me he has .."put this on the back burner" other word dropped it

also injuries...yea dont think that will happen
Sorry to be harsh but since early season 1 I seen to many things that "was said was going to be done.....9 seasons later...still waiting...and some of bort's responses to threads lately is so unprofessional..that is also a turn off as a customer to see the site owner to tell users to "Shut the Hell up"..and to"Deal with it"

So Bort can deal with it...with out my money...there are other football game on the net to spend Bort can deal with it

sorry..but thinking about it all kind of pisses me off..then to see bort's attitude..
Edited by ron2288 on May 24, 2009 21:27:07
The only knock I have on Bort is he needs more help. I am sure thats easier said then done, and the things he says he wants to fix and add, some of which he hasn't, but my guess is he has ran into problems adding them, injuries and penalties. I see the huge arguement with injuries, a guy spends 50 dollars on one player and he gets injured for a season? You don't think you would see threads about that? Penalties would slow the game down, and I am guessing with his coding, he ran into problems either never getting called, or always getting called. Those are my guesses, am I right? Maybe not at all. I will probaly continue to put money into the game, cause it keeps me busy here at work But I did just take a new job as a surgical tech, so maybe that will slow my "money habits"? Who knows, I am sure Ron I will see you still spending a little cash here and there on this game, its quite addicting
I hope he never adds more penalities or injuries.
I am not saying one way or the other but to think A League teams don't need the Media Money is a little ridiculous. I have spent 20 Million each of the last two seasons on Equipment money alone. Those are the rules though and although it would be nice to have the help it isn't part of the plan. My guys started out with me 3 seasons ago. They have gotten into the 50s now and we should have moved up last year but got upset in the first round so our fault there but A Level teams could and should have gotten some kind of Media money but I don't feel "screwed out of it", it just would have made sense to include our level as well.
Originally posted by tizim19
I am not saying one way or the other but to think A League teams don't need the Media Money is a little ridiculous. I have spent 20 Million each of the last two seasons on Equipment money alone. Those are the rules though and although it would be nice to have the help it isn't part of the plan. My guys started out with me 3 seasons ago. They have gotten into the 50s now and we should have moved up last year but got upset in the first round so our fault there but A Level teams could and should have gotten some kind of Media money but I don't feel "screwed out of it", it just would have made sense to include our level as well.

You'll be in AA next season so don't stress =p
I just think when he wants to do something as radical as change the entire economics of the game, and it will have that type of effect, he should do it on a graduated scale and across the board. If he is going to give the AA guys a wad of cash, then what happens to our league champion (furious)? Do they not deserve the same wad of cash this year? They will enter next season at a financial disadvantage and through no fault of their own. That is the problem I have with these sweeping changes. If you want to add TV revenue, just do it across the board with a timeline as to when A and BBB will be without. Allow teams to prepare for such events, don't just drop it in their laps and institute the change all within a few days!


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