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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Cougars - Bombers - Tarheels
OK..I am just gong to come right out and say it...

The Cougars will slap all you girls down and win this thing... You might as well just get use to that fact and start playing for 2nd place...

Hit me with your best shot....and it better be good or I will have my friend tell the yogurt story in here again!! LOL
You bet the Yogurt Story! I better start seeing some good smack or it's coming... LOL
Week 7 scoreboard tells me different.
We are only worried about the East right now. If we make it out of the East, then we dont care who we face. Cougars, Bombers, Skyforce, it doesnt matter.
Bombers are the team gonna make it all the way to face us (i hope) and that will be a good game.

But this is defiantly the Tarheels season.... No wolf in sheep's clothing can say otherwise
or all of u could be taken out in the first round of the play offs, wouldn't that be fun?
Originally posted by Whitesquall
or all of u could be taken out in the first round of the play offs, wouldn't that be fun?

You guys played us the best all season and we still beat you. The AI we used was screwed up and we didnt have the players we have now. You are a small bump in the road, ask the Rift Rafters, the Beach Dogz, supposedly top teams in the east. And you lost to who? We can screw our AI up and still beat a so called top team, but you screw your up your AI (good excuse) and lose to a bottom dweller. Take your RB off of that team and you guys would be down with BC and the Presidents. I want you guys in the playoffs so we can show everybody in the EAST, this is our conference, we are just letting you guys stick around.


(Is that enough smack talk, Wolf???)
Edited by ajkj36 on May 21, 2009 13:30:11
actually we didn't have our full team when we faced u either and i didn't even look at ur team b4 facing u we just went with whatever game plan we felt like doing and u scored the least against us in the season as well and i know my HB can walk all over u with little effort but im not on the defense so im pretty sure u can chalk that down to my team, can u not? u beat us by 14 points when u only have 3 players under level 50 and one of those is ur punter, where as we have 7 players over level 50 and even 2 players under level 30, don't get me wrong i know the play offs are a different matter to season games but don't worry we'll stop holding back and show u how this game is played

(i figured i'd join in the smack talk since it was brought to me from a joke lol)
So your 3 losses were AI related or were you bored and didnt keep up with who you were playing that day? When we played you we had a lot of our guys under lvl 50. You are looking at us now. I keep hearing that levels dont matter in this game, at least that's what the so called experts say. It is all about the build. You are at full strength and we are at full strength, no excuses when and if we meet again. Trust me it wont even be close. If we start the second string it would be closer, but your defense is too weak to stop anybody with a decent offense. (Atlanta proved that) Explain your loss to Cuban please (Too bored to look at who you were playing or was it the AI) When the Tarheels were on the bottom we said good game you beat us, no excuses. We didnt cry about levels or screwed up AI we took our lumps and kept on. Now that we are on top (for now) everybody has an excuse except for a few upper echelon teams (Cuban, Florida, Lincoln) We beat them no excuses on anyone's part. Teikoku your time is limited.
I believe I used the excuse of A/I when you guys beat us as well. Of course I never did bother to set anything, but that was my fault for being lazy. That's not to say the Tarheels aren't better, because they are, in terms of player personnel. Don't believe the so-called "experts." Levels do mean a lot. It takes a near-perfect gameplan to upend a higher-leveled team across the board, and when the players are consistently ten levels higher, it's pretty much impossible, at least in my opinion.

It should be interesting to see how the playoffs unfold this season. I have more interest in the East than I usually do this season.

I do think Teikoku could sneak up on someone though, depending on who it is.
Edited by reggiefrom40 on May 21, 2009 15:13:56
i did change the defense completely for that game coz i wanted to try something new any idiot could look at that game and look at any other game from us and see simply the formations were different but i guess expecting that from u is too much. who cares if ur team wasn't all level 50+ at the time either way the majority of our team were vastly out leveled unless uve replaced most of ur team since then which something tells me hasn't happened since u could only have added roughly 5 players since then and still be on full chemistry. i've said 1 game's loss was an ai mistake on my part where are u getting this "all losses were ai" from? and if our defense is so weak how comes u only beat us by 14? is ur defense perhaps too weak? its ok u can just say my HB is too good for u, even though u have LB's, CB's and safety's who even out level my player. was that down to bad game planning or weak players?

Edit: actually on average ur starting defense out levels my player, someone good comes along and the mighty tarheels barely manage to hold together.
Edited by Whitesquall on May 21, 2009 15:25:37
Seijuro Shin
don't worry we've sorted out your season pass so you can come see the games next season seeing as we'll be in AA#2 league. Hell tell you what i'll even get ajkj36 jr a signed autograph from the defense
Originally posted by reggiefrom40
I believe I used the excuse of A/I when you guys beat us as well. Of course I never did bother to set anything, but that was my fault for being lazy. That's not to say the Tarheels aren't better, because they are, in terms of player personnel. Don't believe the so-called "experts." Levels do mean a lot. It takes a near-perfect gameplan to upend a higher-leveled team across the board, and when the players are consistently ten levels higher, it's pretty much impossible, at least in my opinion.

It should be interesting to see how the playoffs unfold this season. I have more interest in the East than I usually do this season.

I do think Teikoku could sneak up on someone though, depending on who it is.

thanx man, while levels aren't the utmost importance but a level 50+ vs a level 30-, its obvious who the winner will be there. high level teams have a half decent game plan and think they're unbeatable. well i hope they have something better planned for the play offs otherwise ur win streak is gonna come to an end very quickly.
Texas Tarheels imo.

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