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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #2 > Week 14 Eastern predictions
Figured since i have more than 4 hours off from work that I could help out a pull my lead weight around.

KK vs West Texas: West Texas needs at lease one more win to garuantee a spot in the big dance. Unfortunately the next two of three are against some of the Easts best. They can make the playoffs by losing all three but may need help depending upon the Mustang/Thunder Bay turns out. KK is essintially locked into the number 1 seed. Sadly West Texas (while I am rooting for ya) just won't take this one. KK wins 38-17

Canes CobraS vs Pima: Pima's already got thier tee times planned out, while Canes are pretty much locked into a playoff berth, but once again depends upon the Mustang/Thunder Bay contest. Mustangs win they're in, if Thunder Bay wins they could be onthe outside looking in. A CobraS win is a must for this one. Prediction: CobraS win 48-17

STD vs Alpha (cpu): STD is assure a home playoff game and could swipe the number 1 seed, but they need help along the way. Should be a no brainer and I am not going to waste any more time on this one. Prediction: STD wins 255-240 lol j/k (255-0)

St. Johns vs WMD: St. Johns are hot and have made the postseason. Now its all about the seeding. WMD is in rebuilding mode. Prediction: Pistons win 63-17

SHEHO vs lincoln (cpu): Sadly Lincoln went cpu (yes i realize its been a week) ...a moment of silence.........ok SHEHO has made the post season and currently reside in the 4th seed. However they could fall to 8th. with a couple of tough tests including the hot Pistons, they need this one. Prediction: 200-0

Reapers vs Explorers: Sadly the Reapers have missed the postseason yet again. They should be able to take thier frusterations out on those Explorers who seem to be waiting to build thier stadium before resigning that top talent. Reapers win big 140-0

CC vs Winnipeg: Chiefs can also get the number 1 seed, but need help. And probably niether STD nor CC will pry KK from the number 1 seed. However the chiefs can falter to number 3 if they do not win out. (Only because STD has a easier remaining schedule). Winnipeg will not make the dance this year, but would love to put a dent into the chiefs armor. Prediction: Chiefs win 31-20

Ontario Mustangs vs Thunder Bay Ice Cats: I hope the Cats show up for this one because theres a lot riding on it not only for these two teams, but for Two other teams involved in other games. While I have no doubt those stangs will show up to play this game has a making of a good contest. It simple for these two teams. Mustangs win thier going to the dance. If Thunder Bay wins, it opens a whole new can of worms, forcing the Stangs to win out one of which is against the Chiefs to even have a shot at making the post season. Prediction: Thunder Bay wins 31-30 (only picking the upset cuz I want to see what would happen for the last few playoff spots).
Nice can disregard my lack luster attempt at the East.
Good stuff. While I like Bewarre's consistant write ups, it's nice to see some in depth news on the East. Thanks.
nice write up. the more to read the better
Nice writeup JM. I look forward to seeing your playoff predictions net week.
Great work, I love the in depth analysis of each game.

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