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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #8 > Week 14 Projections/Rankings
Welcome back, and thanks again for all the positive feedback. Things should be getting even better now that we're in the final three games of the season! Let's get to it:

Week 14 Predictions

Alpha Power Rankings
Rank Team / Strength of Record / Quality of Play

1 Barcelona Brawlin' Brewers / 81 / 36.51
2 Sin City Silent Assassins / 72 / 111.35
3 Livorno Naval Academy / 47 / -185.39
4 Irish Car-Bombers / 52 / -60.92
5 Glasgow Aftershocks / 39 / -32.79
6 Verviers Gauls / 39 / 58.46
7 Monaco Mustangs / 19 / 72.22
8 Moscow Communists / -4 / -71.80
9 Hamburg Hawks / -1 / 32.88
10 KAF Spartans / -14 / 68.85
11 Watford Cheetahs / -16 / -17.36
12 Gonadian Knights / -37 / 75.81
13 Canary Cannis / -40 / 18.03
14 Dearborn Beast Modes / -65 / 23.66
15 British Bulldogs / -75 / -108.63
16 Pepperoni Naples / -73 / 17.67

Alpha Projected Scores
(Rank) Team vs. (Rank) Team [Projected Score] (Actual Score)

(1) Barcelona Brawlin' Brewers vs. (3) Livorno Naval Academy [23-12] (89-0)
(2) Sin City Silent Assassins vs. (16) Pepperoni Naples [255-0] (169-0)
(4) Irish Car-Bombers vs. (11) Watford Cheetahs [77-6] (77-0)
(5) Glasgow Aftershocks vs. (7) Monaco Mustangs [62-17] (65-3)
(14) Dearborn Beast Modes vs. (6) Verviers Gauls [3-119] (0-174)
(9) Hamburg Hawks vs. (8) Moscow Communists [50-26] (36-10)
(10) KAF Spartans vs. (15) British Bulldogs [125-3] (202-0)
(12) Gonadian Knights vs. (13) Canary Cannis [21-49] (0-62)

Zeta Power Rankings
Rank Team / Strength of Record / Quality of Play

1 Normandy Invasion / 73 / -10.12
2 Algarve Sharks / 73 / -27.52
3 Salt Lake City Utah / 50 / -61.18
4 Missouri Quicksand / 32 / -63.78
5 Antelope Valley Isotopes / 37 / 50.74
6 Cybertron War Machine / 24 / 43.15
7 Matterhorn Marmots / 11 / -48.43
8 Kickback Cavaliers / -7 / -104.98
9 Constantinople Knights / -9 / 8.24
10 Edinburgh Highlanders / 0 / 100.77
11 Worms Bulls / -33 / -8.15
12 Middlesbrough Mayhem / -43 / 19.72
13 Bedrock Stone Giants / -45 / -14.71
14 Zabrze Warriors / -42 / 90.96
15 Capeside Minutemen / -76 / -51.37
16 Baltimore Knights / -69 / 38.05

Zeta Projected Scores
(Rank) Team vs. (Rank) Team [Projected Score] (Actual Score)

(4) Missouri Quicksand vs. (1) Normandy Invasion [10-41] (0-90)
(2) Algarve Sharks vs. (15) Capeside Minutemen [167-0] (159-0)
(7) Matterhorn Marmots vs. (3) Salt Lake City Utah [17-62] (6-84)
(13) Bedrock Stone Giants vs. (5) Antelope Valley Isotopes [9-106] (10-119)
(11) Worms Bulls vs. (6) Cybertron War Machine [13-58] (14-48)
(8) Kickback Cavaliers vs. (9) Constantinople Knights [29-47] (7-49)
(12) Middlesbrough Mayhem vs. (10) Edinburgh Highlanders [38-57] (10-66)
(16) Baltimore Knights vs. (14) Zabrze Warriors [14-50] (0-93)

Alpha Rundown
A couple of huge match-up this week in Alpha. First, the Livorno Naval Academy face their toughest opponent of the year in the Barcelona Brawlin' Brewers, and it's not going in their favor. Livorno is the biggest obstacle in Barcelona's quest for a perfect season... On the flip side, the last remaining games for Livorno are about as grueling as it can get, going against Barcelona, Sin City, and Verviers in that order. With that in mind, it's entirely possible for this team to fall to 12-4 and out of the 3 seed before the season ends. Will Livorno end up showing their true colors?... In another crucial match-up, the Hamburg Hawks face the Moscow Communists. The winner here gets control over the well sought after 8th seed. The predictor gives the game to the Hawks, but the Communists will do everything in their power to prove that score wrong and try to avoid falling as fast as the rose earlier in the season with the help of an easy stretch of the schedule.

The last important match-up is between the Glasgow Aftershocks and the Monaco Mustangs. A win here would not only prove the predictor wrong, but solidify the 7th seed for Monaco over Hamburg/Moscow. A win for Glasgow could keep them in the hunt for home-field in at least one game of the playoffs, although only barely as the other teams hold tie-breakers over them (unless they defeat the Car-Bombers in the season ending game). The predictor isn't predicting this game to be as close as the seeds would dictate, however. The remaining games are either between non-playoff bound teams or games where a playoff team should easily defeate their opponent.

Zeta Rundown
The match-ups in Zeta this week are VERY similar to those in Alpha. Once again, there are three very key match-ups to look out for. First, the top-ranked Normandy Invasion go up against a tough Missouri Quicksand team who are trying to maintain that home-field spot in the playoff race. Unfortunately for Missouri, it appears they will suffer the same fate as the Invasion's other 13 opponents this year. With an Antelope Valley Isotopes win and a Quicksand loss, there will be a tie between the two teams at the 4th seed, with Antelope Valley holding the match-up tie-breaker after beating Missouri earlier this year. Just as in Alpha, there is a crucial battle for the golden 8th seed. The rapidly sinking Kickback Cavaliers go up against a surging Constantinople Knights (who even saw them coming? They appeared completely out of it and rampaged back into the picture only just last week)... The momentum is certainly in Constantinople's favor, and the predictor is giving them the edge here. This will only add on to Kickback's disastrous second half to the season as the loser of this match falls out of the playoff race for the time being.

Also to note, is that Edinburgh is still clinging to playoff hopes and has the schedule (and tie-breakers, having beaten both Constantinople and Kickback) on their side. If all three teams finish 8-8, which is certainly possible based on the remaining games for each team, then Edinburgh will get the nod... Anyway, the final match-up of note is between the Salt Lake City Utah and the quickly dropping Matterhorn Marmots. It appears likely that Matterhorn will suffer its forth straight loss after starting out at a scorching 8-2. Thier playoff hopes aren't in any immediate danger, but they'll end up with a pretty bad seed if they don't get their act together in the final few games. And again is the case where the rest of the games are nothing but non-playoff teams going against each other or playoff teams in a "stat padding" match-up against a much weaker team.

A Look to the Future (Alpha)

1 Barcelona Brawlin' Brewers (14-0)
2 Sin City Silent Assassins (13-1)
3 Irish Car-Bombers (12-2)
4 Livorno Naval Academy (12-2)
5 Glasgow Aftershocks (11-3)
6 Verviers Gauls (10-4)
7 Monaco Mustangs (7-7)
8 Hamburg Hawks (7-7)

9 Moscow Communists (7-7)

A Look to the Future (Zeta)

1* Normandy Invasion (14-0)
1* Algarve Sharks (14-0)
3 Salt Lake City Utah (12-2)
4 Antelope Valley Isotopes (10-4)
5 Missouri Quicksand (10-4)
6 Cybertron War Machine (9-5)
7 Matterhorn Marmots (8-6)
8 Constantinople Knights (7-7)

9 Kickback Cavaliers (7-7)

10 Edinburgh Highlanders (6-8)

*Denotes that there is no decent tie-breaker, so I gave both teams the 1 seed for now since there is no clear-cut edge between either team (team overall rating aside)

That does it for Week 14... There are six combined match-ups with some big playoff/standings potential here, so it should be an exciting week. Other than that, good luck to all teams this week, we're in the final run here for this season. I'll post the updates Thursday night, along with the Week 15 post shortly after as usual!

EDIT: Post updated. Another perfect week for the projector. Next week's post will be up later tonight
Edited by phillies26 on May 21, 2009 21:55:11
Edited by phillies26 on May 19, 2009 23:05:58
Edited by phillies26 on May 19, 2009 23:03:21
Great job as always.

Thanks for doing this, it adds a very needed layer to GLB.
our quality of play dropped like 30943849 points from last game because all we did was score special teams TD's. 18 in 1 game lol. Livorno will get a beating, sorry to say guys. it will be a lot more then the projected score.

good luck to you guys, but you have a hell of a 3 game stretch.
looks good nice work!! The Knights are hoping to continue this winning thing to round out the season!
Originally posted by Phog
looks good nice work!! The Knights are hoping to continue this winning thing to round out the season!

CWM is routing for you guys. I like "feel good" stories. Good luck.
Originally posted by *Soundwave
Originally posted by Phog

looks good nice work!! The Knights are hoping to continue this winning thing to round out the season!

CWM is routing for you guys. I like "feel good" stories. Good luck.

Thanks!! Yeah we started the year about 5-8 levels behind everyone and have finally caught up to the playoff teams in terms of levels so that is helping us for sure.

At this level, every SP is so important.
Originally posted by *Soundwave
At this level, every SP is so important.

Yes, if you have 25-30 more XP than someone that is huge. You can have the best builds in the world and the best gameplan and AI but you still will lose doesn't matter who you are. We are just happy to be in a position to make the playoffs. When the season started we thought we could go 8-8 but didn't know if that would be enough to make the playoffs.
It has been tempting to abandon our build plan to compete this season. I know we could have adjusted a bit to be more competitive, but common sense has prevailed. It just would not be good for the long term goals of our team to try to be more competitive this season.

We will and have let the chips fall where they will.
Originally posted by *Soundwave
It has been tempting to abandon our build plan to compete this season. I know we could have adjusted a bit to be more competitive, but common sense has prevailed. It just would not be good for the long term goals of our team to try to be more competitive this season.

We will and have let the chips fall where they will.

Soundwave I have to admit you have a good head on your shoulders for believing that. I have seen way to many teams put good players and dedicated agents on the bench to pick up a higher level player that never results in more wins.
CWM was created with a long term goal of climbing the ladder and being one of the top teams in the entire region over the long haul with home grown talent. Build plans were drawn up and if we are decent at it, we will be ok. Adding outside over level players will stunt our well built players growth.
Originally posted by *Soundwave
CWM was created with a long term goal of climbing the ladder and being one of the top teams in the entire region over the long haul with home grown talent. Build plans were drawn up and if we are decent at it, we will be ok. Adding outside over level players will stunt our well built players growth.

The Knights are following this model here. There was some talk of us boosting early or bringing in players to fit our Level Cap. But we figure lets stay here for 2 seasons and really build our team. Lets not constantly have to bring in new players because we are out leveled all the time. Plus 90% of our agents were on this team before we decided to gut and start over. So it makes things more fund doing it with the same agents year in and year out.
Well, this is the second incarnation of CWM we had one in Africa AA#3 that we started in season 2. We won our conf championship in season 5, But I was so disheartened by Borts direction of the game that I sold it that off season. I regret it to this day as all of those players have gone on to star elsewhere. Not going to let that happen again.

I would like to win the league here for ego sake, but would not cringe at all to be here next season.
Originally posted by *Soundwave
Well, this is the second incarnation of CWM we had one in Africa AA#3 that we started in season 2. We won our conf championship in season 5, But I was so disheartened by Borts direction of the game that I sold it that off season. I regret it to this day as all of those players have gone on to star elsewhere. Not going to let that happen again.

I would like to win the league here for ego sake, but would not cringe at all to be here next season.

Sounds much like my other team the Blue Jays. We started off in Canada AA then went undefeated and went to Canada AAA eventually going up to Pro. After a season there I started to hate our players builds so much and also realized that because we where so loyal to our starters that we would never win it all in Pro. So we started the Assassins and so far so good I think but your right only time will tell.
Good Luck Constantinople and Kickback. It'll be an interesting last few weeks with the race for that 8th playoff spot.

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