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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > The Playoff Race for the #1 Seed - Midseason Report
Current Standings - West

1 USB Roughriders
8 Fort Meyers Jesters

4 Philadelphia Fighters
5 Chatahoochie Chumbags

2 Brockton Brazen Bulls
7 Lone Star Leopards

3 West Virginia Home of the Mountaineers
6 Choctaw Cracker Party

Right now, the #1 spot in the West looks to be a four horse race with USB, Brockton, WV, and Philly, with USB being the strongest of the four.

USB is firing on all 8 right now, but anything can happen and the second half of the season is ripe for an upset when they visit Brockton at home. That being said, I look for them to head into the playoffs undefeated or with a close loss to the Bulls. Projection #1

Brockton has made itself at home here in USA 2 with an undefeated record so far, but they are about to get some bad company in the second half of their season.
West Virginia comes to town next, then a visit to a pesky Chicago team, and then USB rolls in. We will soon see what kind of houseparty the Bulls can muster. Projection, #2 or #3.

West Virginia gave USB all they wanted in the first half of the game, unfortunately it fell apart for them in the second half or they would be #1 right now. If they can beat Brockton and Brockton beats USB, we could have a Big 12 fiasco, but don't worry, USB will maintain proper pecking order. I see West Virginia taking the #2 or #3 seed.

Philly got beat up pretty good by Brockton in their biggest test of the first half of the season, so unless they come up with some superior game planning, I look for them to lose at least 2 more games and fall out of the race for #1. Projection, #4

Current Standings - East

1 Minneapolis Masterminds
8 St Louis Sidewinders

4 Pensacola Dolphins
5 Motor City Madmen

2 Rutgers Silent Willies
7 Detroit Rampage

3 Sportsrant Stalkers
6 Tampa Bay Krakens

The East is packed with tough, evenly matched teams with a top 5 that manage to get a little separation above the rest.

Minneapolis Masterminds
With their convincing win over Sportsrant, they cemented themselves as the favorite to win the East's top seed. A very well rounded and deep squad, the Masterminds look to be in the Championship game when the only 2 are left standing. Projection, #1

Sportsrant Stalkers
Even though Minneapolis beat them I still think these guys can beat any team here on any given day, but they are in a meat grinder of similar teams right now and it's not getting any easier. I look to them to edge out the rest and make a deep playoff run.
Projection, #2

Rutgers Silent Willies
To me the surprise team of the league has been Rutgers. I expected them to be strong but not undefeated through half the season. We will see just how good they are during the second half of their difficult schedule. I hope they prove me wrong. Projection, #3

Pensacola Dolphins
The only thing that is holding this team back is defense. I don't know whether it is gameplanning or levels but the Pensacola name is absent from the top 10 when you look at passing and rushing yards allowed (least amount). If they shore that up in the second half of the season, I could see them upsetting alot of people. Projection, #4 or 5

Edit, I have to add the Motor City Madmen here as they are a very dangerous ***correction, not a slow build team*** opponent that can catch you with an ingenious gameplan even on your best day. These guys are for real and look to carry on the tradition of some of the toughest teams to come out of BBB 3 by giving better leveled teams fits. They will do well in the playoffs but they are a season away from winning it all if they don't get moved up. Projection, #4 or 5

Sorry for the late edit, just got back from the Mothers Day festivities, lol
Well that's it, hope you enjoy
Last edited May 11, 2009 11:29:21
Good write up Horn...thanks!
Bone Saw
Nice, good job with this.

I'm looking forward to the Sportsrant Vs. Rutgers game it should be a battle.
nice breakdown of the entire league

second half of the season should be crazy
Well done Horncolio, very informative.
good stuff man, thanks for taking the time to put this together
Motor City is a slow build team? That's news to me.
Originally posted by Woody13
Motor City is a slow build team? That's news to me.

That's what I heard, if it's not true I'll correct it.
Originally posted by Horncolio
Originally posted by Woody13

Motor City is a slow build team? That's news to me.

That's what I heard, if it's not true I'll correct it.

Eh, I admit to not exactly being in the know with the builds of MCM's players, but I don't believe they are slow-build, at least not completely. They might have some players that are slow-builds, but typical slow build teams (DLDT being a prime example) have huge scouting bars because of the levels of their core attributes. I know scouting bars don't mean a lot (sort of), but they give a very good indication when compared to levels about how well teams are built as a whole, whether they are SA-heavy or do not believe in them at all, in essence the efficiency at which they spend their SPs. So many teams that have been rebuilt or built by players after having a few seasons of GLB under their belt are slow-builds in an attempt to utilize SPs in order to maximize builds, aka performance.

No offense, but I'm pretty familiar with slow-builds, and if MCM is a "slow-build" team, then based on their levels they screwed up the process. Based on what I know about MCM (which is very little in the grand scheme of things), they are a well-run team with smart owners, individuals that would not screw up the process of slow-building by breaking off from the guidelines prematurely, so that's why I'm pretty sure they are not slow-build.
Originally posted by byrongame21
Originally posted by Horncolio

Originally posted by Woody13

Motor City is a slow build team? That's news to me.

That's what I heard, if it's not true I'll correct it.

Eh, I admit to not exactly being in the know with the builds of MCM's players, but I don't believe they are slow-build, at least not completely. They might have some players that are slow-builds, but typical slow build teams (DLDT being a prime example) have huge scouting bars because of the levels of their core attributes. I know scouting bars don't mean a lot (sort of), but they give a very good indication when compared to levels about how well teams are built as a whole, whether they are SA-heavy or do not believe in them at all, in essence the efficiency at which they spend their SPs. So many teams that have been rebuilt or built by players after having a few seasons of GLB under their belt are slow-builds in an attempt to utilize SPs in order to maximize builds, aka performance.

No offense, but I'm pretty familiar with slow-builds, and if MCM is a "slow-build" team, then based on their levels they screwed up the process. Based on what I know about MCM (which is very little in the grand scheme of things), they are a well-run team with smart owners, individuals that would not screw up the process of slow-building by breaking off from the guidelines prematurely, so that's why I'm pretty sure they are not slow-build.

I have no idea either way, but you convinced me :-)
Originally posted by byrongame21
Originally posted by Horncolio

Originally posted by Woody13

Motor City is a slow build team? That's news to me.

That's what I heard, if it's not true I'll correct it.

Eh, I admit to not exactly being in the know with the builds of MCM's players, but I don't believe they are slow-build, at least not completely. They might have some players that are slow-builds, but typical slow build teams (DLDT being a prime example) have huge scouting bars because of the levels of their core attributes. I know scouting bars don't mean a lot (sort of), but they give a very good indication when compared to levels about how well teams are built as a whole, whether they are SA-heavy or do not believe in them at all, in essence the efficiency at which they spend their SPs. So many teams that have been rebuilt or built by players after having a few seasons of GLB under their belt are slow-builds in an attempt to utilize SPs in order to maximize builds, aka performance.

No offense, but I'm pretty familiar with slow-builds, and if MCM is a "slow-build" team, then based on their levels they screwed up the process. Based on what I know about MCM (which is very little in the grand scheme of things), they are a well-run team with smart owners, individuals that would not screw up the process of slow-building by breaking off from the guidelines prematurely, so that's why I'm pretty sure they are not slow-build.

Ok I already corrected the statement, I was just going of off rumors anyway with regards to the slow build comment, I should have left the speculation out of it but in either case they are a damn good team for their level of players.

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