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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Byron's Power Rankings: Week 7
Alright, well I have some good news and bad news concerning these rankings. Good news is that Week 7 is up nice and earlyish because I just took my last final today so my slate is basically clear for the next 48 hours (minus some extracurricular activities of course). Bad news is that bigdrew1111 and I graduate Sunday afternoon so I'll either be doing the Week 8 ones on Monday or possibly skipping them (right now I'm definitely leaning towards getting them up on Monday, but just a heads up nonetheless). So with that out of the way, lets get on with these rankings again.

1.) Stalkers
The Stalkers took care of business with Florida and now setup the obvious game of the week against MM on Sunday afternoon. Despite the initial rumors, Kolpaz attended his own team's game rather than flying to Motor City (and I'm not sure if that would be a long flight or not, because where in the blue hell is Sportsrant located?!?) to get an early jump on scouting his next opponent. 1 vs. 2, doesn't get much better than that (for the regular seaosn at least).

2.) Minneapolis Masterminds
MM and MCM were neck and neck through halftime but the Masterminds pulled away in the second half, doubling up the Madmen and then some. The secondary was huge with 4 INTs, leading the way for MM second consecutive statement win. Now they set their sights on the top spot in these rankings as they attempt to tarnish the Stalkers' unblemished record.

3.) Rutgers Silent Willies
Rutgers gets bumped up a spot int he rankings now that they currently hold a two game lead on MCM in the standings. They also find themselves in game of the week #2 as they take on the Sidewinders in one of their toughest games os far this season. St. Louis, MCM, and Sportsrant in consecutive sims will show the East just how tough Thorpe's Silent Willies are this season.

4.) Motor City Madmen
MCM's loss was by more points than I think anyone expected, but there were still a number of positives to take from the game. Their offense outgained MM, thye were still able to run the ball effectively, and their D handled MM's O better than anyone has so far this season. Now the Madmen have a gimme with the Rampage before a big matchup against Rutgers with a home-field playoff tiebreaker possibly on the line.

5.) Pensacola Dolphins
The Dolphins pulled away from the pesky Cougars in the second half, ignited by a safety/KRTD (hey Bort, you punt after safeties, not kickoff!) combo that really changed the entire game. By the time these guys play another meaningful game they will be 9-1, and will have a huge advantage in watching a number of the teams currently ahead of them beat up on one another during their break from scouting. Don't make the mistake of sleeping on Pensacola, they are for real.

6.) Tampa Bay Krakens
Somebody explain to me what type of ridiculous "formula" does not have Hans Moleman the above and beyond leader for the Special Teams MVP? Honestly, I know it was against OCOF, but the guy took another four returns to the house as the Krakens took care of business once again. He might have even had more they let someone else return and he took two back himself. Two more sims before these guys can start to scout and gameplan again.

7.) St. Louis Sidewinders
A mini-break for the Sidewinders allowed them to catch their collective breath against San Antonio and now have them in the middle of a huge showdown against the Silent Willies. St. Louis has more than a legitimate shot to come out on top in this one, and a win here would help to ease the pain of some of those early losses to other top teams. A loss here would give them the distinction of being the best 4-4 team in any A league in GLB, end of discussion.

8.) Corona Del Mar Cougars
Corona kept things close for much longer than I had anticipated, and were a couple of unlucky breaks away from being in position to possibly pull off a huge upset. However, that's not how things worked out, so now the Cougars go back to hanging onto a playoff spot. Up next is there biggest game to date (minus possibly Detroit, but I think this one is bigger). A loss against the Night Marchers changes the entire picture for more than just those two teams for the final playoff berth.

9.) Detroit Rampage
The biggest Night Marchers' fans in this league now look for a Corona loss on Sunday to eliminate the Cougard holding the initial tiebreaker come playoff time. Detroit will easily take care of the Rainmakers and head into their matchup against the Sidewinders with a nice little winning streak. Pulling off an upset over one of the teams ahead of them in these rankings would be monumental should O'ahu prove victorious this weekend.

10.) O'ahu Night Marchers
Now THAT is the O'ahu squad that I was used to last season, making Cincy look like a BBB team with a dominating third quarter to pull away. However, that victory over the Norris Ninjas makes Sunday's matchup against Corona mean that much more. A Night Marchers win this weekend (couple with Corona's earlier defeat of Detroit) leaves the Night Marchers a late-season upset away from having quite the legitimate chance at mkaing the playoffs. Is it too little too late? It probably won't matter if they can't handle the Cougars.

11.) Cincinnati Norris Ninjas
The loss to O'ahu means that the best I see them finishing is 6-10 (not gonna get into the playoffs with double-digit losses), and that's assuming that they are able to defeat Detroit (probably not gonna happen). Cincy might wanna think about temp boosting for a game or two over the course of the next two games if they wanna shot at even sniffing the postseaosn race.

No Details Until Further Notice

12.) Orange County Old Farmers

13.) North Texas Cowboys


14.) San Antonio

15.) Florida

16.) Seattle

Last edited May 8, 2009 17:08:04
Nice write up.
Bones Brigade
good job and Congrats on this weekend!
Congratulations are indeed in order. On a quick aside, maybe I can catch up to the #1 CB...*beep beep*...there he goes again
Last edited May 8, 2009 23:53:28
Bone Saw
Congrats Byron and Bigdrew, and don't feel bad lots of people go to college for 8 years...

Nice job on the write-ups.

Originally posted by Bone Saw
Congrats Byron and Bigdrew, and don't feel bad lots of people go to college for 8 years...

Nice job on the write-ups.

Lucky for you you're right in the fact that I'll be going to college for 8 years... but the first four were undergraduate and the second four are for my PhD
Last edited May 9, 2009 09:57:09
Nice Write up.
nice write up and so long to the dreaded #1 spot,
Oahu on the comeback trail!

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