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Bort will start a "geezer" league for all you level 50's first season guys that are going to start fading after next season? Call it the Geritol Leagues. Maybe shorten the field to fifty yards. Special equipment could be canes and walkers. Getting old is hell ain't it boys ?
Originally posted by Cponyman
Getting old is hell ain't it boys ?

Only if you didn't start planning a few seasons ago
Last edited May 5, 2009 07:23:44
Grasshopper salutes Master Wu
That's where the vet abilities come in handy.....they're like viagra , they help us keep up :-)
Originally posted by Kaprikorn
That's where the vet abilities come in handy.....they're like viagra , they help us keep up :-)

With the attribute nerf your luck to get a chubby
i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...
Originally posted by onepeat
i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...

I don't think he will, honestly as this was when the game was unpopular and first started. To many people will complain so I think he might not, as the lower leagues allow the lower level players somewhere to play. So he would have no reason to be forced to actually go through w/ it. + this is beta game so what is said originally can be meaningless later on when the plans come full circle.
Originally posted by dash24
Originally posted by onepeat

i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...

I don't think he will, honestly as this was when the game was unpopular and first started. To many people will complain so I think he might not, as the lower leagues allow the lower level players somewhere to play. So he would have no reason to be forced to actually go through w/ it. + this is beta game so what is said originally can be meaningless later on when the plans come full circle.

you do not pay for betas. that is a cop out. He needs to go through with it for the long term health of the game, but he won't for the short term profit.
Originally posted by onepeat
Originally posted by dash24

Originally posted by onepeat

i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...

I don't think he will, honestly as this was when the game was unpopular and first started. To many people will complain so I think he might not, as the lower leagues allow the lower level players somewhere to play. So he would have no reason to be forced to actually go through w/ it. + this is beta game so what is said originally can be meaningless later on when the plans come full circle.

you do not pay for betas. that is a cop out. He needs to go through with it for the long term health of the game, but he won't for the short term profit.

You call a program a beta for the same reason program evaluation research calls a program a pilot, as a guise to mask all of the deficiencies. Seriously, Microcrap did this with Vista/Longhorn/whatever other names they used.
but when microsoft started charging for the software, they didn't call it a pilot or beta.

bort needs to let the season 1 players die off and the degradation should be faster rather than slower. a player should be virtually useless at season 15 and seriously hindered by season 12. The lone exceptions should be kickers, punters, and QBs. Offensive linemen should also probably have a bit longer shelf life. Of course, because of the money involved, this will not happen. You see, once people can retire those guys, they will have tons of flex. I retired a lvl 55 RB the other day and got something like 5k flex from him. If other people did the same thing, the cash would slow significantly. While doing this will be better for the game long term, it will dramatically effect the profits short term and therefore, not happen...
Originally posted by onepeat
i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...

For every season one player, there's a handful of season 2,3,4 players who are waiting their turn in the spotlight.
Originally posted by onepeat
but when microsoft started charging for the software, they didn't call it a pilot or beta.

bort needs to let the season 1 players die off and the degradation should be faster rather than slower. a player should be virtually useless at season 15 and seriously hindered by season 12. The lone exceptions should be kickers, punters, and QBs. Offensive linemen should also probably have a bit longer shelf life. Of course, because of the money involved, this will not happen. You see, once people can retire those guys, they will have tons of flex. I retired a lvl 55 RB the other day and got something like 5k flex from him. If other people did the same thing, the cash would slow significantly. While doing this will be better for the game long term, it will dramatically effect the profits short term and therefore, not happen...

But also long term as well, as many people invested a lot of time and money into there players. This was a big complain in S2/3 from the reading and people wanted to make some kind of life extension so Bort said back then that nothing was official and he would come back to the discussion when it arrises.

I personally think he will not do it, as he always retracts on stuff. Which is why this is a Beta game. It's still a work in process. For the game it shouldn't matter as there r so many leagues that everybody has a shot to play somewhere unlike in the beginning when there were few teams and lots of unemployeed. Now there r more teams and too few at certain positions. So he has no reason to really live up to what he originally said, as he never stamped off on it a 100%. But we shall see in another season or 2 what's really going on.

Originally posted by Krunchy
Originally posted by onepeat

i am quite positive bort will not cut off his nose to spite his face. this season 10 decay shit is probably just that, shit!

I personally hope he sticks to it, but somehow I highly doubt it...

For every season one player, there's a handful of season 2,3,4 players who are waiting their turn in the spotlight.

There r plenty of leagues for them to shine in, for instance this league. It's nt like they don't get a chance to make it. Hence the ability to move up in league.
Originally posted by dash24
Originally posted by onepeat

but when microsoft started charging for the software, they didn't call it a pilot or beta.

bort needs to let the season 1 players die off and the degradation should be faster rather than slower. a player should be virtually useless at season 15 and seriously hindered by season 12. The lone exceptions should be kickers, punters, and QBs. Offensive linemen should also probably have a bit longer shelf life. Of course, because of the money involved, this will not happen. You see, once people can retire those guys, they will have tons of flex. I retired a lvl 55 RB the other day and got something like 5k flex from him. If other people did the same thing, the cash would slow significantly. While doing this will be better for the game long term, it will dramatically effect the profits short term and therefore, not happen...

But also long term as well, as many people invested a lot of time and money into there players. This was a big complain in S2/3 from the reading and people wanted to make some kind of life extension so Bort said back then that nothing was official and he would come back to the discussion when it arrises.

I personally think he will not do it, as he always retracts on stuff. Which is why this is a Beta game. It's still a work in process. For the game it shouldn't matter as there r so many leagues that everybody has a shot to play somewhere unlike in the beginning when there were few teams and lots of unemployeed. Now there r more teams and too few at certain positions. So he has no reason to really live up to what he originally said, as he never stamped off on it a 100%. But we shall see in another season or 2 what's really going on.

then put my team in a league with other like leveled teams. instead we got promoted when we finished 4th and then VAs were introduced and we spent a season getting destroyed. Are we going to be refunded for that season? of course not. either get the decay going, or relegate my team to a league full of lvl 40s...

hell he created VAs because season 1/2 guys were bitching about their shitty players, so why not make some concessions for season 4 guys? one of the teams i am on, probably the first full roster of slow build got absolutely destroyed because of VAs. is that fair? let my team roll on a bunch of lvl 40s so we can bank roll and win a trophy...
Last edited May 6, 2009 10:55:47
I always wondered why in the hell players that already have the advantage of higher levels need more advantage. I guess the first season or two there was a guarantee of a successful player. If you screwed up Bort will fix it so you can dominate. The way some of these guys talk about their players I knew there'd be hell to pay when it came time to give them up. If he want's to extend it a season or two that's fine because it will work for everyone. Sooner or later early season guys will have to give it up.

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