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sorry to get yur hopes up but does anyone have that script or know how to do power rankings. or i guess i should ask if anyone has the time. i'm sure we would all appreciate it!!
yea someone do it
These are very official and it took me at least an hour using excel so if you dont like them ,eat a crayon.

Power rankings!!!

they are fucking tigers AND they fucking fly!! I mean holy shit!! I dont know how they fly, it's not like they are named "the winged flying tigers" so they might have jet packs for all I know. but damn!

rank #2 Notre Dame Fighting Irish
arent they like a real fucking football team?! you would think they would know what they are doing then, but they probably drink too much. fucking irish.

rank#3 Rhineland Razors
pretty self explanatory..they will fucking cut you!!! and unless you have some hot lesbian nurses on your team, and who doesnt, your going to fucking bleed to death!!!

rank#4 Selfoss Skullsplitters
if those razor dudes didnt kill you then these guys are going to split your fucking skull!!!! it's going to be pretty hard to play the second half when your fucking skull is split open dont yah think?

rank #5 U.K. Action Force
it's like some kind of government group or something, but I bet they mean action since it's in their name. combine action with a force and it's like "whoah!!!" but that could also just be a fart.

rank #6 tie between London Avengers,LONDON FAVRE,London Macks, and London Crusaders.
theres just too many of you from the same place. bretts retired,WTF are the Macks? Crusadres are like from some history book or some shit, so I give the edge to the avengers. it's like you did something bad to them and they are pissed off.

rank#7 Cork City Football Club
I like wine and you need corks in case you dont finish the bottle, but who the fuck doesnt finish the bottle?!

rank#8 Semarang Red Dwarfs
I dont know where the fuck Semarang is but if they can field a full team of little red dwarfs they must be bad-ass!! woo hoo!! it's fucking dwarfs! PUNT!

rank#9 Russell Athletics
<insert your own joke here>

rank#10 Columbia Fighting Gamecocks
I like to play games and I have a cock, but I dont fight with it, that would be just stupid.

rank#11 Tatum's Terribles
talk about low self-esteem. but I had a crush on tatum o'neal in that baseball movie, so I didnt rank them dead last.
you can do it!!

rank#12 Oslofjorden Seagulls
if I knew where this was I might guess that they do some kind of wierd experiments to make giant seagulls or some shit, but it's probably just regular size seagulls. dont poop on me !!!

rank#13 tie between Condroz Tractors and John Deere Tractors
anyone who knows anything about tractors knows that JD is the shit!! but those condroz might have a tractor BEAM!! get it?! a fucking beam man!!

rank #14 Düsseldorf Juggernauts
Düsseldorf gave us Kraftwerk and Warlock so fuckin A man! rock on my german friends!! I would have rated higher but they also just sound funny to say. say it.... Düsseldorf's just fucking funny.

rank #15 Columbus War Eagles
Eagles can be fucking nasty! especially ones trained for war. but in football they wear helmets so unless these are eagles with lasers mounted on their heads then kinda lame.

rank#16 Greenpeace Fightin' Pacifists
there is nothing funny here,next.

rank#17 Gotham City Jokers
what..did they clone the joker? so theres like a whole city of jokers and they want to play football now?WTF?! and which one? if it's heath ledger than they would rank higher, but if it's Cesar Romero from the tv show then he was just fucking gay. I always wanted to smack him as a kid.

rank#18 Rome Riot
has rome ever really had a riot? I mean it would be like all these catholics running around in robes burning ancient shit and turning over the pope-mobile. thats not cool man. not cool.

rank #19 Zenith Pikachu
a Zenith is the highest point reached by a celestial body during its apparent orbit around a given point of observation.If I could throw Pikachu into the sun I would laugh as it reached it's zenith, somebody kill that fucking thing!!

rank#20 Manchester Re-United
when were they Un-United? I call shenanigans!!

rank#21 West Sicily Capos
In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
West End girls

fucking pussies.just kidding, I wouldn't want to piss off the mafia.

rank#22 everyone else. get over it.

this was all very scientific and I have facts and hard data to back it all up. enjoy
lol, i love it!!! thanks and great work!
Crusaders 6th? That's way too high!

As soon as we face real competition we're gonna get wrecked!
you have us way too high as well....
It's correct and very mathematical dammit!!!
I found a script for power ranking but it's not correct because it has my team (notre dame fighting irish) ranked 6 saying my offense was 11th and defense 8th, then they have Columbia Fighting Gamecocks ranked 7 with a ranking of 4 in offense and 11th in defense. Im going to try and do a spreadsheet and see if i can get it some what close.
Haha. Good stuff.

Obviously wrong, but fun
wtf eric, u don't even have a player in the league lol
I know.
someone asked me to do it.

WTF is up with the red dwarfs though?!?! seriously!! they have like 8 players at every position!!!

like a bunch of little red dwarves running around your feet you cant stop?! I mean WTF!?!?!
And we kick ass...
Originally posted by ericb45696
I know.
someone asked me to do it.

WTF is up with the red dwarfs though?!?! seriously!! they have like 8 players at every position!!!

like a bunch of little red dwarves running around your feet you cant stop?! I mean WTF!?!?!

Have you ever heard of a farm team?

WTF is you affiliation with BBB#14 anyway? Because you don't honestly want us to believe you have friends.

You don't have a team in this league, you don't have a player in this league. Are you that bored?

Oh, and your power rankings suck. You wasted an hour for nothing.
Last edited May 15, 2009 10:17:46
i will say this, his rankings are a ton better than yours. yeah i know, u didn't do any and thats my point, he has just as much interaction in here as u and doesn't have a team. also, i thought they were funny myself.

thats all i got. u may continue your rant!

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