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There are always a lot of talks about which conference is better and what not. I'm trying to do a west vs east type of thing in our league in AA#1. Teams will challenge each other and they will post in my thread as they are set up. I will then keep the post updated with with scores of each game and the game link. I think you guys should do this here. It would be fun and competitive. What you guys think? I think Byrongame21 should run it and keep it updated
lol thanks for volunteering me lildawg. But in all honesty if enough teams showed interest in this then I would be all for trying to figure out some way to do this thing up evenly as far as matchups are concerned. It'd have to have a lot of people on board though, so lemme know who's in and whose out with the general concept of this.
Bone Saw
I guess I would rather see an A2 VS. XX challenge if anyone is up for it. It would add something new to this forum anyways and give us an idea of how we stack up against another league.
i'll be up for challenging other conf.'s but i dont want to scrim anyone in our conf this year
When I was in SEA pro league we challenged other pro leagues. Top 8 vs Top 8 from each conference. It started a whole lot of shit talk though I'll tell you that.

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