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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 2 power rankings 4/28
--------Ok it is time to break the teams up into different categories. After 2 games I am starting to get a feel for where everybody stands. After 2 weeks, 8 teams in the west remain unbeaten----------

rank------team--------rec-------------last rank------next game---------notes

------------------title contenders and heading up to AA-----------------

#1 Cardinal Redbirds----(2-0)--------(1)-------#16 Yukon Badgers------Another solid win in game 2 over LoneStar and the Redbirds now get the worst team in the west to beat up on.

#2 Alberta Mounties------------------(2-0)-----(2)--------#4 Hogwarts Wizards-----No TDs given up by this stingy D while the O has handled their business in scoring over 100 points in the first 2 games. The STs is no push over either with 5 TDs in the first 2 games, but next up will be their first true test of the season.

#3 Moose Jaw Grizzles----------(2-0)--------(3)-----#10 BC Bruisers ------With the quality of wins, this team should be number 1. The first 2 games where the toughest of any of the 2-0 teams by far. I thought about moving them up, but at the same time the top 2 has done nothing wrong to move down. Next up is a BC that will look to rebound after their beat down.

----------------The solid playoff teams--------------

#4 Hogwarts Wizards---(2-0)-----(4)-------#2 Alberta Mounties------Easy beat down of the Mutants. They will have to step it up here as Mounties will come to play.

#5 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters----(2-0)----(5)----#8 Shadow Spartans--------------The Hunters moved to 2-0 it will now pick up there second big challenge of the season against the Spartans.

-------The battle for a playoff spot----------------

#6 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks--(2-0)---(10)----#12 New Colgne Bears--------I said there was something about this team I liked and they showed why. With that totally impressive victory, this team becomes the mover of the week.

#7 Thunder Bay Sharks---------(2-0)------(7)---------#14 Montreal Mutants------Sure this team won big, everybody will against the Badgers, but what happened in the fourth quarter? Nobody should let up 38 points to the Badgers in a game let alone a quarter. Do the Sharks have stamina issues or am I reading too deep into it?

#8 Shadow Spartans--------(2-0)-----(8)-------#5 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-------2-0 is a good start to the season. Next will be one of the 2 games featuring unbeatens

#9 Port Royal Acadians-----------(1-1)-----(6)-------#11 New World Order -----Well they got beaten up by the Griz and they weren't the first team and they won't be the last. They need to get back on track now against the Order.

-----------Outside hopes of the playoffs--------------

#10 BC Bruisers--------(1-1)----(9)-----#3 Moose Jaw Grizzles------That was a big blow to this team getting blown out like that. Is the cocks that good? Is BC that bad? Is it a combination of the 2? Was that game just a fluke? It will be near impossible to beat Moose Jaw though.

#11 New World Order------(1-1)-----(11)------#9 Port Royal Acadians-----They got totally smacked by Alberta. Next up will be another tough game.

#12 New Colgne Bears--------(1-1)-----(12)----#6 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks------------It looks like these guys might not pick up a lot of wins this season.

#13 Medicine Hat Mavericks----(1-1)-------(14)-------#15 LoneStar Cowboys--------The next game against LoneStar should be a very entertaining game.

#14 Montreal Mutants--------------(0-2)------(13)------#7 Thunder Bay Sharks ------------This is the second time in 3 seasons the Muntants have been the team to drop the furtherest.

------------Headed down to BBB---------------

#15 LoneStar Cowboys---------------(0-2)--------(15)-------#13 Medicine Hat Mavericks--------This will be one of the few chances they will have to pick up a win.

#16 Yukon Badgers------------(0-2)--------(16)-------#1 Cardinal Redbirds-----------The 45 might be the most points they put up all season.

Games of the week:

#2 Alberta Mounties (2-0) vs #4 Hogwarts Wizards (2-0) - one of the 2 games that will feature unbeaten teams. Alberta is a team that looks like they can win it all and Hogwarts is ever improving. I give the edge to Alberta by 10.

#5 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters (2-0) vs #8 Shadow Spartans (2-0) -The Spartans have played well and the Hunters have been in this postion before. This is the start of a tough 4 game stretch for the Spartans while the Hunters will have 3 games they should win after this.
nice job. you know i appreciate your rankings even though i may not post too often
sweet no negative response on the shadow spartans
great stuff bro..... quality observations
Originally posted by crowbar832001

#7 Thunder Bay Sharks---------(2-0)------(7)---------#14 Montreal Mutants------Sure this team won big, everybody will against the Badgers, but what happened in the fourth quarter? Nobody should let up 38 points to the Badgers in a game let alone a quarter. Do the Sharks have stamina issues or am I reading too deep into it?

idk what happend, My starting SS only got 3 plays, which surprised me cuz he is one of the most dominate players on the team, idk what happend but it will be fixed

figured out why they scored 38 in the 4th....there was a problem in one of my plays, when i had my pro set play out there all the CBs were covering WR1 and not WR2 and WR3 so it left there player JT Coors wide open everytime cuz my SS couldnt keep up them and thats probealy why my starter got only 3 plays.......

fixed the problem though
Mount Up!
Moose Jaw should be on top. I have a feeling they will be soon.
Originally posted by crowbar832001

#2 Alberta Mounties------------------(2-0)-----(2)--------#4 Hogwarts Wizards-----No TDs given up by this stingy D while the O has handled their business in scoring over 100 points in the first 2 games. The STs is no push over either with 5 TDs in the first 2 games, but next up will be their first true test of the season.

Nice rite up mate quality.
Originally posted by johncu
Moose Jaw should be on top. I have a feeling they will be soon.

moose is fine where they are.... under the radar
hey mounties, i hope u are prepared for next week, cuz after this week u face my team the Thunder Bay Sharks

and we are hungry for a fight
Last edited Apr 29, 2009 07:12:37
45 points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Season high in scoring LOL.
Originally posted by wchs63
moose is fine where they are.... under the radar

Not off mine champ :Beep Beep Beep Beep:

As always, great write up crow...

Originally posted by RyanReese
hey mounties, i hope u are prepared for next week, cuz after this week u face my team the Thunder Bay Sharks

and we are hungry for a fight

I have to scout for you now?

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