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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #2 > Cryptotich's Zeta Week 3 Predictions
Season 9: Week 3

We had a couple of games that showed the strengths of teams that we didn't see at first. A little bit of movement in the rankings, but by and large the top teams remained static.

This weeks rankings:

1. (1) October Wildfire
2. (2) Luxembourg Lightning Bolts
3. (3) Red River Ruminants
4. (4) Whitechapel Rippers
5. (6) Glasgow Cats
6. (5) London Olympians
7. (10) Mile High Hitmen
8. (8) Flint Hobo
9. (7) Barcelona Bisons
10. (9) Leipzig Lions
11. (12) Arlington Sandlot
12. (11) Honolulu Wave Riders
13. (13) Reading Armed Centaurs
14. (15) Rome Ramblin' Thornites
15. (14) Russian Strelets
16. (16) St. George Javalinas

This weeks games:

1. (1) October Wildfire vs. (11) Arlington Sandlot
The Sandlot had a rough game last week in a surprisingly lopsided loss to the Glasgow Cats. Its out of the frying pan and into the fire for them this week though. I expect them to have another rough week.

October Wildfire 145 : Arlington Sandlot 14

2. (2) Luxembourg Lightning Bolts vs. (16) St. George Javalinas
This game won't even be televised. But there will be 60 minus of Luxembourg highlights on ESPN.

Luxembourg Lightning Bolts 255 : St. George Javalinas 0

3. (3) Red River Ruminants vs. (15) Russian Strelets
The River will run Red with the Russian's blood after this game. They just do not have the talent to keep up with the Ruminants.

Red River Ruminants 88: Russian Strelets 3

4. (4) Whitechapel Rippers vs. (14) Rome Ramblin' Thornites
The Thornites managed to get a win last week, but they won't be so lucky as the Rippers are in town. The Rippers are to strong for the developing Rome team to handle.

Whitechapel Rippers 68 : Rome Ramblin' Thornites 10

5. (5) Glasgow Cats vs. (6) London Olympians
I had these two team reversed in last weeks rankings, but a better than expected performance from Glasgow, and a lackluster performance from London have them switched this week. This will be a tough game for both teams but I give a slight edge to Glasgow.

Glasgow Cats 36 : London Olympians 35

6. (7) Mile High Hitmen vs. (8) Flint Hobo
The Hitman managed to pull out a win against a tough Barcelona team last week. This week they face another tough opponent in the Flint Hobo. The Hitmen are a little less talented than the Hobo team, but they make up for it in grit. I think they will pull it out in a close game.

Mile High Hitmen 21 : Flint Hobo 20

7. (9) Barcelona Bisons vs. (10) Leipzig Lions
Another closely matched game this week. These two teams are struggling to establish an identity, and put themselves on the playoff map. Both are capable of getting there, but they will have to up their play level. In this weeks match, I give the edge to Barcelona

Barcelona Bisons 32 : Leipzig Lions 24

8. (11) Honolulu Wave Riders vs. (12) Reading Armed Centaurs
Neither team looked particularly good in their League Opener last week. Honestly this game is a toss up, and will be won by which ever team wants it the most. Right now I have the Wave Riders winning, but really its a coin flip.

Honolulu Wave Riders 33 : Reading Armed Centaurs 31

Good Luck Everyone!
Some important games for a lot of teams here, according to your rankings, with 5v6, 7v8, 9v10, and 11v12.

No way to distinguish the top 3 right now, but without jinxing our own team, I think you nailed who the 3 are.

The top 3 look pretty steady in their positions (they might changes places but they will still be top 3), its 4-8 where all hell is going to break loose.
Last edited Apr 28, 2009 22:21:06
The playoffs race will be interesting!
i agree, i'm all for the competition. playing gutted teams 10 times a season gets boring.
Honolulu is trying to lull you all to sleep then we will POUNCE on your carcasses and kill you all. ( I wish ). Honestly, it's nice to play in a league where most of the teams are on a level playing field. Some are just too good to mess with this early in the season ( Wildfire, you know who I'm talking about ) but as a first time owner, this is going to be fun. Great game Wildfire, appreciate it.
Really need the win this week to get our season started
Go beat those riders!
Cryptotich you are giving us way too much credit...We are just happy to be here
Underground got over their shocking performance last game with a stellar one tonight
1. (1) October Wildfire vs. (11) Arlington Sandlot
The Sandlot had a rough game last week in a surprisingly lopsided loss to the Glasgow Cats. Its out of the frying pan and into the fire for them this week though. I expect them to have another rough week.

October Wildfire 145 : Arlington Sandlot 14


Nice pred, 126-15!

Some issues which I wont spell out for others to enjoy, but got fixes in mind for everything..
Originally posted by ricksta1975
Underground got over their shocking performance last game with a stellar one tonight


I hope it was just a blip. I believe it was.....
Boy, this is going to be a hard season on my prediction percentages. Another great week with several teams looking stronger than they did last week, and a couple looking not as tough.


October Wildfire 145 : Arlington Sandlot 14
October Wildfire 126 : Arlington Sandlot 15

Luxembourg Lightning Bolts 255 : St. George Javalinas 0
Luxembourg Lightning Bolts 113 : St. George Javalinas 0

Red River Ruminants 88: Russian Strelets 3
Red River Ruminants 125: Russian Strelets 3

Whitechapel Rippers 68 : Rome Ramblin' Thornites 10
Whitechapel Rippers 160 : Rome Ramblin' Thornites 0

Glasgow Cats 36 : London Olympians 35
Glasgow Cats 16 : London Olympians 59

Mile High Hitmen 21 : Flint Hobo 20
Mile High Hitmen 23 : Flint Hobo 49

Barcelona Bisons 32 : Leipzig Lions 24
Barcelona Bisons 21 : Leipzig Lions 41

Honolulu Wave Riders 33 : Reading Armed Centaurs 31
Honolulu Wave Riders 69 : Reading Armed Centaurs 3
Last edited Apr 29, 2009 20:57:18
GG London. I know you planned hard for this one and your depth really showed on special teams. Kudos. I think you're actually a top 3 team (as I predicted pre-season).
Should be Honolulu PIMPS they pimp slapped Reading around with a large 69 goin down! They got Luxembourg next week

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