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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Pre-Season- Western Conference Power Ranking or How I Don't Have A clue WTF I'm Talking About.
I've decided to put together some power rankings for the Western Conference. These aren't done with any formula, and are simply my initial thoughts on how the conference looks. Please do us all a favor and comment, whether or not you agree. You can call me a moron, or anything else you can come up with, I promise you won't hurt my feelings. I'll try and keep up with these over the course of the season if people want, but I won't make any promises. With that in mind, let's get on with things.

Bottom to Top.

16. Warren Brotherhood Damasses - AN overall ranking of 36 (ouch)... honestly, these guys have no chance. Maybe down the road or when they get demoted. Right now, they are just a place to pad your stats.

No guess here they miss the playoffs

15. Mid-Pac Warriors - An overall ranking of 51 is not good (not in this league)... I don't think they will surprise anyone. With a team nearly full of inactive players and lack of depth on offense at the wide-out and the offensive line... these guys look like they are just holding on.

No guess here they miss the playoffs

14. Alberta Avalanche - An overall ranking of 51 is not good (not in this league)... Good depth on offense (four quarterbacks is a bit strange.) They should be able score points against evenly matched opponents . It'll be a tough season for them defensively.

No guess here they miss the playoffs

13. Bad Harbour Hackers - An overall ranking of 51 is not good (not in this league)... another one of those teams that with the right couple free agent signing could be a really good team. There is no question they have some issue at guard and lack depth at corner and defensive tackle. But, they don't have much of a chance of making the playoffs.

My guess they miss the playoffs.

12. Saskatoon Dream - An overall ranking of 51 is not good (not in this league)... I like the Dream, good owner, good group of players. Unless they bring in players to fill in holes on the offensive line to protect (IMO) the BBB #8 MVP Tic Tic Boom, they don't have much chance of making the playoffs.

My guess they miss the playoffs.

11. Toronto Tidal Waves - An overall ranking of 54 isn't too bad... Good depth at all position. Proved they could win the close games. I think how they'll play this season will come down to the first three games of the season. If get off to an 0-3 / 1-2 start I don't think they'll make the playoffs. Too many good teams.

My guess they miss the playoffs.

10. Toronto Thunder - An overall ranking of 54 isn't too bad... they appear to have made some improvement on the defensive side and have very good depth. Their problem will be can they score... they have some talent, but they are exteremely shallow at several key positions on the offensive line. Couple free agent signing could help out the cause but it'll effect an otherwise good team chemistry.

No guess here they miss the playoffs.

9. Manitoba Warmageddons - An overall ranking of 57... In all honest... we took advantage of teams we out level. We were 1-2 against the three best teams in the BBB 8; Blue, Surge and Dream and the one win was only due to stupid luck and some great defensive game planning.

My guess is we BARELY miss the playoffs

8. Vancouver Surge - An overall ranking of 57... Another really good team. Playoff bound in my opinion. The question is will their shallow depth charts at the defensive line and at linebacker be able to slow down some of the better offensives out there?

My guess they BARELY make the playoffs.

7. Whiskey Gap Bootleggers - An overall ranking of 54 isn't too bad... Another one of those teams that shouldn't be over looked. One little hiccup in the middle of last season and a lose to a team they clearly under estimated in the playoffs. Was all that prevented them from having an undefeated season and playing in the championship game. The question is did that loss, motivate them or crush their hopes?

My guess is they BARELY the playoffs.

6. Montreal Future - An overall ranking of 54 isn't too bad... I think the league is making a big mistake if the they sleep on this team. They currently lack depth on the defensive side of the ball, but a couple free agent signings and they could be a tough team to deal with down the stretch. One of the better running teams last season and a terrific run in the playoffs.

My guess they BARELY the playoffs.

5. Yukon City Grizzlies - An overall ranking of 57... Should be one of the better teams in the conference, but are they a playoff team? Defensively they look like they can beat anyone, they played like it last season. No reason to think that will change. Offensively, they lack depth at some key areas and even have a few CPU players. Last season their tough defense keep them in some close games that they lost... but could their offense have won those games with a little more omph!?

My guess they make the playoffs.

4. Port Chester University Whooping Cranes - An overall ranking of 60 (league best)... Interesting team the Cranes, great talent across the board. They have the potential to put together an outstanding season. But will their lack of depth on offense and defense... along with their inconsistent play be a factor this season.

My guess they make the playoffs.

3. Lake Erie Leviathans - An overall ranking of 57...There are a lot of really good teams and the Leviathans are one of those team. I don't think that will change here, some depth problem at the wide-out and maybe on the offensive line. But you can cover that up with a great passing game, which the Leviathans have proven they have consistently. Plus they have the best cover corner in the game... that alone is worth an extra win.

My guess they make the playoffs.

2. Labatt Blue - An overall ranking of 57... Goto GLBWiki and look up how to build the perfect slow build team and you'll see a picture of ol' Blue. Created on season five... took their licks for a couple seasons like a good slow build team does.. season seven got into the playoffs, season eight won it all. Perfect. I doubt they'll win it all this season... but I won't bet against it.

My guess they make the playoffs.

1. Calgary Hitmen - An overall ranking of 57... I'm gonna go ahead and say it.. this is my favorite to win the west. Good coaching. Great players. Some question about their depth chart. But it shouldn't effect them as much as it would other teams.

My guess they make the playoffs.

Last edited Apr 17, 2009 13:07:35
Originally posted by
4. Port Chester University Whooping Cranes - An overall ranking of 60 (league best)... Interesting team the Cranes, great talent across the board. They have the potential to put together an outstanding season. But will their lack of depth on offense and defense... along with their inconsistent play be a factor this season.

My guess they make the playoffs.

lack of depth? still picking up another player but I dont think depth is an issue as we have it at the right places. and we took care of the inconsistent play by replacing the OC this season.

Good write up though.
Thanks. I can only see what's on your roster... so five offensive linemen... to me is is a lack at depth.
Must be bugged then as we have 3 OTs 3 Gs and a C
Awesome write up, pretty honest, looks unbiased to me. Thanks for taking the time to do this thing, man. Nice.
Goat Father
good read and thanks for the kind words
Here is the big money question... who has boosted already? I don't think that we can use the overall scouting bars to get a good idea of who belongs where until we see the end results. We're pretty positive that we'll be at least a 60 overall once our team boosts.

I ask, because The U, as they like to be called, are a 60 overall and I was just curious as to whether they have partially or fully boosted yet.

Thanks for the kind words as well. I think that we're getting some love, because you were in our division last year and know what we're capable of.
bars dont really mean anything really...comes down to great gameplanning because all these teams are evenly matched and only one person on THE U has boosted and that was our FB..
Bars do mean something but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Tactics, AIs and Special Abilities are a big part of a team's success as well.

Thanks for answering my question. I don't think that we've had a Blue player boost yet.
yea you guys will be top 2 up there for sure
Originally posted by pbddeberry

7. Whiskey Gap Bootleggers - An overall ranking of 54 isn't too bad... Another one of those teams that shouldn't be over looked. One little hiccup in the middle of last season and a lose to a team they clearly under estimated in the playoffs. Was all that prevented them from having an undefeated season and playing in the championship game. The question is did that loss, motivate them or crush their hopes?

The team that beat us had us out ranked (54 to 57). They ended up winning our Conference, and losing to LXA for the League (they since went CPU). That game was played with no Advanced AI, and was meant as a test. Since we were playoff bound from day 1, the loss meant little. The team that knocked us out of the playoffs (Montreal Future) was evenly matched with us, and we beat them by 8 yards in the regular season.

Looking forward to this season, got tired of beating up on re-build teams.

Nice write up.

Good write up...

These scrims are gonna tell us a little about the teams also.
Originally posted by
1. Calgary Hitmen - An overall ranking of 57... I'm gonna go ahead and say it.. this is my favorite to win the west. Good coaching. Great players. Some question about their depth chart. But it shouldn't effect them as much as it would other teams.

My guess they make the playoffs.

Thank you for the great write-up... we will try to live up to that but I think there are 4 maybe 5 teams that could take it... too early to tell.

Great effort on the write up. No depth problems at WR...just not your traditional setup. What I do is by design, not lack of recruiting. Calgary is tough and I have no problems with them at #1 but I can't wait until we beat your #2 team by 40+.
Good job.

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