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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #2 > Preliminary Season 9 ZETA Rankings - neoliminal
Western Europe BBB #2 - Zeta Conference Preliminary Rankings

1 London Olympians

DEEP roster.

Leonard Valentine at QB is quite good with deep, strong O-Line. Strong Running game utilizes FBs and HBs (3 of each).

Light but effective passing game targets deep threats.

Special teams punt returns by HB Cedric Anderson are effective weapon. Good Punting and Kicking.

LB Rasmus Nüchel is heart of defense.

2 October Wildfire

Thunder 'n' Lightning provides devastating run attack behind premier O-Line. Solid passing game. Primary passing target is HB Keith Rutler.

Defensive star is Tiag Omch. Sack machine. Bryn Price II is a strong CB.

Sub-par kicker. Decent punt returns. Average kick returns. Strong contender for play-offs.

3 Luxembourg Lightning Bolts

The Natrone Bomb and Slow Roll share running responsibilities and are core of offense. Strong O-line

Pass is average, but does utilize TE effectively. Rarely throws to RBs.

Average punt and Kick returns. Weak Kicker, Good punter.

Outstanding Defense with Brad Purdue and Frank Warren providing heavy QB pressure from the DE positions. Average CB coverage.

4 Whitechapel Rippers

Decent passing game. Two HBs share above average running game. HBs also play heavy roll in passing game. Exceptional inside run o-line.

Average punt returning.

Defensively very strong and have both a deep DE sack team and an extraordinary CB in Prime Time Baby. LB Ogie Oglethorp completes the defensive standouts.

5 Reading Armed Centaurs

Average passing game. HB Ronnie Dobbs does the primary rushing, with backup Roid Rage949 an able backup. Un-remarkable receiving core gains from run focused offense.

Blitzing LB Who Killed Laura Palmer is a strong presence on defense, with Daniel Rucker and George M Mansfield doing good jobs beside him.

Average Punting and Kicking.

6 Mile High Hitmen

Prolific passer in QB John The Gun Elway Jr. Heavy use of FBs in running game, but not a the singular threat. Average receivers getting a lift from great QB.

Star player DE blitz freak stands out as imposing defensive threat.

Horrible return teams. Excellent kicker and TWO punters of note.

7 Glasgow Cats

Stand out QB Caesar Roman. Average receivers. RB Tyler Hugh Lewis is a dual threat on the ground and in the air.

DE Deacon Shmoove produces majority of sacks. Average LB core. No standout CBs

Average punt and kick returns. Average punting, no kicker.

8 Arlington Sandlot

Average passing game. HB Tyrannosaurus Roy and Bob Lablah are adequate RBs. WR duo Ryan *Chino* Attwood and Danny Douglass pose deep threat. Weak offensive line.

SS Dob Bobler and LB Bob Dobbler for the backbone of the defense with Uneeda Biscuit providing the pressure up front.

Decent punt returns from Quicksilver Black. Great Kicker, average punter.

9 Red River Ruminants

Balanced offense with nearly equal passing and rushing ability. Receiving core is average but does utilize the TE Dawson James effectively in game planning. Average Offensive line.

DE Dallas SACK MACHINE is one bright spot on the defense.

Sub par kick and punt returning, average kicking and punting teams.

10 Leipzig Lions

Two average QBs. Excellant HB Pete Columbo will be primary source of yardage. Spread passing game utilizes WR, TE and HB.

Decent defensive secondary fill in for leaky D-line.

Particularly average punting and kick returning. (Including fill in play by DE Nada Surf for kicking duty)

11 Russian Strelets

Two good QBs. HB "Juggarnaut" Mike. HB "Juggarnaut" Mike is a strong rusher with able back-up HB Morenmore Miles both running behind an average O-Line. Good receiving core (including TE and HBs) with no real stand out players.

Lackluster defense with few noteworthy threats.

Decent punt returns. Above average Kicker. Average punter.

12 Flint Hobo

Below average QBs. Solid RB Smashur Mouth shares time with average back-up HB Hannibal Jones. Streaky receiving core.

One decent CB in Jake Swiftfast. A great DE Tiger Jordan and an average LB back up.

13 Barcelona Bisons

Average passer. Average rushing. Halfway decent O-line. No real receiving threats.

Below average defense.

Special teams a bright spot with punt returner in CB Jamie Redknapp. Good kicker and a punter in Steve McManaman.

14 Honolulu Wave Riders

Horrid QB. Offense relies on dual threat HB Hog Nailed Boot and possession receiver WR Sean Tomlinson.

Defense work in progress

Average punt and kick returns. No kicker, no punter (QB subbed in for punter).

15 St. George Javalinas

Team clearly work in progress.

QB John Wishall below average passer. HB Richard Tomlinson offenses only workhorse. WR TY Holloway primary passing threat.

Under packaged defense.

Decent kicker and punter.

16 Rome Ramblin' Thornites

Team appears unfinished. Many CPU players.

Decent HB. TE is main passing threat.

CB Velvet Johnson and LB Lone Begger are only bright spots on otherwise average defense.

Un-remarkable special teams. Missing kicker.

Last edited Apr 9, 2009 02:57:00
Green Gator
Originally posted by Green Gator

Your defense is what lowered you. It can be worked around with a decent DC, but without any sample games to judge from I had to do some of the ranking from raw numbers and gut instincts.

BTW, I love the fact that your GM'd team has to spell out that it's named after a country.
Last edited Apr 9, 2009 10:29:43
Green Gator
we have AWESOME DC now. look at the first game we played last season vs the banfield youth.. then the scrimmage during the playoffs. and in addition we have never been BLOWN out but once and that was vs the leagues champ
Just you wait. The Russian Strelets defense wont be an issue. Green Gator knows how to run a team. We were unlucky in the shuffling but we are going to make the best of it. Its fine though. It is just a ranking of opinion and some things that you dont know about will stand out.
Last edited Apr 9, 2009 11:03:31
Green Gator
Butt fucking right
Perfect... I know I've done a good prediction if people get upset about it. ;-)

Out of curiosity where would you put yourself on this list if you could move yourself?
Last edited Apr 9, 2009 11:37:39
Green Gator
well just have to see how the season plays out
nice rankings.

October Wildfire will be #1 at the end of the season though
Mark James
Damnit the curse of the #1 pick. Hopefully we can prove you right.
Good Job on the picks.
Last edited Apr 9, 2009 14:09:32
Originally posted by Styxx
Damnit the curse of the #1 pick. Hopefully we can prove you right.
Good Job on the picks.

I just couldn't ignore the 5 players at every position. ;-)
Yeah that roster is ridiculously deep...

Thanks for the #2. Not so much thanks for spoiling where we throw to Though the sim looks to be changing so much next season, anyway!

Yeah we have a deep roster. I do plan to move some on, but I dont want to neccesarily move on the lowest level guys. Some are good friends and good agents to me etc...

Not sure I like being no1 seed, but hopefully we can live up to the bill.
Originally posted by Octowned
Yeah that roster is ridiculously deep...

Thanks for the #2. Not so much thanks for spoiling where we throw to Though the sim looks to be changing so much next season, anyway!

Don't worry, I aired everyone's tactics. Less scouting for you.
Rumble Bee
Originally posted by Green Gator
Butt fucking right

Scrimmage anyone, I heard butt fucking and I am ready to pounce! Who wants it first

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