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Does anyone know if this only applies to blocking? Does it only fire if someone is in the act of blocking?
I would imagine so, boss, reading the description.

I imagine that the code has a part to deal with "blocking interactions" or the like, where one side uses Blk/Str/Agi/SAs to hold the block, and the other uses Str/Agi/SAs to break it. Also the position of the two dots whilst engaged in the block can move, and I imagine get low / wall influence this.

As for other positions getting low, HBs have "Lower the Shoulder" and the like, so I imagine that the O-line's Get Low is specifically for blocking interactions.

Not 100% sure though - just my opinion. Any other ideas?
Originally posted by mandyross
I would imagine so, boss, reading the description.

I imagine that the code has a part to deal with "blocking interactions" or the like, where one side uses Blk/Str/Agi/SAs to hold the block, and the other uses Str/Agi/SAs to break it. Also the position of the two dots whilst engaged in the block can move, and I imagine get low / wall influence this.

As for other positions getting low, HBs have "Lower the Shoulder" and the like, so I imagine that the O-line's Get Low is specifically for blocking interactions.

Not 100% sure though - just my opinion. Any other ideas?

Heh.. I figured I'd see a response from you on here..

I've got a non-OL player that rolled an AE piece with Get Low on it, so that's why I'm curious.. It would be an interesting experiment with the player to say the least.. It's just whether it's worth boosting with tokens or scrapping all together..
If it's a player who is involved in any kind of blocking interaction (TE, FB, HB, WR) I imagine that the Get Low will be taken into account when they are locked on to someone.

I'd probably look for something else though unless it is a full back specifically designed to block.
Get Low helps with run blocking, specifically pushing the defender backwards so it is most useful on an OL, TE, or FB. I love Get Low on those positions, my RG has 10 (11 with 6 more tokens) and my FB has 3 points of it from AEQ.

WRs really only need to hold their block for the most part, they don't really have to push a lot of defenders out of crowded holes, for them hold block % might be a better bet if you want to block on sweeps or screens, but I can't say I tried either of them on a WR.
Last edited Apr 8, 2009 22:37:30
Well, I was thinking about it being utilized in a different way.. I have a powerback, so I was thinking if it was just a generic lowering of a player's center of gravity, that might help him drive through defenders.. But of course it would have to fire when not blocking, but when carrying the ball..
I kind of doubt it, the SAs tend to be situational or otherwise limited to a specific function/position to minimize exploits with them.

For example Bort has confirmed Super Vision doesn't act like having more vision in all situations, it acts as a bonus to certain defensive rolls that vision would factor into. It would not help a QB find his receivers. It does "increase the ability to avoid fakes and read developing plays" by providing a bonus to those kinds of rolls only. So if you aren't being faked on by a player and you aren't trying to determine if the play is run or pass or read where the pass is going, then Super Vision does nothing. But if you put your QB in at CB it would help him still suck, but he would be getting a bonus on those rolls.

Get Low is very likely the same, it probably only provides a bonus to rolls made when you are blocking and want to move your defender backwards and doesn't work in any other situation. Otherwise it would be like more levels of Lower Shoulder or Power Through, 2 abilities that already let RBs "get low" for a hit.
Last edited Apr 9, 2009 21:30:30

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