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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > I've opened all my players until I remember to close them
A few notes for those interested:

The Ts were built and played with before I bothered to learn about the system.
The G and Cs all sat out for 1 season, so check the born on date if you care to compare.
Olin was abandoned midbuild and turned into a special teamer.
The rest of the Cs are still sitting on sizable sp pools while they still train.

Enjoy (or criticize, either way)
wow...that's the fastest C I've ever seen!!
Nice - I always wondered what was up with Olin's bars.

Fastfood Nation was sat out 1 season then - it looks like this tactic could really pay off in the future. How high did you spend SP in Str before stopping?
It looks like the 77/78 cap. 4 levels later, cap blocking to where it is now (20 pts), which would also take strength to 82.

How does low strength work for your OTs?

Nice all around builds, the latter have more promise than the first obviously as with my oline players
Originally posted by mandyross
Nice - I always wondered what was up with Olin's bars.

Fastfood Nation was sat out 1 season then - it looks like this tactic could really pay off in the future. How high did you spend SP in Str before stopping?

Octowned is right. I spent to 77 or 78, and trained an extra time to get one more point.

Originally posted by octowned
How does low strength work for your OTs?

I don't know anymore, they don't seem to give up sacks, and they seem to hold blocks pretty well, but i don't get a ton of push on run blocking. I think I could do better, and I've considered moving the agi eq to str for my RT, but I'm not sure how much it will really change things, and it seems ok for now.

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