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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Yes, we are aware the I slam play is frequntly cheesy and many teams are running it over and over. No, we are not updating things in-season.

Bort posted,

We have made a point of not doing updates mid-season after week 12. That's the unwritten agreement I've basically had with the users of this site for several months now, and I'm not going to suddenly change that agreement on day 34 because of a bunch of forum threads about it.

Please check out the recent announcement of things we're updating for next season. If you want to see how they work, check out recent test server sims - they give you FAR more of a preview on upcoming stuff than we've ever had before on this site. There's even some games with 2 identical teams running 100% of this play, vs different defenses. The version of the sim on there right now is basically the bleeding edge version of the sim I'm working on, minus any new additions that are unfinished of course.

I'm not ignoring you, and yes I agree cheese tactics are annoying in every game I have ever played. I'm spending most of my time working on updates, not reading the forum looking for people calling me an moron to respond to. It's always that way at the end of the season - lots to do with time running down. I can answer questions here and there, but I have mods, testers, and support staff who can help answer your questions as well. Send them a PM or post in the test blog section - they are happy to talk with you about your questions. I know you often want info direct from the horse's mouth (me), but they do talk to me frequently and often pass on stuff I have given them directly. Tpat and Bones especially have been very gracious and helpful in keeping the test blog updated for me and they are quite happy to answer questions.
Buster Hyman
Once again, it's not like Montana lost simply because of one play:

Net Yardage difference: -130
TOTAL RUSHING YARDS: -14 (obviously sacks involved, but not the point)
Yards/Rush: -0.9
Sacked: 4
Turnover Margin: -1
20 missed tackles

In my opinion, if you know how to 'cheese' the game (which to me is a nice way of saying exploit), then why do it? Granted, we are talking about a football simulation here but I would rather lose than use some sort of cheesy scheme. Especially being that a lot of other teams are using it and causing a stir on the forums. I don't have any emotional tie to either of these teams but I feel like it may have been the 'cheesy' thing to do.

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