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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #4 > Someone answer me this please
If a player came to you on your team and asked you to be released because he was unhappy with his player's build and wanted to retire the player and start over, would you let him go or not? I ask because I had sent a pm to the owner of the Salt Lake City Utah and told him exactly that and his response was absolutely not! I just want to get some feed back on this because as a team owner myself, I've never had a problem doing this with a guy that let me know 2 weeks before the season, agreed to play out the rest of the season, and I had not committed a lot of cash to. Yes, that team did help me pay for my level 16 upgrades but after I used all of my players money first which was about 18K (which paid for 1 upgrade and about half of another give or take a little).

I just want to get a feel from other owners in this league. I have been through this before but on the other side of it. Players have done it the right way (via pm as I did and not in the team forum ) and I have not had a big problem with it because I know if I part ways with that agent on good terms, that he may return a better built player to my team later on (which has happened). Feed back is more than welcome positive or negative. I just want to know if I'm in the majority or minority here.
Last edited Mar 25, 2009 21:24:27
if i was the owner of salt lake, i would release you because it obviously won't make or break their season and they aren't going to make the playoffs.

if salt lake was contending, it would be a different story this late in the season, but they aren't.
agreed and thank you for your response
some owners are rude and dont care about there players on there teams.
It depends a little on the situation. If I had just paid for equipment for the player, or otherwise invested a lot of cash in him, I might be hesitant to release him. In this situation, though, I'd probably release him. IMHO, this game is supposed to be fun, and it's not a lot of fun to have your guys "stuck."
Yeah, speaking of fun. How fun is it going to be now that he has banned me from the team forum. I never posted anything in there and I'm not one to "steal" tactics (especially on a non-playoff team). Seems kind of juvenile to me. I'm supposed to spend next season, stuck on the team with a guy I want to retire and I can't even see how I'm supposed to set my tactics?
I may be missing something here but can't you just retire the player anyway?
not while he's signed to a human controlled team
ah gotcha, then it's just a case of a lame owner. Check with admins and state your case. I'm not sure how they handle it and hold your player to his contract, but hopefully they can help you out. Good luck
You could try trading for your own player from your own team, then release and retire. It'd have to be done when you're out of the playoffs though, but your stadium is mostly done and you have the cash available. Just send a min cash offer because that should more than pay back for your player. If that's not an acceptable solution I don't know what is (though I wouldn't want a player on my team that doesn't want to be there as it does nothing for either side).
Originally posted by Kono22
You could try trading for your own player from your own team, then release and retire. It'd have to be done when you're out of the playoffs though, but your stadium is mostly done and you have the cash available. Just send a min cash offer because that should more than pay back for your player. If that's not an acceptable solution I don't know what is (though I wouldn't want a player on my team that doesn't want to be there as it does nothing for either side).

That's the plan but the owner said any trade offer "better be a good one". Just stinks IMO that we can't part ways on good terms.
A min cash offer is going to be a few hundred thousand. That's a lot more than he's spent on you in salary and equipment. That is a good one. If not, he's just going to lose money by paying you since you're obviously not going to boost or set tactics or anything of the sort. It just leaves a hole in his finances to keep you there. He's also going to have zero luck recruiting doing crap like this. If he doesn't let you go just take off all equipment and stop training or applying SPs. That's a lot worse for him than for you since your goal is to get out and retire.
Like Konon said, take off all your equipment and set your tactics wacked. If you are an elusive RB, set him for power etc...

I understand if the team is contending and you had 3 or 4 equipment upgrades paid for or something like that, but in your situation I would release you.
Originally posted by chadj19
Like Konon said, take off all your equipment and set your tactics wacked. If you are an elusive RB, set him for power etc...

I understand if the team is contending and you had 3 or 4 equipment upgrades paid for or something like that, but in your situation I would release you.

the only bad thing about removing EQ is that you don't just effect the owner but the TEAM in whole. i wouldn't do that. i would just continue to try and rationalize with him and if he doesn't oblige then i have to say ride out the contract that YOU accepted then retire him when your contract is up. Sorry to say that, but as an owner i would give you the release myself but some folks are different. But, me being a team player couldn't do anything to hurt the team and since you accepted the contract i would do my best, by my time and when it is over i would retire
I'm only advocating removing equipment if the owner rejects a fair trade for the player. If he does, it's obvious that the rejection of the trade is to spite the player. At the level his player on that team is (21), there's only been $62.5k spent on equipment (unless there's been a rework) and at $80k a year, say for 2 seasons, that's about $220k spent on the player. A trade in the neighborhood of $300k for the player is fair, as it pays the owner back and gives him a bit extra to use as a recruiting tool (signing bonus) for the player that needs to be brought in to fill in the place of the departed.

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