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Where's the rivalries? Where's the smack talk? All I see are a bunch of GG threads and pats on each others backs! Eventually you guys are going to join hands in a circle and start singing kumbaya... Freaking hippies.... IT'S FOOTBALL... MAN UP AND START SMACK TALKING... or is this what LXA can expect when they move up and dominate this league?
Its more of a mutual respect because most of the teams are pretty competitive with one another.
Originally posted by Inebriated
Its more of a mutual respect because most of the teams are pretty competitive with one another.

Sounds a bit weak to me.... just saying... Good Teams should speak their minds, and weaker teams should constantly shoot to better them. Gonna be real interesting when LXA comes up and shakes the cages a bit up here..

Its more like LXA is fluffing their feathers over some cupcake teams in the BBB and next season will open their eyes a bit to reality. Trust me we were in the same boat last season, only difference is we didnt come in here expecting to be at the top right away. BBB leagues(especially in Canada) are weak in general.
Originally posted by Anebriated
Its more like LXA is fluffing their feathers over some cupcake teams in the BBB and next season will open their eyes a bit to reality. Trust me we were in the same boat last season, only difference is we didnt come in here expecting to be at the top right away. BBB leagues(especially in Canada) are weak in general.

Don't you think it is more than a tad bit presumptuous to compare yourself to LXA?
youre right, you guys actually have to win something before I can do that.
Originally posted by Inebriated
you're right, you guys actually have to win something before I can do that.

Last time I checked 14-0>>>>>>7-7
Last time I checked Cranes had 1 trophy(that im not even proud of because of the competition level we faced to get it) and LXA has 0.
Originally posted by Inebriated
Last time I checked Cranes had 1 trophy(that im not even proud of because of the competition level we faced to get it) and LXA has 0.

You gotta be real proud of that Conference Title, considering that it's the 2 you have on your mantle... For Gm'ing 7 teams, you're not exactly Blazing up the charts are yah lush?

When LXA wins their championship this season, I'll make sure to send you a pic of it....
I have 2 because I was a GM when the previous owner sold the team and I bought it. Its nothing special just means I worked my way up the charts on the team before taking it over. As for all the teams I GM for Im not that worried, their time will come. A few are slow build teams, some are teams I just help with finances and basic information(newer team owners just want someone to look over their shoulder), only 3 of them are actually teams I truely work with in an DC/scouting role. Of the teams my RL friends and I run(Demonik, Cranes and STDs) we have a pretty solid overall body of work so while we arent rolling in the hardware we have brought many competitive teams to the table.

Have fun with the BBB trophy, we can get you a little engraving that reads "we were the smartest kids with downs syndrome - Special Olympics, Season 8.
Originally posted by Anebriated
Last time I checked Cranes had 1 trophy(that im not even proud of because of the competition level we faced to get it) and LXA has 0.

Be careful assuming that you are going to win anything. Strange things happen in the playoffs, and the games are always way closer than maybe they should be. A few bad breaks and your sitting their wondering wtf happened and why are we still in BBB?
You quoted the wrong guy im guessing. I never said we were winning anything here yet. Try quoting the LXA guys.
Originally posted by Inebriated
I have 2 because I was a GM when the previous owner sold the team and I bought it. Its nothing special just means I worked my way up the charts on the team before taking it over. As for all the teams I GM for I'm not that worried, their time will come. A few are slow build teams, some are teams I just help with finances and basic information(newer team owners just want someone to look over their shoulder), only 3 of them are actually teams I truly work with in an DC/scouting role. Of the teams my RL friends and I run(Demonik, Cranes and STDs) we have a pretty solid overall body of work so while we aren't rolling in the hardware we have brought many competitive teams to the table.

Have fun with the BBB trophy, we can get you a little engraving that reads "we were the smartest kids with downs syndrome - Special Olympics, Season 8.

Congrats on 3 things:
Being the proud owner of 2 trophy's in the same season, for ironically the same thing... does that mean you only have 1 trophy?
Still being the one person incapable of spelling your screenname right
You're lack of the " ' " is somewhat amusing. Due to that fact, you may qualify more for the Special Olympics better than any person in this game!

Fact of the matter is, you're terrified of what LXA represents. We represent the Future of GLB. We represent the EVIL side that you all wish you could be. We are assholes, and we love it, and we will continue to be assholes, until the entirety of GLB bows down to our brilliance.
Originally posted by Inebriated
You quoted the wrong guy I'm guessing. I never said we were winning anything here yet. Try quoting the LXA guys.

QFT for a change....
North Vancouver Hurricanes , I dont like them

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