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A couple of good match ups this week - should be a good week of Eastern Conference football action


4 Star
Bristol Bullets vs. Megatropolis Tigers
This is going to be one of the best games of the season IMO. If Mega can put points up early and play with the lead they will be tough to beat here - on the flip side Bristol has one of the most explosive offenses in the conference but they need to get an early lead and make Mega play from behind. Bristol is just red hot right now and I see their balanced attack on offense being able to squeek one out here.
My pick: Bristol

New York Warriors vs. Anonymous Assassins
NY has quietly gone 12-2 and their QB Vincent Alo is having an MVP type season. The Assassins have the 2 headed monster at QB and possess one of the better defenses in the conference. This game is huge for both teams - an Assassins win and they clinch the #3 seed - and vice versa a NY win and they clinch the #3 seed. Man this is a tough game to pick but I am going to go with the more consistent team here which has been the Warriors - but I will not be surprised in the least if the Assassins pull this one out.
My pick: New York

3 Star
San Francisco Demons vs. Las Vegas Wildcats
Both teams have a lot to play for here - SF looks to lock up the #1 seed here while Las Vegas with a win would lock up the #7 seed and avoid the Demons in the 1st round of the playoffs. LV likes to play high scoring games but they cannot trade points with the potent SF offense so they will have to have a clever game plan in this one. The SF defense has just been ferocious this season and points will be tough to come by for LV. I see this game being close in the 1st half but SF will pull away in the 2nd half and celebrate their #1 seed.
My pick: SF

2 Star
Colonial Zoners vs. Tri-Cities Fever
Good match up here against 2 equally matched teams. Tri Cities will want to prove to the league that they can beat a playoff team and Colonial is hoping to lock in that #7 playoff seed. Should be a fun game to watch and in the end I see Colonial's running game being the difference.
My pick: Colonial

Trinsic Purple Dragons vs. Richmond Retros
I could not lump this game in with the CPU games so I gave it a gracious 2 star ranking this week. Richmond just can't play defense and Trinisic has a good nucleus of slow build players - Richmond will score points with their potent passing game but in the end the Trinisc defense is a bit better than Richmond's and they pick up win #7.
My pick: Trinsic

1 Star
Montgomery Mustache Rides vs. Fort Worth Warriors
I think Fort Worth is headed in the right direction and with a few more players this team could challenge for a playoff spot next season.
My pick: Fort Worth

Bortsville Mystery Nerf vs. B.C. Assassins
Elvis & Bort get to pad their stats
My pick: Bortsville

French Lick Dirty Whorns vs. Kentucky Jaguars
Robert Ross has a big day and the Whorns win their 4th of the year handily
My pick: French Lick
Last edited Mar 25, 2009 05:20:40
you can add 24-1 to that list( yeah I know)

30-2 - lost with Tri Cities and Richmond this week - good job guys

Tri Cities with a win over Bortsville gets the #8 seed
Skanker irl
Originally posted by jstuart66

Tri Cities with a win over Bortsville gets the #8 seed

In all Our meetings, the difference is 6 points. And I think 1 point in a friendly(dont quote me) Dammit were due for some good luck.
Originally posted by jstuart66
A couple of good match ups this week - should be a good week of Eastern Conference football action


4 Star
Bristol Bullets vs. Megatropolis Tigers
This is going to be one of the best games of the season IMO. If Mega can put points up early and play with the lead they will be tough to beat here - on the flip side Bristol has one of the most explosive offenses in the conference but they need to get an early lead and make Mega play from behind. Bristol is just red hot right now and I see their balanced attack on offense being able to squeek one out here.
My pick: Bristol

Sorry I couldn't make it a better game. Since the #2 is all but locked up I tried a couple of things......guess what?? I Can't pass!!! hahaha!

Last edited Mar 25, 2009 20:26:33
I think your QB and WRs are a little rusty from all the running Good game, close at the end.
Originally posted by phantomlord2k
I think your QB and WRs are a little rusty from all the running Good game, close at the end.

yeah they were tellin me in practice "you want us to do what????"

oh well back to the drawin board!


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