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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Gladiators, the meat in a Hunters sandwich.
Mavs and Hunters play a special home and home.

Yellowknife (cp)...The Mavericks travelled to Yellowknife today to play the Hunters in a special scrimmage. It seems the Mavericks unintentionally employed some borderline tactics in their regular season meeting on March 20th.

"We thought we had a good plan, we were going to attack the inside of their 3-4 defense, with runs up the gut." said owner Dan, " unfortunatley it did not unfold how we envisioned it. As soon as we watched the replay I knew their would be trouble. Fortunately Crowbar and the rest of Canada A 3, understood we were a victim of Borts flawed system. The Mavericks would never intenionally try to undermine the integrity of Canada A3. I've said all I going to say on the matter, if you'll excuse me I have some chicken waiting for me"

It seems the real winners of this game were the Mavericks HB's.
"I don't know what the problem was " said CYA Tomorrow, the Mavericks outstanding HB "they gave me the ball 35 times, and we won. I don't see a problem. As far I'm concerned I SHOULD get the ball every down"
The Mavericks other standout back Pro Skillz said " Man, I know the coaches are feelin bad about how things shook out, but I was just happy to hear my number called, HB's need lovin too"

"I caught the ball twice and scored twice" said outspoken WR McKnight said "Imagine what it woulda been like if I got that ball in MY hands 35 times. Oh and I didn't see no 22" biceps around, of course... I wasn't looking behind me...."

Our main intention was to keep their offense off of the field, shorten the game and take them by surprise by running a game plan we've never run before" said willyf "this was a DRASTIC departure from that... we didn't actually expect running 4 plays in a row and never punting would 'work' so well as to get us a victory.. but rather keep us from a 70 - 24 type loss... (by keeping their offense sidelined)... "

Todays game was a bit of a differnt story , while the Hunters prevailed, the Mavericks (with a more comventional game plan) played them well. It was a hard earned victory for the Hunters. The Hunters were held to their lowest point total, against any of the west teams.

Unfortunately for the Mavs the Hunters D was just terrific today.

"Everytime it looked like we would put something together, they found a way to shut us down" said willy." it was very frustrating"

This is the play that may have sealed the victory for the Hunters.

" That interception by Little Eric was Huge" said, Brandon Nixon " I'd like to have that one back, I'd knock him on his little ass before I ever let him get that ball again"

All in all it was an interesting week for the Mavs , who managed to squeeze in a victory over the Gladiators (27-24)in between games against the Hunters.

Up next for the Mavs , the Manitoba Direwolves, followed by a big game against RCKY.
"Don't worry Nola we have put the "alternate" play book away forever. Who knows what we may have in store for our old rivals though, I hope ypu have your metal detectors warmed up.
I'm just glad you guys aren't named the Royal SCOTTISH Kilted Yaksmen.....ewwwwww" Said Dan.

Last edited Mar 23, 2009 16:55:39
good job Adam. ........I know how this is looking with us losing and me not doing another power rankings but things have been crazy these last couple of days and well the tourney did start............GG Port Royal.......we had our shots to put you away and failed multiple times.
Hehe, I think our players will have those metal detector wands with them on the field for you guys!

BTW, I don't think you're being a poor sport crowbar. You wouldn't be checking in if you were. Don't sweat it. Sometimes life just gets in the way of GLB
"Sometimes life just gets in the way of GLB "

Originally posted by MissingNola
Hehe, I think our players will have those metal detector wands with them on the field for you guys!

BTW, I don't think you're being a poor sport crowbar. You wouldn't be checking in if you were. Don't sweat it. Sometimes life just gets in the way of GLB

Nola, let them bring their weapons...we will be ready with more
Oh sure that's fair, your gonna use weapons too.....nice.
Originally posted by Adamsfore
Oh sure that's fair, your gonna use weapons too.....nice.

We will be installing weapons on the field tonight after the game. This will include snipers on the top of the stadium
He better have a quick trigger finger. You ever see Robert run?
Last edited Mar 24, 2009 12:43:05
Wait, so this is where the EQ fund is disappearing to in RCKY?
The first football game where both teams are armed with daggers, swords, maces, and pistols. Now that would be interesting. Maybe throw in a shotgun or two for the backfield...

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