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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Week 14 Eastern Conference Games
Not much going on in Week 14 pretty light schedule with good games

4 Stars (A Must Watch)
Megatropolis Tigers vs. Bortsville Mystery Nerf
Battle of the running games - Gwen & Freaky vs Elvis & Bort. Each possession in this game will count as each team will probably only get a number of offensive series given how well they both run the ball and eat up the clock. I see this as a pretty low scoring game but in the end I think the running game of the Tigers will prevail in this one.
My pick: Megatropolis

3 Stars (You could do a lot worse)

2 Stars (If there is nothing else on then maybe...)
Trinsic Purple Dragons vs. Bristol Bullets
Bristol is probably the hottest team in the league right now and it will be interesting to see where they end up in the final playoff seeds - not sure anybody wants to play them. They get a scrappy Dragons team here but should find no troubles winning their seventh in a row.
My pick: Bristol

Richmond Retros vs. Anonymous Assassins
Not a yawner but pretty close. The Assassins should have no trouble here as they notch win #11.
My pick: Anonymous

1 Star (Yawn , pass me another beer)
Fort Worth Warriors vs. San Francisco Demons
This one is over in the first 2 minutes
My pick: SF Demons

Tri-Cities Fever vs. Montgomery Mustache Rides
The fever keep their slim playoff hopes alive
My pick: Tri-Cities

Kentucky Jaguars CPU vs. New York Warriors
Warriors continue to roll and hope Mega stumbles
My pick: New York

Las Vegas Wildcats vs. French Lick Dirty Whorns
Las Vegas gets a tune up before a big game with SF
My pick: Las Vegas

B.C. Assassins vs. Colonial Zoners
The Zoners inch 1 step closer to the playoffs
My pick: Colonial
Originally posted by jstuart66
Not much going on in Week 14 pretty light schedule with good games

4 Stars (A Must Watch)
Megatropolis Tigers vs. Bortsville Mystery Nerf
Battle of the running games - Gwen & Freaky vs Elvis & Bort. Each possession in this game will count as each team will probably only get a number of offensive series given how well they both run the ball and eat up the clock. I see this as a pretty low scoring game but in the end I think the running game of the Tigers will prevail in this one.
My pick: Megatropolis

Hope your right!!


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