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I'm seriously just dont understand that game after watching it. 177 total yards for you guys and u won. Zero 1st downs the ENTIRE 1st half. Your lone TD is off of a 95 yard INT TD where instead of it throwing to the 2 wide open WR's it throws instead to the double covered one for a pick 6???

Yet when we finally actually get a turnover against u guys late in the 4th qtr it gives it right back to you next play. Obviously when u win the turnover battle you have a great shot at winning the game but that game was just beyond annoying to watch.

You guys have a great team and your new additions will make you even better for sure. Keep up the great season and i hope we meet up in the playoffs because after todays game I'm just sick to my stomach after watching how it played out.

GG guys and best of luck the rest of the way.
I can assure you I'm sick to my stomach too trying to find where our offense has gone.

I would say good game, but it was hardly a good game wasn't it?

Well played would be more appropriate!

GG? LOL we're lucky we didn't LOSE. I thank you for your honest and well stated post Moxon. I can't believe how poorly we played. This seriously was a game about defenses. Both Defenses played fantastic for the most part. Ours just came up with more turnovers and that was the different. Our offense played poorly, we're going to have to go to work on that. Great game guys, great team you go over there in West Canaan. Keep up the great work the rest of the season.
Yea it is what it is though. You guys have a great team man and i knew it would be a tough game but I'm just lost after watching that.

Best of luck the rest of the way and hopefully we meet up in the playoffs again.
WOW, I hate to say it. But that was one AWFUL fucking game for both sides of the ball on both teams. I'm going back to the drawing board on this one, because the only thing that won us this game was turnovers. And you can't change/predict turnovers, you can change your play calling and that's what I'm doing. Really feel horrible about taking that one from you guys as no team should've really one that game. And no disrespect to you guys, but I want a fair match up in the playoffs.
Last edited Mar 19, 2009 15:27:54
Originally posted by Zsirvone28
WOW, I hate to say it. But that was one AWFUL fucking game for both sides of the ball on both teams. I'm going back to the drawing board on this one, because the only thing that won us this game was turnovers. And you can't change/predict turnovers, you can change your play calling and that's what I'm doing. Really feel horrible about taking that one from you guys as no team should've really one that game. And no disrespect to you guys, but I want a fair match up in the playoffs.

BY, hehe, Zack is a good guy, just asked me to read this. He means no offense, but I also agree with him and I'm willing to bet so does Mox to a certain degree. Neither team put forth the time of game we're capable of and we both know it. But teams are way better I think than either of us us looked today. Why? Idk, but our coaches here know it, the coaches over in WCC I am sure are going to address it for their team and we'll be back at it in the next game.

I knew it would be tough, I'm sorely disappointed in my own teams performance, and I speak of no harshness to my coaches who felt like they put together a good plan but know they have work to do. Great job on Defense Mox.
You guys are all too hard on yourselves. You guys are 1 and 2 in points allowed in Alpha, you both play great defense, I'm not real surprised the outcome looked like really bad offense.

The important thing is nobody got anyone hurt, so you will be full strength when the playoffs come.
That game is the kind of SIM you dont wish on anyone. I mean it was beyond ugly and far from the best performances either team is capable of and should have put up. You cant predict turnovers but you do what u can to get your team in the best possible position as u can to win ballgames. That said, our defense held you guys to zero 1st downs the entire 1st half yet we are losing 7-3 at half? I mean that doesnt even make sense. Obviously your defense was solid as well because we couldnt move the ball but even when we did we turned it over. We have an amazing defense and we have showed that all season. I knew you guys had a great one as well so i expected a bigtime test. Turnovers were the killer but overall it was just a strange game.

Both teams are better than that and obviously it hurts worse when u are on the losing end of a game but today was just a tougher loss to take than anyone I've had. You guys got the W and thats the most important thing for your team.

I know both teams arent satisfied but at the end of the day we got alot of other games to play. There was no disrespect taken Zsirvone28 as we def hope to meet back up again in the playoffs for a better game than that.

Thanks Jack. You guys are solid and you have done a great job with your team and the write-ups in the forum as well.

Keep up the good work.

Originally posted by supgreg
You guys are all too hard on yourselves. You guys are 1 and 2 in points allowed in Alpha, you both play great defense, I'm not real surprised the outcome looked like really bad offense.

The important thing is nobody got anyone hurt, so you will be full strength when the playoffs come.

Yea greg I'm glad nobody got hurt today. That was the main goal.
I think this is the kind of game where confidence may have played a factor. Obviously I have no idea what WCC's or WSR's confidences are, or even the SAs or VAs that cause a reduction, but I would guess that may be what leads to a mess like this.
Originally posted by supgreg
I think this is the kind of game where confidence may have played a factor. Obviously I have no idea what WCC's or WSR's confidences are, or even the SAs or VAs that cause a reduction, but I would guess that may be what leads to a mess like this.

I actually quite a few morale/confidence reducing SAs going on. Many people don't believe in them, but I've found them to be pretty effective.

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