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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Zeta Power Rankings Post Game #11
1) Gold Coast Vipers – Put a 30 spot win up over Auckland then follows it up with posting a 33 spot over Sack. No debating their rank in this situation. They are undefeated and I think they will finish 16-0, but that doesn’t mean they will win anything.

2) Hawaii Phoenixes – Here is how good Hawaii is. Both teams use a AI that isn’t their best, mean’t more for blowout games, and Hawaii wins 57-0 over Auckland. It’s clear Hawaii has a significant advantage in talent and is the ONLY team left in Zeta that has a chance to take down Gold Coast. Hawaii plays Sack Sabbath next week, look for Hawaii to win convincingly. I see 15-1 this season with the loss coming to Gold Coast

3) Sack Sabbath – Got crushed by Gold Coast, but in their defense who hasn’t? Sack has their ranking locked up and they will do some damage in the playoffs as one of the most potent offenses in Zeta. With Hawaii next, Sack will drop another game, but that should be it for the season. I see 14-2 this season take or give 1

4) Auckland Titans – We decided to not tip our hats too early since we don’t have the same level of talent or levels as the teams above us, and boy was it a mistake. I figured we would have kept it close, but we got embarrassed. I hope this kind of crushing defeat pays off with an upset in the playoff. I see 12-4 this season +/- 1

5) Texas Drillers – 4 wins in a row for Texas and 2 more easy wins coming in their future. Texas looks to all but lock up the 5th seed, only remaining challenges are against Sydney and Geelong. I see 10-6 at this point +/ - 1

6) Geelong – Nice win over Hamilton who isn’t an easy target. Geelong is scraping to make the playoffs this season with some big wins over some good teams, then some tough losses in some very winnable games. I see Geelong finishing 9-7 take or give 1 this season.

7) Orlando Lightning Bolts – Beats up the Crotch Crickets. Orlando is sitting in the same boat as the other playoff hopefuls. Good wins and some bad losses, they could use a season to mature and work out the kinks of being in a more competitive league, but look for them to finish 9-7 take or give 1.

8) Hamilton Hellcats – A couple tough losses in a row for Hamilton but I think they will make the playoffs this season. Its an uphill battle with a couple of tough games left but look for them to go 8-8 take or give 1

9) Sydney Sharks – Sydney few in under the radar and looks to slip into the playoffs. A couple of big wins against superior teams is what we saw from the Sharks in season 6, and it looks as if they are finding their groove. I see them finishing out 7-9. Going to need an upset against Gold Coast, Texas, Hawaii, or Geelong to make the playoffs.

10) Death Riders – This latest loss will eliminate them from the playoffs this season. They made a good run and will make leaps and bounds next season but this one just ran away from them. Look for them to go 6-10

11) Sidney Vicious – I don’t think they make the playoffs this season, but they are a team that with a couple of upsets could walk right in. Really tough games coming up and I see them dropping most of them and finishing 6-10
Very nice write up 10. Hopefully we can prove your one and two picks wrong and switch em
Hindu I think you guys should be 3rd and Sack 2nd.But as far as Play-Offs go we will be there and ready for 10,
Originally posted by sehorn31
Hindu I think you guys should be 3rd and Sack 2nd.But as far as Play-Offs go we will be there and ready for 10,

well, i guess we will find out in two days huh?
nah i think ten picked it right. im not taking anything away from sack, you guys got a very solid team but hawaii just looks that good right now. And i dont think anyone in this conference is gonna beat goldcoast but if there is a team that comes very close, it will be hawaii.
We got 30 points close!
Hawaii's goal is to come -1 or less close
big jimmy
I don't think it's a given that Gold Coast is number 1. Hawaii's been equally dominant.
Originally posted by big jimmy
I don't think it's a given that Gold Coast is number 1. Hawaii's been equally dominant.

thanks jimmy, but right now, you guys have been playing solid
Originally posted by hindugator
Originally posted by big jimmy

I don't think it's a given that Gold Coast is number 1. Hawaii's been equally dominant.

thanks jimmy, but right now, you guys have been playing solid

quit being so nice
whats with 10?
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by tycoon34
Originally posted by hindugator

Originally posted by big jimmy

I don't think it's a given that Gold Coast is number 1. Hawaii's been equally dominant.

thanks jimmy, but right now, you guys have been playing solid

quit being so nice

its scary.. its a side of hindu we have never seen
Originally posted by ddriver80

its scary.. its a side of hindu we have never seen

Thats what happens when WJ starts "showing up" at his house every night.


WAIT!!! that was WJ. I thought it was you Choco?!?!
Ted Buckland
You guys are way too erotic ... silly Zeta

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