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Medicine hat loses big at home.
RCKY acts like Rocky.

Medicine Hat (cp)... The Flapping Heads came to Medicine Hat and taught the Mavs a thing ,or 77, about life in "A" ball. They rolled up 487 yds. of total offense , and held the Mavs to just 21 pts. The offensive star of the game for Chiiliwack was their HB Kung Pow(is that chicken?) , he rushed for 151 and 2 TD's. Mean while in the other locker room the Mavs two star RB's were busy doing push ups to burn off some energy, since they combined for 10 whole carrries.

While the mavs run game was non existant, the outspoken and some times controversial WR Robert Mcknight had a big game. An unusually humble Mcknight said " good individual stats mean nothing when you're not winning. We have to throw a lot because we're behind so much. I feel for my brothers over there , we have some excellent RB's who are just stymied right now........oh by the way how many FG's did we kick today?"

Questioned after the game owner Dan had this to say " we will be a force in this league one day soon. Games like this make you realize why we play this game, it's a challenge to stay competitive. But the group of guys in this locker are some of the best on GLB, and we will get back to elite status. ......Oh , one more thing, never buy plastic knuckles, they shatter the first time you use them"

In other league news, RCKY does their best imitation of Rocky and knocks off the top rated Rulers, to become "the team to beat".
RCKY's very popular mouthpiece, MissingNola, interviewed after the game was humble, saying " we beat a very good team today, we were lucky to come out with a win. Anyone who wants a blueprint on how to beat those guys , just drop me a PM, I will discuss our AI in detail."
After being pressed for details on how he got the team inspired for such a big game, he said simply " we did it for Dan"

Next up for the Mavs, another tough opponent in the Cardinal Redbirds.

Last edited Mar 16, 2009 11:31:14
LOL! Yup, it was all for you buddy!
Originally posted by Adamsfore
Medicine hat loses big at home.
RCKY acts like Rocky.

The offensive star of the game for Chiiliwack was their HB Kung Pow(is that chicken?) , he rushed for 151 and 2 TD's.

You can call him chicken, but I'm not. He might have run like a chicken with his head cut off. I don't think you can call him Kung Pow shrimp either since he is 6'3". Maybe Kung Pow jumbo shrimp. Haha. I slay me with my sense of humor.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by Adamsfore

Medicine hat loses big at home.
RCKY acts like Rocky.

The offensive star of the game for Chiiliwack was their HB Kung Pow(is that chicken?) , he rushed for 151 and 2 TD's.

You can call him chicken, but I'm not. He might have run like a chicken with his head cut off. I don't think you can call him Kung Pow shrimp either since he is 6'3". Maybe Kung Pow jumbo shrimp. Haha. I slay me with my sense of humor.

I think it's cause he has "no beef".

Excellent job Adam!!!!!!!!
Thanks, anyone who would like to contibute a quote or two, please feel free to pm me, I will work them in.
great write up

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