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Where ya Went? Name Change Stops Two Game Skid.

Peter Finney

The Where Y'ats went and the NOLA Brah!!! K&B Purples reign in New Orleans has begun. The team went through some minor, and virtually unnoticed structural changes, but one very noticeable change is a new uniform complete with the K&B logo emblazoned on the team helmet. There have been rumors of a possible buy out by both Katts and Besthoff, but those rumors were repeatedly rebutted by the team owner. When probed by the Times Picayune in an exclusive interview, SnacksWillis would only offer that something may be in the works, but that a change in ownership is not what is on the table. "Look, as an owner, it is my job to make sure we put a good product on the field. There are few products better than K&B Vodka and K&B Creole Cream Cheese ice cream. When those two guys knock on your door with a case of the good stuff, you answer. I can tell you this, there is no way this team will change ownership, not after what happened with Rite Aid, Hell no!" When asked about the obvious new direction in sponsorship, Snacks gave no comment but alluded to an agreement in principle and a future announcement. "I'm not letting the cat out of the bag, but let's just say they will be backing up the refrigerated truck and unloading the Creole Cream Cheese ice cream. We will make an announcement once the ink dries."

The burning question in many minds is what will become of the FEMA Dome. The constant support problems from FEMA has plagued the team to the point where players are being asked to work the turnstiles themselves. Frank Warren, an esteemed asset to the now "Purples" laughed when this was first mentioned, but no smiles were seen when he and several other Purples were working the gate. "It's just like Katrina I tell you. I'm sure the FEMA guys will show up, but by then, we will be in the third quarter!" Allstate Insurance Indemnity Corporation has shown some interest in sponsoring the stadium, but Snacks has banned them from the premises.

"Every time Somestates shows up at the Dome, my claim gets reduced and my policy increases! They can kiss my ass!"

After the game, a 10-9 Purple's victory, all but a few players were in the locker room celebrating. "This is a good start to what we hope will be a great organization." said Rickey Jackson, the celebrated linebacker from Pitt. "We wanted to win it for Snacks. Did you know they put a lien on the Dome? Snacks has been waiting on the Road Home to pay out for almost three years now. There is only so much fighting you can do with FEMA, Allstate, and the Road Home before you just want to start drinking, drinking that refreshing K&B Vodka."

As for those not in the locker room? Danny Abramowicz, in full pads, was seen sweeping the concourse and cleaning out the aisles. When asked for a comment Danny replied, "This piss poor planning is all FEMA's fault. We got word at half that many of the workers were en route to the Dome, only to be turned around at the state line. Fix Everything My Ass!!!

Even though FEMA, insurance companies, and the Road Home remain a problem, the fans will certainly savor a win by the Purple's and a chance to put the rebuilding effort on hold, even if just for one day.
Please help, is K&B that drugstore? They make ice cream and, more importantly, Vodka?
so what city our you guys actually from?
Your telling me you can't find a USA City to name yourself after?
None of you know what NOLA stands for? Kcirdor would revoke your team member status cubes! lol
Originally posted by Buzzkill
None of you know what NOLA stands for? Kcirdor would revoke your team member status cubes! lol

New Orleans. But really... why not just name it's new orleans.
i may be wrong, but it seems from what ive seen that NOLA Brah is somewhat of a pride thing(rallying call) for the natives down there. Gives it a little more personal meaning to them i guess.
Originally posted by Buzzkill
NOLA Brah is somewhat of a pride thing(rallying call) for the natives down there.

I can understand why brahs are part of their new uniforms. Some of those NOLA women have some tig ol' biddies!
Last edited May 16, 2008 18:55:27
Yo Buzz, I know what 'Nola meant, I'm from close to that area actually, about four hours away. I just couldn't figure out the K&B ref. I know of K&B drugs (Drugstore) but i just thought it was some part of the slang that I wasn't getting.

I am no web designer but I am giving it a try. the team name history is located there if you really are curious...

Originally posted by Cubes
Please help, is K&B that drugstore? They make ice cream and, more importantly, Vodka?

K&B made everything and it was usually $$$$
Last edited May 16, 2008 22:59:33
Originally posted by onepeat

I am no web designer but I am giving it a try. the team name history is located there if you really are curious...

Originally posted by Cubes

Please help, is K&B that drugstore? They make ice cream and, more importantly, Vodka?

K&B made everything and it was usually $$$$

hey Onepeat how bout sharing sum of that K&B Vodka wit ur frens at the Vermont Ice Storms.
I wish I could score some. Like everything else from K&B, it is a collector's item...
Hey onepeat,

Cool site, the game needs more players like you guys. If my team (the smileys) doesn't make it to the playoffs I'll be rooting for you guys. Your LB's are sick! They gave us mad problems.
appreciate it bro. the credit goes to the team really. they do most of the work, i just facilitate whatever they want. i figure all these folks spend money on the game, they should have some say on if they want to remain on a team, and how the team should be run. i was quite surprised actually, i told my guys if they wanted to buy a team i would give them their release and help them, but they all said they would rather stay on the team...

again, the credit goes to them, not me...
oh and thanx for the compliments on the LBs. Actually, my plan is to trade away my players for more active players. i will keep one on D and one on O, but i would prefer to have active players on the boards than a bunch of my own guys...

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