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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 9 power rankings (3/15) the crowning of a new leader
Rk- Team----------record---------Last ranking------next game-----final games--write up

-----The 5 way tie-------

#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen----(8-1)--------(4)------#6 Montreal Mutants-------They jump from 4 to 1. Why not? They knocked off the only unbeaten that was left, are on a 7 game win streak, they have won now 28 of 29, and have beaten people up on that streak. Forget about that loss to the Hunters. They are back on track and ready to roll the rest of the season.
#2 Montreal Rulers------------------(8-1)-----(1)--------#11 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks-----The bad news is they were beaten soundly by RCKY. The good news is they played their 4 toughest games and finsihed 3-1. 15-1 seems very likely with somewhere between the 1-3 seed.
#3 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads--(8-1)--------(2)-----#5 Port Royal Acadians------The Heads mopped the floor with the Mavs and will take on the Acadians to see who will be the first team to drop from the one loss ranks.
#4 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters---(8-1)-----(3)-------#9 USAORG Eagles------They rested up pretty well on the bye week and are now ready to get back to business. The battle verses the Eagles will put the leagues top 2 RBs against each other in Lays for Less and Jake Jester.
#5 Port Royal Acadians------------(8-1)----(5)----#3 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads--------Man this league is tough. A team that might not even make the Playoffs in the Eagles out yardage a 8-1 solid playoff team, and should have beat them if not for turnovers. The Acadians need to put that game behind them and focus on the Heads now.

--------Bottom Playoff teams----------

#6 Montreal Mutants---------(6-3)------(6)---------------#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen------How can you get out from under the constant critisism of underachieving? Beat the number 1 team in the power rankings. I think this team has the ability to put a scare into some teams down the stretch and maybe pull an upset in the playoffs.
#7 Hogwarts Wizards-----------(6-3)-----(7)-------#14 Vancouver Northern Lights-----The Wizards are super lucky to come out with a win over the Redbirds. Should beat the Lights, but it looks like there may be real issues in Hogwarts.

-----Battle for the 8th spot-------

#8 Cardinal Redbirds--------(4-5)--(8)-------#10 Medicine Hat Mavericks-------This is an ever improving team. What a threat they can be to a number 1 seed in the playoffs. A win here ruins any hopes of the Mavs making the playoffs.
#9 USAORG Eagles--------------(4-5)------(9)------#4 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters------------Boy did they ever give Port Royal a scare. Another top team is up next.
#10 Medicine Hat Mavericks------(3-6)-----(10)------#8 Cardinal Redbirds------They are holding on by a playoff thread. That thread pops if the Redbirds beat them. If they win, they better hope 7-9 is good enough to take that last spot.

----------The playoffs seem to be out of reach-------------

#11 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks--(3-6)---(11)---#2 Montreal Rulers---------Rulers are going to take out all their frustrations on this team.
#12 New Colgne Bears--------(3-6)----(12)-----#13 Manitoba Direwolves------Achance to get 2 in a row
#13 Manitoba Direwolves------------(2-7)-----(13)---#12 New Colgne Bears-------------If they don't win this one at least you know they will win the next one.

------Headed down to BBB-----

#14 Vancouver Northern Lights----(1-8)-------(14)-------#7 Hogwarts Wizards--------The Lights are out in Vancouver
#15 RC Gladiators---------------(0-9)--------(15)------#16 Ottawa Jaguars---------The Gladiator's 20 game losing streak is about to end against the Jags. This team has only won 5 games in the past 4 seasons so they won't consider it a bye week.
#16 Ottawa Jaguars------------(0-9)--------(16)------#15 RC Gladiators------------Bye week for the Gladiators.

Games of the week:

#3 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads (8-1) vs #5 Port Royal Acadians (8-1) - No doubt about this one. 2 of the conferences big dogs will face off the try to keep pace with the rest of the one loss teams. The Heads come in riding high on a 6 game winning streak and the Acadians are out to try to earn some respect. This one should get very interesting.

#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen (8-1) vs #6 Montreal Mutants (6-3) - RCKY is flying high after that big win and looking to move forward. The Mutants have been playing better lately and are hoping that RCKY is looking past them and they can catch them slipping.
Last edited Mar 15, 2009 11:41:49
There was a number of inexplicable things that went very wrong in the Rulers/RCKY game.

They beat the hell out of us, no doubt... but this game should have been MUCH closer.

They beat #1, they deserve to be #1.

We were Borted in the worst way.

I love how "Bort" has become a verb in this game. I agree that the game was played closer than the score indicates.
Originally posted by MissingNola
I love how "Bort" has become a verb in this game. I agree that the game was played closer than the score indicates.

Honestly, I felt that the beating you guys laid on us was worse than the score indicated!

Great D, great O, great game plan to go with it. I have nothing but respect for the way you guys played us. The plastic Knuckles worked very well!

While I am pissed that we lost... we lost to a VERY well coached team with a top-notch roster.
Nothing but respect for RCKY... well... a little contempt maybe...
Thanks. Can understand the contempt too.

There were possessions where you guys definitely had the upper hand, but we prevented you from capitalizing on them. I guess that's where I can see it being a little closer.

I don't want to get into any detail, though. If anybody is going to scout our two teams, I'd rather them have to work for it just like we will, ya know?
c'mon Nola your no fun at all, let's get into an in depth discussion on how you stopped the Rulers.
Well, more of that credit would go to the OC and DC than to me, personally.

I just don't want to call attention to things in the game film for any opponent or ourselves.
Originally posted by MissingNola
Thanks. Can understand the contempt too.

There were possessions where you guys definitely had the upper hand, but we prevented you from capitalizing on them. I guess that's where I can see it being a little closer.

I don't want to get into any detail, though. If anybody is going to scout our two teams, I'd rather them have to work for it just like we will, ya know?

I'll wait to playoff time to do an in depth look at the game if it is needed. I breezed through it I saw somethings changed since you guys played us but as far as I am concerned right now, both teams are in my rear view mirror (schedule wise, not standings wise) and I currently have other (not bigger maybe the same size) fish to fry.


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