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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > and notyherone bites the dust
Orangefield Jackrabbits go CPU
what's that title say?

Lol, yea, this one is tragic imo, more so than many I've seen. This was a great team imo, with everything in front of them as far as potential, its unfortunate to see them break up.
Originally posted by jackriley
what's that title say?

Lol, yea, this one is tragic imo, more so than many I've seen. This was a great team imo, with everything in front of them as far as potential, its unfortunate to see them break up.

me and my small keyboard
Johnston out
Wow I can't believe that. There are gonna be alot of inflated stats now since every other day a team is going CPU.

Really wish they could fix some of this stuff. Glad we got to play them in their last game before they went under though.

Hell the Samoa Piranha Monkeys might be the next team to go CPU.
Last edited Mar 10, 2009 14:18:05
Originally posted by supgreg
Johnston out

I can't say i'm shocked there, and I only say that because you could kinda see the team slipping backwards little by little and that's how it usually starts, unfortunately.
Last edited Mar 10, 2009 14:29:44
Originally posted by jackriley
Originally posted by supgreg

Johnston out

I can't say i'm shocked there, and I only say that because you could kinda see the team slipping backwards little by little and that's how it usually starts, unfortunately.
yeah one key player exits and its a downhill spiral and soon players deserting left and right . once you decide you cant do it anymore you just sell it back for flex .we are gonna see a lot of teams cpu before the end of the seasona ll across the board. I am sure that we also may see not enough owners to fill those CPU's . Bort couldnt fill the 8 SA BBB's he started , what makes you think he can fill all these CPU teams.

Originally posted by Fulchalin
Originally posted by jackriley

Originally posted by supgreg

Johnston out

I can't say i'm shocked there, and I only say that because you could kinda see the team slipping backwards little by little and that's how it usually starts, unfortunately.
yeah one key player exits and its a downhill spiral and soon players deserting left and right . once you decide you cant do it anymore you just sell it back for flex .we are gonna see a lot of teams cpu before the end of the seasona ll across the board. I am sure that we also may see not enough owners to fill those CPU's . Bort couldnt fill the 8 SA BBB's he started , what makes you think he can fill all these CPU teams.

Absolutely nothing. I agree.
Wait until some of the top level players start retiring. When some Pro teams start deciding they can't survive having to go back and recruit, it will be a mess. Not to mention all of the players that will be lost.

Hell, I'm buying a casual team just so I can farm players for the P-Monks.
Originally posted by supgreg
Wait until some of the top level players start retiring. When some Pro teams start deciding they can't survive having to go back and recruit, it will be a mess. Not to mention all of the players that will be lost.

Hell, I'm buying a casual team just so I can farm players for the P-Monks.

Ditto, I'm not a huge fan of farm teams, but at the same time, you gotta be prepared for the future, right now i own my team through season 13, WSR isn't going ANYWHERE, period, I enjoy the game too much. But having said that, you still gotta be prepared for the future. Recruiting is a drain, but, it enjoy it, idk why, i enjoy it though. But you're right, a lot of teams will be lost when people start to retire.
<3 recruiting
I am signed my team till season 13 and will probably resign for longer.

We are going through a revamping process. We will be back up against you boys, but it will take a few minutes.
The guys with the farm teams will eventually move to the top.
Here is the deal, once your name is out there, people come to your team no problem. Makes recruiting a lot easier.
Originally posted by andersonba1210
I am signed my team till season 13 and will probably resign for longer.

We are going through a revamping process. We will be back up against you boys, but it will take a few minutes.
The guys with the farm teams will eventually move to the top.
Here is the deal, once your name is out there, people come to your team no problem. Makes recruiting a lot easier.

That last statement is so true. Once you get started, it snowballs and becomes such a great effect for you. Especially if you rise to the top very quickly, shows you are a team that knows how to play this game. GLB is tough, but I love working hard and REAPING in the benefits.
Originally posted by Zsirvone28
Originally posted by andersonba1210

I am signed my team till season 13 and will probably resign for longer.

We are going through a revamping process. We will be back up against you boys, but it will take a few minutes.
The guys with the farm teams will eventually move to the top.
Here is the deal, once your name is out there, people come to your team no problem. Makes recruiting a lot easier.

That last statement is so true. Once you get started, it snowballs and becomes such a great effect for you. Especially if you rise to the top very quickly, shows you are a team that knows how to play this game. GLB is tough, but I love working hard and REAPING in the benefits.

Not necessarily true. I have noticed a pattern. There are 2 types of Agents. The ones with high level players who want them to compete against the toughest competition and will only choose Pro teams, and the type with high level players who only care about stats and will only choose uncapped BBB teams or A teams. Makes recruiting for AA and AAA much harder.
That is very true also. I disagree with the statement that moving up quickly shows you are a team that knows how to play, I am and I know a ton of teams that have great GMs and owners and their teams are struggling, and not a bit is due to AI, mostly due to players or changes in the game.

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