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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Alpha games week 7 Predictions
The goal is to see how many people I can infuriate and disrespect each week I do these. LOL So here we go:
The " We really, really need a win" game
Aussies vs Shrooms
The Shrooms are trying to stay in the playoff chase, the Aussies are just trying to get their first victory. By the bars these two are pretty evenly matched. The Aussies have Bendigo, PM, & The Danes the next three, so this might be their last shot at a win for a while. The Shrooms are playing for more here, so Ill give them the nod.

The " We can keep this rolling" Game
Cobden Vs Bendigo
Cobden has played very well thus far and has PM & The Danes in the next two games. Bendigo is trying to hold onto that last playoff spot. Very evenly matched game, but, I am going to take Bendigo to pull off the minor upset due to Cobden entering the toughest stretch of their schedule and finally giving one game away.

Game Of The Week Part 1
Norfolk vs The Danes
The Danes have been living by the skin of their teeth against the top level teams Beating Trilla by 4, Siracusa by 1, and the McNuggets by 3. The Knights, outside of the mirage loss to GCMM and the loss last week to PM have been very solid. This is my mini upset of the week. The Danes have played too many games close and eventually someone will bite them. I think the Knights have the ability to do it.

Game of the week Part Deux
Taylor Vs GCMM
These two one loss teams are very evenly matched. Taylors loss is a little mroe impressive because they were in the game. GCMM cant be given a negative for their loss due to the circumstances of what the AI did. I think this one comes down to the last minute, but, Taylors experience in AA will be the deciding factor in what may be a game of the year nominee.

The" We are getting thinsg right" Game
Suva vs McNuggets
After losing a VERY close game to the Danes and showing a lot of improvement after the PM loss, the McNuggets look to get back into playoff contention and do so with a win over hapless Suva.

This weeks "Hey we remember you" game
Puerto Rico vs Trilla
Puerto Rico trying to get back into the playoff chase, Trilla holding down a top spot with only one loss. Last time these teams played was season 6 and it was not much of a game. Puerto Rico will keep it close for a quarter, but, Trilla is that good. They pull this out.

The " This schedule sucks" game
Telstar vs PM
Now Rev wont complain, but, I will for him.Hawaii, Taylor, GCMM, Bendigo, PM, & The Danes to open the season for a young team looking for a win is not cool. They played Bendigo extremely well, but, now get the top two teams back to back. Telstar gameplans well, but, will have one heck of a time stopping the run game of PM. PM wins this one comfortably, but, not as comfortable as they would like.

The " We deserve a frigging break" Game
Guam vs Siracusa
Like Telstar, Siracusa wont complain but their early schedule has been less than kind. The top 3 teams and Bendigo and they were in ( had a chance to win) in a couple of those. Guam finds out why I say Siracusa is a playoff team despite their record. Siracusa will be the team the #1-3 will not want to see in round one of the playoffs. Siracusa wins this easily.

Nice writeup as always. Good read.
Frozen Heat
Thanks again. Always fun to read. For some reason I feel better after reading that we are the underdog.


I could be very wrong on the winner of the two games of the week. Any of those teams can beat one another. All I am going off of is the prior games and what I have seen. Since I have only played Norfolk, it is hard for me to make a choice based on the info I have, but, Ill just take shots in the dark and see how it comes out. In any case, both of those games should be GREAT!
nice write up ... thanks for taken notice of this brutal schedule.. Rev
great job again

Best of Luck GCMM....shakes coaches hand
Frozen Heat
Same to you guys. I think if we can keep it close through the 1st half we will have a shot but if you guys jump on us early it could get ugly.


super underdog lol nice write up.
just get this season over
Ted Buckland
GL Cobden... remember.. we suck.. so play your backups
GL to PM 2nite... Rev
Originally posted by ddriver80
GL Cobden... remember.. we suck.. so play your backups

I was hoping to get some pre game hate going since Gold Coast and Taylor seem to want to hold hands and hug.

Hopefully your QB sustains the first ever GLB career ending injury.

That's a terrible thing to say
Frozen Heat
Does it help the environment if I reaffirm my loathing of you and all things Yote CP?


Ted Buckland
Originally posted by Cowpoker
Originally posted by ddriver80

GL Cobden... remember.. we suck.. so play your backups

I was hoping to get some pre game hate going since Gold Coast and Taylor seem to want to hold hands and hug.

Hopefully your QB sustains the first ever GLB career ending injury.

I can't wait to watch Fink and Sleepy catch bombs and sleepy run all over your D
Ted Buckland
Winners (Predictions)

Shrooms 44-31
Bendigo 49-45
Norfolk 31-24
GCMM 44-29
McNuggets 51-13
Puerto Rico 24-21
Port Moresby 44 -31
Siracusa 47-7

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