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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > BBB coming up to A expectations
How do you all new teams to the USA A#1 feel about coming to the new league. Is the competition what you expected it to be? Less then you expected? More then you expected? How do you feel your chances of the playoffs are after your first week?

I dont think that the teams here are that much better than the teams from the BBB league that moved up but thats just my opinion and only thing that makes them better is the good amount of 40s in there depth chart but considering Bulldogs were boosted and now have almost the same rating we are going to compete fairly well with the teams here not expecting to many wins but definitely not that big of a difference
well, there are defintely a better number of good teams. there were maybe just a couple of real good teams last season in BBB. I'm looking forward to all of the competition though, should be fun
Originally posted by ThunderPony
I dont think that the teams here are that much better than the teams from the BBB league that moved up but thats just my opinion and only thing that makes them better is the good amount of 40s in there depth chart but considering Bulldogs were boosted and now have almost the same rating we are going to compete fairly well with the teams here not expecting to many wins but definitely not that big of a difference

Really? The Demons just took BBB best (The La Reign)and beat them up pretty bad. Rating means nothing - it's how good your builds are.
dont get me wrong i agree that the most of the teams in the A league are better than the ones that moved up from BBB however if you look at most of the games played what happens is that the team that won scored mostly when the other team had there backups in, so since most of the old A league teams have higher lvls in there backup so they are most likely to win. So really one of the main reasons why these teams win is for being around longer and or having good connections with people that have higher lvl players that know how to build there guys. So really i believe that most of the games won are by one team having better backups then the other team considering most of the starters are pretty much even.
Originally posted by ThunderPony
dont get me wrong i agree that the most of the teams in the A league are better than the ones that moved up from BBB however if you look at most of the games played what happens is that the team that won scored mostly when the other team had there backups in, so since most of the old A league teams have higher lvls in there backup so they are most likely to win. So really one of the main reasons why these teams win is for being around longer and or having good connections with people that have higher lvl players that know how to build there guys. So really i believe that most of the games won are by one team having better backups then the other team considering most of the starters are pretty much even.

I was very pleased to see that the BBB teams that moved up are of better quality then I expected. Actually on paper they are pretty damn impressive!! I mean some teams had players as high as level 49 and 50! wow! That is credit to the owners and GMs to be able to recruit players of that caliber or/and getting those guys to stick around.

On the flip side of Thunder pony I have to disagree. Depth is a luxury which no doubt will play in your favor if you have it. The part of the planning and and the using energy tactics that are part of the game is also key to coming on top! If your weak in stamina at certain positions then you have to game plan for that with the energy tactics and substitutions. A team would be smart to see that the backups are in the game at certain points and use that against them, the GMs just have to counter that. My team for one lacks in depth and we are not very high at all in level by any standard but we still can compete and give a good game to most anyone. The only advantage I have is with "team chemistry" we are like the BORG since I own the majority of my players! =)

Overall I can see some upsets coming from the former BBB teams with all that talent they have you never know! It should be good and interesting to see I just hope not to get bit!!

Last edited Feb 27, 2009 03:14:36
Its what I expected, better teams top to bottom, but I was under the impression McLuney would have 1 more year down in BBB (we were 6th in order to move up from BBB2 at the end of the season, and they ended up bringing up 7).

We will have a rough season in my opinion, I've been expecting a 6-8 win season at best, but next season we should do quite well.

The difference with us is when we got bumped up we decided not to go recruiting a bunch of 40+ guys and revamp our lineup, we were going to stick with the guys that got us here and keep our 100/100/100 chemistry.

So, this season is about developing our players and retaining them for a playoff run next season.
I think I'll have a good understanding as to how we match-up against A1 by March 27 or so
Originally posted by jmog
Its what I expected, better teams top to bottom, but I was under the impression McLuney would have 1 more year down in BBB (we were 6th in order to move up from BBB2 at the end of the season, and they ended up bringing up 7).

We will have a rough season in my opinion, I've been expecting a 6-8 win season at best, but next season we should do quite well.

The difference with us is when we got bumped up we decided not to go recruiting a bunch of 40+ guys and revamp our lineup, we were going to stick with the guys that got us here and keep our 100/100/100 chemistry.

So, this season is about developing our players and retaining them for a playoff run next season.

I agree - our plan was to stick with the guys that got us here. We lost maybe three players during the offseason. We are also happy with the move. Not expecting greatness this season, just....decent-ness?
I came in hoping for a 10 win season, if we get more, that is wonderful. I know that we cannot beat the top team of A1, but at least compete.
quality of teams here are about what was expected... but starting the season 2-0 wasnt expected... alot of offseason aquisitions really helped us out
I iddnt expect to be 0-2 at this point. Mirimar has really stepped up. Bristol was just business as usual. Can I get a winning streak goin now. damn

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