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So, I've had a cut block AE on my G for a while now, and am quite pleased with it. I was last season, and even more now that I know exactly when it works. I'm thinking I might want to help it out a bit, though. Does anyone have any theory for what would make it activate more, attribute wise? While a pancake is better (since I can block someone else), I really think getting more cut blocks, especially if I pull more this season, will help the team.
I like it also. I have a cutblock AE and like it but I am not completely sold on it yet. My best guess for making it work more often would be agility. Maybe speed or vision. I am guessing these because they help players react quick and that is what I would expect would help pull off a quick move like this.
Part of why I'm asking is actually about jumping. A few seasons back, a fullback on a team rolled a CB piece, and one of the GMs said jumping mattered for it. Then, day -3, I PMed dpell with an example of a cut block (since there had been some debate between us about them a week ago) along with a few of my stats. He asked what my jumping was (8). So if anyone has concrete proof, I just might have a new train.
Good idea but everybody always says jumping does not help the O line. I doubt anybody has trained it past 30 wich would probably be the minum level to see any results 40 being a better goal but it would take forever and would be either an epic win or epic fail.
My G has 30+ jumping and 5 cut block.

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