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Booboo Laaug
Good for LG and LOT, right? Do you notice a big difference with the bonus it gives to Pass Blocking?

What if you had a Adv Equipment roll that gave you +1 Agility, +1 Pass Block SA? Would you get it and keep it, or just hold onto it till a better piece came along?
I like the pass block SA for any O line position. Its a must have for a ROT IMO. Yes I have noticed a big difference with my LOT. He was the lowest leveled player on our O line last season but was able protect the QB all season until the playoffs. I think he finally gave up a sack.
My LG has +5 in Pass Blocking, and a few in the other SA's, and he's completely shut down some of the best DT's in the game. High agility and high blocking are the shit.
What AE should I use on my LOT.

1. +1 Blocking, 1 First Step.
2. +1 Blocking, 1 Protector.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I like the pass block SA for any O line position. Its a must have for a ROT IMO. Yes I have noticed a big difference with my LOT. He was the lowest leveled player on our O line last season but was able protect the QB all season until the playoffs. I think he finally gave up a sack.

Let me guess, when the sack happened, it looked like your OT was asleep at the line. Same thing with me. Damn vision is getting more and more important.

I have built my OT by cruising the DE forums and finding out what they are doing. Then i go nuts trying to keep up with them at that attribute.

My LOT has 65+ agility, 70+ strenhgth and 70+ blocking. He is a level 31, and did not give up ALL BUT ONE sack in a pretty much uncapped AA league.

Vision is the way to it doesn't hild him there, it will make the DE stay in front of the OT. If you can't match agility (or get pretty darn close), the damn DEs will eat you for breakfast.

I am thinking that 80 strength and blocking are all thats needed...but agility should be in the 80s if at all posssible. Quick is probably the best VA you can get for a LOT.

Originally posted by Batman540
What AE should I use on my LOT.

1. +1 Blocking, 1 First Step.
2. +1 Blocking, 1 Protector.

2 By a mile. Protect is the best SA for LOTs

And to cptafw163 my OT just got beat by a much higher leveled DE. It happens sometimes when my players are so under leveled. I like the vision idea. I find it hard to decide now between capping vision or getting my protect SA up.

And back to the OP. I have AE with pass blocking. After upgrading it with level 24 upgrades it has a +3 in pass blocking wich I combine with CE and 1 SP in the tree to make 5 in pass blocking. This combined with the fact that my LOT has 80 in blocking at level 27 makes him really good at protecting the QB.

AE is awsome for early builds in my opinion. It helps players get some needed SAs without spending much SP on the SA tree. This way all the needed skills can be addressed early.
Pass block is a must for all OL IMO, unless you're on a team that runs 100% of the time. Once you are at the 3:1 in blocking, it makes sense to hit run block and pass blocking to boost your blocking ability (as well as the VA).

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