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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > Columbus Crush
Paul Kemp
It has been brought to my attention that the owner of the Columbus Crush is such a woman that he has resorted to trash talking in PM's.

This loser has 26 players, complete with custom avatars and numbers, max boosted and equipped out on his own team.

His team played more games last season than any other in our league and was moved from a Pro League. Yet, he still has the gall talk smack like he created something special. He is merely the beneficiary of being against younger overmatched teams.

Yeah, your team is going to beat us tomorrow. Yeah, they'll win it all in the playoffs. We'll discuss the loss amongst ourselves in our private forum that has over 200 threads and 2400 posts, but mostly BS and have a good time as usual. You'll go masturbate to the box score alone. Who is the real loser tomorrow?

Ohio State sucks. And Bruce Matthews was a guard, you dick.

i managed to find a picture of him on google!!
I have nothing to add other than that I agree. You nailed it, Paul.
Another Blackeyes fan talking smack? I guess they have to get excited over a championship they can actually win. Even a virtual one.
wow. lil sensitive arent ya fellas. Where did the buckeyes thing come from? And bruce matthews can be whatever I want him to be. Take a nap girls. you sound grumpy. You do whatever you need to do to fire your girlscout troup up. BTW we werent in the pro league last year. Was in this same league. FYI. Anyone that would like to see this dreadful pm(was 1) just pm me. Be glad to show you what got these lil girls panties in a knot.
Last edited May 11, 2008 15:49:59
Making a .gif isn't that hard, even for all those players. Just save the first two files and create the numbers, at max it'd take 5 minutes. Ohio State is better than your shit team. Don't be jealous just because he has what you don't. It's a game, take it easy guys. I think I covered all the bases.
Paul Kemp
Your avatar was a picture of Woody Hayes previously and your team is Columbus. I put two and two together, you couch burning inbred piece of trash.

The amount of fire in my troop has no bearing on the outcome of the game tomorrow. Are you that obtuse? I was merely pointing out the fact that we have one, and that you play alone in a social game.

You may not have come from a pro league, but you definitely have numerous games on us.

Bruce was actually inducted into the HOF as a G and C, so I stand corrected there, but that doesn't make you suck any less at life.

Now this joker is threatening to have me banned. What a joke.
More than 1 city named columbus.
Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Your avatar was a picture of Woody Hayes previously and your team is Columbus. I put two and two together, you couch burning inbred piece of trash.

The amount of fire in my troop has no bearing on the outcome of the game tomorrow. Are you that obtuse? I was merely pointing out the fact that we have one, and that you play alone in a social game.

You may not have come from a pro league, but you definitely have numerous games on us.

Bruce was actually inducted into the HOF as a G and C, so I stand corrected there, but that doesn't make you suck any less at life.

You're wrong. Do some research first. This post will be deleted so its pointless aguing with racist biggots.



What on earth? I think this guy has been in front of his computer a bit too long. Might need some sunlight. Just a thought.
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by IHasUsername
Making a .gif isn't that hard, even for all those players. Just save the first two files and create the numbers, at max it'd take 5 minutes. Ohio State is better than your shit team. Don't be jealous just because he has what you don't. It's a game, take it easy guys. I think I covered all the bases.

Our shit team? Pretty sure the Horns didn't embarrass themselves when they has their chance to win a National Championship. Good luck with your powderpuff schedule and another humiliating BCS loss next season. I can't wait to read all of the glowing reports of the riots and mugging of visiting teams fans along the way.

What do we have to be jealous of? A 10 game separation? Big freaking deal. It will be made up eventually and we'll be kicking the Crush's (singular) ass all over the field. I just think it's weak that he puts himself on some kind of pedastool for having a more veteran team.
For the record, I could care less about most of this.

But this krwynn guy is obsessed. I have 5 PMs from him today. I'd post them but I believe that is not allowed.

But in 3 of them he threatens to have me banned, have my team banned, and that the mods are watching my whole team.

You can't be a racist biggot sending pms like you have. I'm done. AND your pms have been fowarded.
Last edited May 11, 2008 16:12:54

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