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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > I hope you guys don't mind....
But we are going to be measuring our new digs and moving in our stuff and just getting a feel for things around here starting today.
So you may here some banging and people shuffling things around as we get moved in. <thud> Damn it, Majech! Quit dropping the trophy!"

I'm sorry about that. See you guys on the field in a few days!!!
Oh and he forgot the most important thing!!!!!!

FEAR THE CURRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goat Father
looking forward to seeing you guys
Originally posted by ib_mr_ed
Oh and he forgot the most important thing!!!!!!

FEAR THE CURRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by tramiken
But we are going to be measuring our new digs and moving in our stuff and just getting a feel for things around here starting today.
So you may here some banging and people shuffling things around as we get moved in. <thud> Damn it, Majech! Quit dropping the trophy!"

I'm sorry about that. See you guys on the field in a few days!!!

Whose crap is this!? <trips over a pile of junk and drops tropy> Dammit tramiken!!! You said we were getting NEW digs, not somebodies leftovers!!! Hey Ghost Ridahz, pack your crap and get out of here. These digs are no longer your, they are OURS, now BEAT IT!!!
<Movers hired by the Ghost Ridahz move out the rest of their belongings>

<Slimer walks in, sees Majech and Tramiken standing in the locker room. Slimer bends down and picks up the trophy Majech dropped and hands it back over to him>

Congrats, Majech, on winning the Canadian BBB#8 Championships!

<Slimer reaches out and shakes Majech's hand>

Sweet! I didn't know they gave out Mood Rings as the BBB Championship rings! All we got are these Platinium Bands with this a bunch of these diamonds spelling out A4 CHAMPS with Gravenhurst Ghost Ridahz engraved into them! Oops.. you're mood ring says "BITCHY," I guess I better get out of your way!

<As Slimer begins walking out the door, he sees something on the ground, bends over and picks it up>

Crap, Majech, your placquard came off your trophy. Hehe... looks like no one expected you to win... Tthey scratched out... what does that say? Montreal Rush? Sucks that all they had was marker to write in Viagra Current!

***Be nice to the Fresh Meat, Canadian A4!!!****
Do Work Slimer
Originally posted by Slimer

Viagra Current!

Last edited Feb 9, 2009 20:32:08
Originally posted by Slimer
<Movers hired by the Ghost Ridahz move out the rest of their belongings>

<Slimer walks in, sees Majech and Tramiken standing in the locker room. Slimer bends down and picks up the trophy Majech dropped and hands it back over to him>

Congrats, Majech, on winning the Canadian BBB#8 Championships!

<Slimer reaches out and shakes Majech's hand>

Sweet! I didn't know they gave out Mood Rings as the BBB Championship rings! All we got are these Platinium Bands with this a bunch of these diamonds spelling out A4 CHAMPS with Gravenhurst Ghost Ridahz engraved into them! Oops.. you're mood ring says "BITCHY," I guess I better get out of your way!

<As Slimer begins walking out the door, he sees something on the ground, bends over and picks it up>

Crap, Majech, your placquard came off your trophy. Hehe... looks like no one expected you to win... Tthey scratched out... what does that say? Montreal Rush? Sucks that all they had was marker to write in Viagra Current!

***Be nice to the Fresh Meat, Canadian A4!!!****

Excellent!!! LMAO!! Too bad you guys are leaving just as the party is starting...
Good luck, Majech and The Current! If you're as good as you claim, we'll see you in two seasons in AA2... or not if we do well enough!
well played Slimer, well played.
Goat Father
***Be nice to the Fresh Meat, Canadian A4!!!****
Oh we are gonna be nice slimer so nice that we are gonna show these boys what tough love is and then m,ake them like it
Fear the Newbies!!!!
That's ok. We can take our lumps if it comes to that. We took 14 of them in our fist season. We're like that little kid that the bully pushes around for a few weeks, then that kid gets pissed off and beats the tar out of the bully. I haven't really looked at the teams in this league to see how we stack up, but I'll go out on a limb and say that we'll be the lowest level team in the league. We may be a playoff contender our first season, we may not, only time will tell. But, we will be the 500 pound elephant of this league whether it is now or later.

In one of our first games ever, we got beat by the Montreal Rush. The score was like 62-7, but guess who we just beat in the 'ship to earn our FIRST gold, yep the Rush!!! The didn't Fear the Current in the beginning either, but Fear of the Current was taught to them.

Fear of the Current will be instilled into this league, go ahead and fight it, it's more fun that way for us, but FEAR THE CURRENT will be established regardless!!!!

Goat Father
Originally posted by majech
That's ok. We can take our lumps if it comes to that. We took 14 of them in our fist season. We're like that little kid that the bully pushes around for a few weeks, then that kid gets pissed off and beats the tar out of the bully. I haven't really looked at the teams in this league to see how we stack up, but I'll go out on a limb and say that we'll be the lowest level team in the league. We may be a playoff contender our first season, we may not, only time will tell. But, we will be the 500 pound elephant of this league whether it is now or later.

In one of our first games ever, we got beat by the Montreal Rush. The score was like 62-7, but guess who we just beat in the 'ship to earn our FIRST gold, yep the Rush!!! The didn't Fear the Current in the beginning either, but Fear of the Current was taught to them.

Fear of the Current will be instilled into this league, go ahead and fight it, it's more fun that way for us, but FEAR THE CURRENT will be established regardless!!!!


It is nice to meet someone so full of shit that they believe the crap they say. man you are dilusional to say the least so please refrain from challenging teams until you know what they are capable of. It is just good manners my friend.

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