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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #6 > Challenge to Sly
You can reject and not game plan, but i see no reason you won`t accept. We face each other in the last scrimmage of the year and i`m issuing you a challenge. You claim your better because of your win week 1. So in rebuttal i am challenging you to treat our scrimmage as a playoff game where the loser has to shut up and openly post they lost to the better team and that their team is clearly inferior.

You have my challenge.
Last edited Feb 6, 2009 01:51:39
Hes hiding i a corner until next season. That troll is finished cuz his mouth wrote checks his team could not cash. Hes proven he is truely just a punk. Im sure he is just 'busy' though rofl.
Originally posted by MattMan Firespot
Hes hiding i a corner until next season. That troll is finished cuz his mouth wrote checks his team could not cash. Hes proven he is truely just a punk. Im sure he is just 'busy' though rofl.

CCIA was one of the best teams in the league this season.

That said, I am all for a good ol' fashioned showdown with both teams' Man Card at stake, no excuses. Let's see it!!
Last edited Feb 6, 2009 08:09:23
Key word 'was'. Whatever they were is irrelevant, they choked.
Sly, I'm disappointed

I have no beefs with you. I actually enjoy some of your "look at me" posts, you are a very funny guy. You have a great team, but I thought you loved the attention of being the Forum "Bad Guy" You have two open Challenges from two great teams. I know you have been online since the two challenges have been made. As a matter of fact you seem to have accepted 1 of the two. I just don't get how your Swagger went from 100 to 0 in two days...Take the game against the Tana River Ewoks. Or at least sound off on why you're not. You have no problems running your mouth when your team is successful, so what's the problem now?

C'mon Sly !
Did you really just type rofl?

Actually, the Bears game was a Bort scheduled scrimmage. No way Sly would accept a challenge at this point. He'd just say something "witty" like, "we beat you once, make the finals and we'll play there."

With all due respect to the teams I drew in the scrimmages, I wish I'd have gotten CCIA.
Ya you're right...Whoops I'm dumb...

He's not responding because hes a pussy
what a chicken shit
Originally posted by barmour
He's not responding because hes a pussy

Dozer Dogmeat
What a bunch of tough guys. Very impressive.
Sly's team was pretty damn good this season. He deserves the credit that is due. Yeah, he lost in the playoffs. But who here hasnt? I still think that some of his antics are out of line, but I think that if he wants to regroup and rest on the accomplishments of this season, that is his choice. He whooped up most of the teams in this league. Except a few games, he backed up almost everything he said involving the dots. Good season CCIA. I am not routing for you by any means, but you have earned a certain amount of respect from me. Gool luck next season.
seems to me that since you guys think so badly of sly, maybe you would want to show that you have a little more class than you perceive that he has. calling him names and kicking him while he's down goes beyond smack talk and puts you in the same light that you see sly. maybe he talks too much shit, but he's good for the game. half of the posts on A6 are written by him(or dogmeat), or are written in response to him. GLB is full of inactive teams and forums.
i realize sly probably made his own bed here, but it would be nice if EVERYONE would turn back the dial a little and keep the healthy smack, while leaving out the offensive comments. im too lazy to go back and see who called the first name, but A6 is too good of a league to resort to insulting people on a personal level that you dont even know, much less over a SIM game. cheers and beers everyone
and bears, we're gonna kick ur asses whether anyone posts a gameplan or not. (see, not so hard. let that be a lesson to you too, beaver.)
Originally posted by markhehe
seems to me that since you guys think so badly of sly, maybe you would want to show that you have a little more class than you perceive that he has. calling him names and kicking him while he's down goes beyond smack talk and puts you in the same light that you see sly. maybe he talks too much shit, but he's good for the game. half of the posts on A6 are written by him(or dogmeat), or are written in response to him. GLB is full of inactive teams and forums.
i realize sly probably made his own bed here, but it would be nice if EVERYONE would turn back the dial a little and keep the healthy smack, while leaving out the offensive comments. im too lazy to go back and see who called the first name, but A6 is too good of a league to resort to insulting people on a personal level that you dont even know, much less over a SIM game. cheers and beers everyone
and bears, we're gonna kick ur asses whether anyone posts a gameplan or not. (see, not so hard. let that be a lesson to you too, beaver.)

aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww group hug everyone, dr. phil is in the house.

fuck that, if you are gonna be a dick, be man enough to take it when it comes back to you.

no use for manpussy's, internet or the irl variety.
and sly is showing himself to be a manpussy imho.


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