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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Season 7 Playoffs - Round 2
Western Conference

No upsets here folks, all of the favored teams won.

#1 North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers vs. #4 Jacktown Smackdown
D.C. held off the Humpers in the fist half, then collapsed in Q3 when the Humpers simply took command of the game from there on out. They did it with a balanced attack, but dominated the air and eliminated D.C's running game. Jacktown meanwhile, toyed with last season's BBB 1 league champion for three quarters and entered the 4th behind on the scoreboard. Then went to town with a 31 to 7 scoring spree that made Fresno's head spin, fueled by 4 50+ yard bombs. This game should should feature a track meet turned into an all out aerial assault. In their previous meeting, Jacktown held their own against the Humpers and forced the Humpers beat them with FGs. That game was recent enough that it's still fresh in both of their minds. Jacktown has the right formula to capitalize, so we'll see if they can just follow through with it. Either way it goes, "some" in the league have murmured that this is the real conference championship they were hoping for.

#2 Pontiac War Kittens vs. #3 Omaha Mavericks
Pontiac let Reno know who was boss from the get go and started closing the door late in Q1. They then slammed and nailed it shut in the 2nd half as they completely denied Reno anything. The Mavericks on the other hand, slowly squeezed the life out of the Majors, quarter by quarter. In the last meeting between these two, the War Kittens took the early lead and never relented, forcing to Omaha to play catch up all day long. Omaha will need to figure out what makes Pontiac tick or its going to be a long day for them.

Eastern Conference

Again folks, no upsets here.

#1 Eleven Wise Monkeys vs. #4 San Francisco Demons
Lets face it. The only reason the Assassins scored was when the Monkeys' got tired of running or managed to distract them with bananas long enough to get past them. The Demons on the other hand, had a struggle on thier hands with the Warriors and didn't start sealing the deal until late in the Q3 and on the opening play of Q4. The difference in the game was the Demon's ability to eradicate the Warriors' running game. The question here is, since the Monkeys thrive on their running game and quite frankly, dominate it with their cyborg HB Big Red Stomper (Just what the hell is his build anyway?). If it were an NFL game, it would be the equivalent of any team looking at the Vikings and saying, "We've got to stop Adrian Peterson at all costs. Okay, you eight guys key on him the whole game and nobody else. You other three, do whatever." The big difference is that mykel is hell of a lot smarter than Brad Childress (Yes, I'm allowed to say that - I'm a Viking fan, so bite me). In their previous meeting, the Demons were absolutely trounced by the running game and railed on by WR Sure "Boss" Haus. They should have a better go of it the second time around tnhough, but it's still going to be an up hill fight.

#2 Louisville Nighthawks vs. #3 American Freedom
The Nighthawks set the tone early in Q1 and kept consistent, taking out a fellow member of Hell Fire Alley with a consistent rushing game and a highly effective aerial assault. Freedom on the other hand, needed a classic clutch INT at the goal line with less than two minutes left to seal the deal and that INT will be replayed on GLB-TV in Freedom's home market for all it's worth. In the previous meeting between these two teams, the Nighthawks won the day decisively, with the difference being Q3. In their last meeting before that, back in BBB, Freedom was trounced hard, but they've showed major improvement between the two games. This game will be even closer, so close I think, that even with an unbiased look, it would be hard to call.
Good read! Looking forward to this next game
thanks n-vike
Originally posted by Norsemanvike

The question here is, since the Monkeys thrive on their running game and quite frankly, dominate it with their cyborg HB Big Red Stomper (Just what the hell is his build anyway?).

BigRed's build is as follows

a touch of Badass
a splash of Unstoppable
and a dash of In Yer Face
with a side of ShowBoat!

Great writeup NV! And as a AP owner in FF, gotta love his game! Also, the only reason I can be called smarter than Childress is I dont much with the gameplans my OC and DC come up with and I have a good QB (ooooooh!)

Originally posted by mykel
Also, the only reason I can be called smarter than Childress is I dont much with the gameplans my OC and DC come up with and I have a good QB (ooooooh!)

Oh snap! That hurt below the belt.
what? you do know that all the Vikings lack is a capable QB! Hell, they got a TON better when Gus Frerotte (for christs sake!) was implemented as the starter! May as well start John (I am a career backup because I suck the mighty purple ball) David Booty as your starter!
Thanks for the writeup man, good read.

Can't wait to see what happens tonight. No matter how many times we lose to those damn dirty apes, I still want another shot. The Freedom are standing in our way. I have something special in mind for the Freedom to make sure they don't stop us from our date with EWM. See you on the field at 2100 sharp.
hmm, we still have to exorcise our OWN demons before we fight for freedom or go bird huntin.....
Originally posted by cdat
Can't wait to see what happens tonight. No matter how many times we lose to those damn dirty apes, I still want another shot. The Freedom are standing in our way. I have something special in mind for the Freedom to make sure they don't stop us from our date with EWM. See you on the field at 2100 sharp.

As we have something special for you too. Both of our last losses to you guys have caused some major internal strife that only served to make us better and you are #1 on our public enemy list.
Originally posted by Norsemanvike

As we have something special for you too. Both of our last losses to you guys have caused some major internal strife that only served to make us better and you are #1 on our public enemy list.

That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? I think we'll just go ahead and kill you.

Sorry, that door's been closed.
Originally posted by Norsemanvike
Sorry, that door's been closed.

I call next!
Originally posted by mykel
Originally posted by Norsemanvike

Sorry, that door's been closed.

I call next!

Originally posted by mykel
I call next!

Monkeys v. Nighthawks has a nice ring and sounds like a surefire ratings winner to me...

(The guy with the pointy things on his hat will just have to buy a ticket to the big game like everyone else.)


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