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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Western Conference MVP's
Lets see 'em.

Offensive MVP: Caloran Sassa, HB, NuvaNut - Breakout season totaling 2,002 yards rushing and 41 TDs along with 1,631 receiving and 25 TDs totaling up to 3,633 Total Yards and 66 Total TDs

Defensive MVP: Shuttin Udown, CB, Northern Demons - 51 Tackles, a league high 12 INTs along with 87 PD and 4 defensive TDs
I beg to differ.

Here are Chris Cappello's numbers, HB, Whistler Warriors - 1,877 rushing yards 46 TD's with 1,387.5 and 17 TD's. These stats don't include games against Alberta or Toronto as they are our last 2 games.
Last edited Jan 31, 2009 09:19:33
Those are some solid players right there.
If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference
Originally posted by iMan
If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?
Originally posted by iMan
If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).
I am not trying to be a dick but if anybody wants to battle this from the east I am willing to schedule scrims to back up my words.
Mike Quick -- 6,179 yards passing 65TD's with only 6 INT's .. You can add another 1000 yards and 15-20 TD's to his totals after we play Toronto and Alberta..

Hate to say it , but Cappello, Quick or Waterboy Tiosk should be the West's Offensive MVP..
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

How did this post have anything to do with Twin Peaks? lol
Originally posted by bashemgud
Originally posted by crowbar832001

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

How did this post have anything to do with Twin Peaks? lol

yea how did that have anything to do with the eastern conference. im not even comparing conferences dude
Im just pointing out how you guys are posting stats without regards to opposition
opposition in GLB is as important to build when it comes to racking up stats

that post was not an attack on the west. i was just to point out how looking at total stats without looking at how they were obtained is wrong
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?

im not complaing, im suggesting
if you guys dont want to take in regards opposition, then do that.

without regarding opposition, some would say Mastur Debator is a better DE than Big stanley. stanley has been the more consistent and solid DE
Last edited Jan 31, 2009 13:24:06
Originally posted by iMan
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?

im not complaing, im suggesting
if you guys dont want to take in regards opposition, then do that.

without regarding opposition, some would say Mastur Debator is a better DE than Big stanley. stanley has been the more consistent and solid DE

Sounds like a complaint, if you would like to see the numbers posted without those factors, then by all means, go get the stats, make the calculations, then repost. That way you can get your point across without sounding whiney, well, hopefully you wouldnt.
Originally posted by Djevik
Originally posted by iMan

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

Must you always complain?

im not complaing, im suggesting
if you guys dont want to take in regards opposition, then do that.

without regarding opposition, some would say Mastur Debator is a better DE than Big stanley. stanley has been the more consistent and solid DE

Sounds like a complaint, if you would like to see the numbers posted without those factors, then by all means, go get the stats, make the calculations, then repost. That way you can get your point across without sounding whiney, well, hopefully you wouldnt.

why would i need to complain?
its not my conference.
Originally posted by iMan
Originally posted by bashemgud

Originally posted by crowbar832001

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

How did this post have anything to do with Twin Peaks? lol

yea how did that have anything to do with the eastern conference. im not even comparing conferences dude
Im just pointing out how you guys are posting stats without regards to opposition
opposition in GLB is as important to build when it comes to racking up stats

that post was not an attack on the west. i was just to point out how looking at total stats without looking at how they were obtained is wrong

That's my point. if you want to look at stats how do you compare players cross conference? You can't. So you can only look at players play in one conference and compare that to all the teams they play no matter what level. Yes we have some bottom feeders, but our top teams or very tough so things equal out. Toronto is not a stat builder game for us except for PRs. Actually that game is a waste of time.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by iMan

Originally posted by bashemgud

Originally posted by crowbar832001

Originally posted by iMan

If you guys want legit numbers, take out all the stats gained from alberta games and the Rc gladiator and all the other gutted team in your conference

OK what stats should the Eastern Conference take out? After Twin Peaks I think 7 maybe 8 teams from the west can come in and beat the other 15. I'm not attacking anybody that is just how I feel. The playoff teams in the West are much tougher. Twin Peaks has a cake walk to a conference title. I really feel bad for some of those teams in the east because some will get promoted to AA and none of them will be ready. I think 4 teams only are ready for AA right now (Twin Peaks, Northern, Whistler, and NuvaNut). BTW I know it was the first game of the season and everybody has excuses why it happened, but my 7th place western team but the 3rd place (maybe 2nd place eastern team).

How did this post have anything to do with Twin Peaks? lol

yea how did that have anything to do with the eastern conference. im not even comparing conferences dude
Im just pointing out how you guys are posting stats without regards to opposition
opposition in GLB is as important to build when it comes to racking up stats

that post was not an attack on the west. i was just to point out how looking at total stats without looking at how they were obtained is wrong

That's my point. if you want to look at stats how do you compare players cross conference? You can't. So you can only look at players play in one conference and compare that to all the teams they play no matter what level. Yes we have some bottom feeders, but our top teams or very tough so things equal out. Toronto is not a stat builder game for us except for PRs. Actually that game is a waste of time.

well i never brought anything up about cross conference.
all i said was you need to look at how they were obtained

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