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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > East v. West... Battle of the Conferences
Bottom line, it will come down to one game to determine the victorious conference, but since this seems to be an ongoing contention, here's my argument about why the East is better than the West. Let's look at the numbers... I've complied the average yards gained and allowed in passing and rushing, and also the number of points scored and allowed per game.

Average Passing Yards/ Game: 252.6 yards
Average Passing Yards Allowed/Game: 243.7 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: 8.9 yards

Average Rushing Yards/Game: 170.4 yards
Average Rushing Yards Allowed/ Game: 162.1 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: 8.3 yards

Average Total Yards/Game: 433.0 yards
Average Total Yards Allowed/ Game: 405.8 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: 17.2 yards

Average Points Scored/ Game: 45.4 points
Average Points Allowed/ Game: 43.0 points
Difference between scored and allowed: 2.4 points

Average Passing Yards/ Game: 222.4 yards
Average Passing Yards Allowed/Game: 231.2 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: -8.8 yards

Average Rushing Yards/Game: 177.8 yards
Average Rushing Yards Allowed/ Game: 186.2 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: -8.4 yards

Average Total Yards/Game: 400.2 yards
Average Total Yards Allowed/ Game: 417.4 yards
Difference between gained and allowed: -17.2 yards

Average Points Scored/ Game: 53.3 points
Average Points Allowed/ Game: 55.7 points
Difference between scored and allowed: -2.4 points

SO... looking at the numbers... overall, the East isstronger defensively. In this game of GLB, I would say that the strength of a team's defense dictates how it's opponents will do offensively (as seen with the 255-0 victories... no defense, teams score at will and inflate their stats). Having said that, the top 8 teams in the East have also amassed more victories (86 v. 81) in a conference with more defensively sound teams. Thus... I conclude that the East is a more competitive conference than the West, so I would expect players in the West to have "better numbers" than those in the East... but BOTTOM LINE.. It doesn't matter what we see in the numbers, what matters is what happens ON THE FIELD!

BTW... as you can tell, I'm bored as hell!
Originally posted by Slimer
BTW... as you can tell, I'm bored as hell!


Good work sir.. holy hell
Goat Father
very good work I can't argue with numbers my friend all I can say is we will have to wait until the game is played
Originally posted by hatchman
very good work I can't argue with numbers my friend all I can say is we will have to wait until the game is played

I agree... but thought I would put out more crap for people to argue about! Lol... yes, I've been known to be a shit disturber!

A good test to see the "better conference" would be to keep track of all the post-season, inter-conference games. If not all the post-season games, then the ones between the teams losing in the playoffs... they always get paired up with those who lose in the other conference.
Slimer... how about less conference analysis and more Ghost Ridahz scouting for your Offensive Coordinator, huh?

heh heh.

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