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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC week 13 power rankings and playoffs
Rk- Team----------record---------Last ranking------next game-----final games--write up

-----Conference title contenders and the home 1st rd playoff guys-------

#1 NuvaNut Knights-----(11-2)-----(1)--------#10 Culver Eagles----(Yellow, Card)--The winning streak is up to 10. Final schedule has one bottom playoff team left on it.
#2 Northern Demons----(12-1)--------(2)------#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"---(RC, VNL)--Big game coming up for the number 1 seed. After that they still have the Lights on the schedule.
#3 Whistler Warriors--(11-2)--------(3)-----#12 Da Nang Gang Bangers--(TRD, Alberta)--3 easy games to get to 14-2 to finish the season, but it will be all about the points to win the 3 way tie breaker.
#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"---(12-1)-----(4)---#2 Northern Demons---------(Card, RC)---Recieved a scare from the Hunters, and is now ready to battle for the number one seed with the Demons

-------The Road Playoff teams------------------

#5 Vancouver Northern Lights --------(10-3)----(5)----#13 Ottawa Jaguars---(NCB, North)---The Lights are in the driver seat for the number 5 seed. It is just who will they face in the first round.
#6 Hogwarts Wizards-----------(9-4)-----(7)-------#15 Alberta Mounties-----(Cul, Yellow)---It should come down to the final game for the 6 or 7 seed between them and the Hunters.
#7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-(9-4)--(6)-------#11 Cardinal Redbirds-------(Nuva, Hog)----Tough loss in their last. It would have been a signature win for them. Against #2-#4 the half time scores were 17-21, 17-17, and 21-3. In the second half of those games they were outscored 51-0, 28-6, and 31-6. Should beat the redbirds and then 2 tough playoff teams.
#8 New Cologne Bears---------(6-7)------(8)---------------#14 RC Gladiators--(VNL, DNGB)--This game is important in locking down the 8th seed.

-----------------everybody here is done---------------------------

#9 Montreal Mutants (5-8)
#10 Culver Eagles (6-7)
#11 Cardinal Redbirds (5-8)
#12 Da Nang Gang Bangers (3-10)
#13 Ottawa Jaguars (3-10)
#14 RC Gladiators (2-11)

------Headed down to BBB-----

#15 Alberta Mounties (1-12)
#16 Toronto Red Devils (0-13)

Game of the week:

#2 Northern Demons (12-1) vs #4 Vancouver "Pitbulls (12-1)- When this game and the number 1 seed is on the line they only need one game of the week. Should be an interesting game.

Playoff predictions:

#1 Northern Demons (15-1) vs #8 New Cologne Bears (8-8)-- Demons win

#2 NuvaNut Knights (14-2) vs #7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters (10-6)--Knights win

#3 Whistler Warriors (14-2) vs #6 Hogwarts Wizards (12-4)--Warriors win

#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls" (14-2) vs #5 Vancouver Northern Lights (12-4)--"Pitbulls" win

second round

#1 Northern Demons vs #4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"-----Demons win

#2 NuvaNut Knights vs #3 Whistler Warriors-----Knights win

Conference championship

#1 Northern Demons vs #2 NuvaNuts Knights-----Knights win title
Last edited Jan 29, 2009 08:24:58
Good one crow, thanks!

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